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Everything posted by chitowngirl

  1. Big nitpick-PA public school employees don’t have 401K retirement plans. They have PSERS (Pennsylvania Public School Retirement System). And Janine would already be a part of that.
  2. I have my iPhone set to ring only if the caller is in my contacts. If it’s someone who is really calling me and not in my contacts, they’ll leave a message. Hardly anyone leaves a message…it’s mostly spam.
  3. When Hetty got the phone call, I was sure it was going to be for an extended warranty!
  4. I liked the familiarity that William and Eliza had that only comes from knowing each other many years. It was especially refreshing for the time period.
  5. New Orleans is the only series I watched besides the Mothership, but I gave up on that one when Pride kept seeing ghosts. And I never give up on a series! New Orleans being filmed on location was a plus.
  6. Definitely Fornell! I love it when I see Joe Spanos’ name in the credits.
  7. Maybe that’s why she took the role! 😄 But it would have been fun if she was the killer and watching her in a battle of wits with Elsbeth…
  8. Shouldn’t the office have a business manager? The stuff that Margaret and her assistant are doing is not really stuff a named partner would be doing….
  9. Teams compete in double the roadblocks and double the detours on a megaleg in Argentina. Airs 9:30-11:00 (ET) Wednesday April 17 on CBS
  10. S03.E18: The Bait- The team must stop a student, holding six classmates hostage, from detonating a bomb. I’ve just always like the dynamics of the team in this one and Tony is the lead on the case. S06:E04: Heartland…the one where they go to Gibbs’ hometown and we meet his dad.
  11. I get peeved when I unsubscribe (from legitimate retailers), after a period of time, they start up again…usually around the holidays.
  12. Power always seems to go out at night, when one’s choices of things to do is limited! Thank goodness for headlamps and powerful LED flashlights!
  13. I think a lot of it had to do with the studio system breaking down in the 50’s, billing became important and therefore, fought for. George Lucas needed permission to put credits at the end of Star Wars, something that is common now. Previously, as Netfoot pointed out, credits were at the beginning of a movie.
  14. I would have thought once he sat down on the ledge, it would have be easy to grab him and pull him back…
  15. I found this interesting (at least to me!) rundown of cinema billing.
  16. I thoroughly enjoyed Eugene’s travels through Europe. I like that he didn’t go to the traditional “touristy” places and that he traveled in a style I will never get to do! I feel we would be ideal travel companions, as I would react to trying octopus as he did. 😆
  17. I've been getting those ads where suddenly a thick border appears around the screen, then retreats a bit and the ad pops up from the bottom and covers a third of my screen. There's a little arrow to minimize it and then an x appears so you can close it. Minimized it's about the size of the perma-ad bar that's already at the bottom of the screen (which you used to be able to close.) They're annoying as hell and I mostly have only seen them on this site. It's happened at least three times just while I was catching up on this thread. The new Spiced Coke ad is the one that has been like that lately. There was a Best Buy ad that was like that a while ago. Between those kind of ads, ads in between every post, and the ads that take up the right third of the screen, I can just eke out space to read posts.
  18. Nick is doing a Friends A to Z all April, with 4 episodes having something to do with the letter of the day. So some “rare for Nick” episodes are showing up if they have something to do with the day’s letter.
  19. They should have had Marla Gibbs next to Cricket and Sam putting her two cents in at the softball game!
  20. Jay could go down and maybe she can Merge with him somehow? Or become a temporary Poltergeist? 🤔
  21. While I am also glad to be done with tournaments, it’s weird to see three strangers up there.
  22. On the plus side, I have my phone set to ring only for people in my contacts, so I won’t actually “receive” the call. 😁
  23. I am peeved that a friend just posted this to our group chat, “Just had a mary kay facial. She has your phone numbers and will be contacting you with an offer for a gift card and facial ”. Why?? Just…why?? 😡
  24. I hear you! Our school district is mostly run like a business. Our Superintendent, who did teach, has his Master’s as an MBA, not in any kind of Education.
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