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Everything posted by AngieBee1

  1. It's action-packed as the other Avengers films, but I liked some of the humor in it which is largely missing from the other films.
  2. I think it will do well considering the last theatrical MCU film was in 2019. Yes, the Disney+ series is filling that gap but I believe people want a cinematic experience. But I don't think it will do crazy numbers because I think there are people who don't want to see a Nat standalone, especially as we know how her story ends so this film has no stakes.
  3. The embargo is clearly lifted as journalists are posting their reactions to the film.
  4. I took the significance of Kablooie just to be that they were in the 16th century and the child had chewing gum, signifying interaction with the variant seeing that would be an anomaly in that timeline. Phase 4 seems to be leaning heavily - if not completely focused on - the multiverse which I don't love because so many plot holes are created when it comes to timey-wimey stuff. Already people are saying if the TVA is about stopping anomalies from being fostered then what about Steve going back to another timeline or Dr. Strange and The Ancient One's talk of different timelines.
  5. "Blue Beetle" is joining "Batgirl" on HBO Max instead of a theatrical run. Additionally, Warner Bros. has mid-budget DC movies on the way for streaming, “Batgirl” and “Blue Beetle.” The tilt toward streaming represents a significant departure from pre-pandemic norms. HBO Max, which had a rocky start when it debuted in May 2020, needs content to convince subscribers to pay $15 a month as it competes head-on with Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video and others. https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/business/story/2021-06-08/can-warner-bros-keep-movie-dreams-alive
  6. Not that I'm not an animal lover - I am, but I don't get affected by movie animals until Wink from "Cruella". It is the only time I have cooed over an on-screen animal. He's darling.
  7. AngieBee1

    U.K. TV

    I am really loving it. Channel 4 always have such bold comedies. Nice seeing David Avery who plays Saira's boyfriend in this. I enjoyed the times he played Freddie Mercury in Sky's "Urban Myths". I watched the first two episodes of THE PACT and decided to wait for a time to actually sit with it and pay attention and I finally got to it. So glad I went back to it. It was fantastic. Loved that the characters that seemed to be ancillary turned out to be vital to the series.
  8. The original run is 9 episodes. ,but because the first episode is over 90 minutes, the U.S broke it up so on AMC it's 10 episodes.
  9. Janet Mock who is one of the show's staff writers and occasional director gave a speech at the premiere party for the final season where she criticized the writers, put F/X, Ryan Murphy and Co. on blast about how little she is paid, had Angel Bismark Curiel who plays Papi stand up and she proceeded to tell the audience that she cheated on him but was going to fight for him and their relationship. Online she had support over how little pay she was receiving considering her job, but others criticized her for embarrassing Curiel. A writer for The Daily Beast was there and did a write-up but everyone was hoping someone recorded it. Surely someone did but just never posted it. https://www.thedailybeast.com/janet-mock-demands-more-pay-for-pose-in-fiery-speech-at-premiere-you-have-stomped-on-us
  10. No fallout that I know of.
  11. Watching the first episode I thought he was Duke Nicholson - Jack's grandson who is also an actor. They look somewhat alike.
  12. It's a Cruella origins story, not a prequel to One Hundred and One Dalmatians (novel, animated film or or live action). That's a distinct difference in feeling that this film is a direct prequel to either of those. It's not. It's building upon the mythos of a character and tying in elements from the other canons. In her monologue at the fountain it tells us who Cruella is. The entire movie does. If people feel that in previous iterations that Cruella essentially is boiled down to just a woman who wants to skin animals, and that is all there is to her then yes, I can see why this film is disappointing. This film gives insight on her drive and diabolical nature. And there is room to show more as her conversation with Jasper shows. Jaspar: She's a homicidal maniac and you're not. Cruella: We don't know that yet I'm still young.
  13. AngieBee1

    U.K. TV

    Watching the new Britbox drama THE BEAST MUST DIE starring Cush Jumbo, Billy Howle and Jared Harris. Good stuff so far. The first two episodes dropped with subsequent episodes every Thursday.
  14. I look at "Cruella" as just another story in a line of stories born out of the original 1956 novel. I never looked at this film as trying to be the actual building block towards any other iteration. I do agree that this works as a "true" story of Cruella and everything else like her desire to skin dogs for their fur is part of mythos built around her. Look how quickly The Baroness' notion that Cruella killed her dogs to make fur made it into the papers? A good story - even if it's fake - sells. But I think many people are looking too literally at this. Especially the Twitter folks who are squicked by the Pongo and Perdita reveal. In the original novel they aren't mates. If there is a sequel I can see Roger and Anita meeting and taking their respective dogs to a dog park where Pongo meets his canonical mate Missis and Perdita's canonical mate Prince. Or not. Again, to me this movie doesn't exist to serve 101 Dalmatians, but moreso Cruella and build out her world.
  15. Yes. Genghis was their mother. They were in a scene together, but didn't interact. Cruella also gives a voiceover about how Roger always blamed her for being fired (though how could she have known he felt that way?) so I think she gifted him Pogo as a goodwill gesture. It's a good guess that a scene was cut. The Baroness did task him with investigating Cruella.
  16. I loved it. An audacious film for a Disney film. This could have been a Touchstone film back in the day. It has a great pedigree behind it with writers from "The Favourite" and "The Devil Wears Prada" behind it. Great fun IMO and doesn't water down Cruella that much.
  17. AngieBee1

    Disney Films

    The film provided Cruella with a sob story but it doesn't mean the character is a sad sack or that her background is the primary reason for why she is the way she is. I think it was very even handed whereas Maleficient's victimhood in the first film didn't sit right with me. I found "Cruella" downright fantastic. I have never even seen any version of 101 Dalmatians but I still knew enough about the characterization of Cruella and her crew to feel connected to the story.
  18. Sony should not have blinked and should have went ahead with their plan to pull Spider-Man from Disney's use. Sony definitely needed Disney's hand to relaunch Spidey. I was on the Sony lot maybe a year before it was announced they were casting again for the role and the only branding they had in their lobby was a large "Ghost Rider" replica. They really didn't have anything to hang their hat on after the fizzling out of their Spider-Man films. With a leg up by having Tom Holland in the MCU films, it made audiences excited about the Spider-Man films again. I don't see how having Spider-Man in future Phases work when now that Sony is building up his own rogues' gallery franchise.
  19. Aaron Taylor-Johnson has been cast as Kraven in the Sony-verse. The film is slated for a 1/13/23 release. https://deadline.com/2021/05/kraven-the-hunter-aaron-taylor-johnson-spider-man-villain-1234764921/
  20. 2:22 starring Michiel Huisman (The Flight Attendant) and Theresa Palmer (A Discovery of Witches). I saw it at a test screening and usually audiences are pretty polite during those because we know we're being watched by studio execs and sometimes the creatives behind the film but there was no stopping the groans and the mutterings of disbelief over how atrocious and ridiculous this film was. And the test portion was worse when people were actually asked their opinions - there was no holding back. Even walking out aftewards someone else who was in the screening stopped me to see if I found it as profoundly awful as he did. It took a couple of years after that screening for the studio to actually release the film with little fanfare. It made $400+ at the box office. I can't believe it made that much. I've seen hundreds upon hundreds, if not thousands of films in the theater and the only one I have ever walked out of was "Year One" starring Jack Black and Michael Cera. I don't think I made it 30 minutes. Astoundingly unfunny.
  21. Irvine confirmed on his Instagram that he's been cast as Alan. I think it's great casting news - Irvine is a good actor. I hope that there will be at least a brief panel about the Green Lantern series during the next DC Fandome.
  22. I once searched for a Youtube recap for Cartoon Network's Young Justice and it was a kid doing the recap and my kneejerk reaction was, "What is a kid doing recapping Young Justice?" Then thought, "Actually, it's more odd that I, an adult, is actually watching YJ and looking for a review about it. There were elements of "Shazam" and "Aquaman" I liked but overall I didn't love either film. But I would prefer a lighter touch like those films and "Wonder Woman 1984" (which I loved) than the dark, morose dingy-ness of the Snyder films. There is a tonal middle ground that can be struck and I hope one day soon WB/DC finds it. They have arguably the greatest superheroes in the world, including the grandfather of all superheroes Superman and I don't understand why they can't crack the code of making a slamdunk of a film.
  23. CBS released the trailer for the American version. I'm biased because I love the Horrible Histories team and just don't feel the U.S version can compare. The trailer itself is awful IMO, but generally it takes 3 episodes for a series to come into its own. I'm willing to get it a try, but I am not expecting much.
  24. So disappointing. I truly loved the song and the performance. It was inspirational which I assumed the public would lean into. I had been hearing that Italy was the frontrunner and I didn't believe it only because to me Maneskin and Finland's Blind Channel sounded so much alike that I figured if people aren't vibing Blind Channel, they wouldn't go for Maneskin. Now I like Maneskin but I really loved Blind Channel. The UK not getting any votes: Brexit or James Newman's song being too pedestrian. I say it's a bit of both.
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