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Everything posted by TheCouchPotato

  1. Sure, Joe Gorga, you bought a run down house so you and Melissa could renew your love for one another… I get that Jennifer is a terrible person for what she did to Evan, but how does he expect Bill to say something bad about his own wife. C’mon now.
  2. With all the money Heather purports to have, she could only afford to “mistakenly” drop a $20? Pffffft. Heather’s Mom should start a show with Ramona Singer “Crazy eyes A-holes that love to talk down to people.”
  3. C’mon now. Haven’t we all had those rants where we call our best friend a whore, her husband a loser, and her kids stupid? No, just Lisa. Ok, but is she really that off?
  4. God, these people (*ahem Heather) are so snobby that it’s sickening. With everything going on in the world, the elitist bullshit isn’t reflecting too well.
  5. Did anyone else vomit a bit in their month when Frank was talking to his daughter about volume level during sex. Just me. Ok. It’s clear that the Jersey men are on sexroids.
  6. Hmmm, Jen shouldn’t move until after her trial - Coach Shah may not need that extra space… Wonder if the crew members did a “Not me” when it came to filming Whitney and her hubby 🤮
  7. How many hints does Dr. Jen need? Her hubby is clearly cheating on her and is madly in love with their chihuahua. MD my ass.
  8. Maybe for some but I don’t think Jen or Jackie’s husbands rely on their income solely. Perhaps for all the Joes and Frank. That being said, the men on RHONJ are such a likable group and could probably pull off their own show.
  9. The camaraderie amongst the men is amazing. They have each others’ back and don’t allow the pettiness of their wives to come between them. Kudos! Me thinks all the talk about Joe Gorga is a facade for having a very small…
  10. Hmmm, if a stack of vaginas can’t keep her husband, then what can? Ugh.
  11. I was half asleep and cleaning my cat’s poop but did I hear Noelle correctly? She gave her husband a vagina stack as a present - what in the world?!? She’s putting Kandi to shame!
  12. I completely forgot about that! Jennie was the one that questioned whether Meredith was at the memorial and somehow weaseled from taking any accountability when Meredith asked. Thank you for the reminder. She’s far from innocent (as indicated by her now deleted FB posts.
  13. Even with captions, I can’t follow these women during their screaming matches.
  14. Ah, you nailed it! JJ with a splash of MJ. Jen Shah gets my vote for one of the most hideous talking heads.
  15. Mary being fully dressed during a massage was hilarious. Looks like she’s a never nude. I love Taco Bell so shut up, Mary. Can we just send Jen Shah to jail already. So sick of her and her storyline.
  16. Right? Haha re: Meredith. They look like a bunch of clowns aside from Whitney.
  17. Of course Jen needs her glam squad. She can’t afford a retainer, and allows her mom to liquidate her retirement, but she has to look good. Also, she needs to stop with the Michael Jackson costumes in her talking heads. All that money stolen, and she can’t find a good stylist. Perhaps Jenny shouldn’t share that she broke her husbands ribs in a fit of anger on national tv.
  18. Rayna, just stop, stop trying to deflect from your awful work ethic. You should have called out Heather immediately versus forgiving her multiple times. You’re full of BS. You also contradict yourself. “I love black love. It’s honestly something people my age need to see.” yet she can’t stop chasing her engaged boss.
  19. Jen is so worried about her family but how many families did she screw over making her millions? God, every time she opens her mouth and starts barking…
  20. Porsha needs to grow up and stop acting so bratty. Her daughter shows more maturity.
  21. I don’t know what turd of a Dad can run off to Mykonos leaving a two year old that was recently diagnosed with autism.
  22. I love Emily talking about how she’s 45 and would rather watch Netflix. I’m in my 40s and Bravo is my go-to. If my husband even hears the Bravo theme, he doesn’t come into the bedroom. Working beautifully thus far…thank you, Bravo.
  23. Haha - totally agree. Absolutely love it as well. Goodman took a very dark, and unexpected turn in the last epi 😬 can’t wait for the next.
  24. I’m watching “Righteous Gemstones” and I can’t stop comparing this to Mary and her church. Seth is lucky - My husband wouldnt have made it to his birthday party if he was constantly complimenting another woman’s breasts. Wtf is wrong with that couple?
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