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Everything posted by GaT

  1. Tammy Slaton Says ‘Don’t Come for Me’ in Candy Review on TikTok
  2. I meant to post about this before, but forgot. Anyway, now we know why Kylie decided to release Aire's name now, here's some of the stuff from the birthday party. I bet she's selling these as part of the kids line.
  3. But then Tristan would have to admit to being the father.
  4. I can't read behind the paywall, but according to this TMZ article, the reasoning for charging him now makes sense to me.
  5. Also, Priscilla's name is misspelled in the amendment, which makes it kind of suspicious.
  6. The challenges don't seem to be engaging me as much this season, & I don't know why. I wasn't impressed with the guest judge (also have no memory of her) & didn't see the point of the ruffle. Why does Siobhán keep screaming in Derek's ear? What if he drops something because of her?
  7. It must be something like that, because there is absolutely no way to put a house between the other two.
  8. How is that possible? Kris & Khloe's houses are so close they can see into each other's houses by looking out the window. How is Kyle sandwiching a house there? And WHY???
  9. They can't post (or maybe it's even take them) unless they have the parents permission. The kids all probably have their own accounts at the photo agencies already.
  10. Yeah, I don't hold out any hopes for their hairlines as they get older, none of the girls are going to have a hairline, they're all always in those tight hairstyles.
  11. I wonder how long those kids have to sit while they get their hair done? Do they even want to get their hair done?
  12. Why do the batteries in the smoke alarms, co2 alarm, etc always die in the middle of the night? The incessant beeping makes them impossible to ignore or sleep through. There should be a pause button for a certain amount of time so that you don't have to get out a ladder, climb up it, & change the batteries at 3:00 AM when the chances of you falling off the ladder because you're half asleep are the greatest.
  13. Maybe it's a collab with Ye, this seems like something he would "design" Trying to make up for killing the environment with her 15 minute private plane flights?
  14. I don't think anyone in this family has any real idea what healthy eating is. To them eating healthy is only having a double cheeseburger instead of a triple one.
  15. Nobody seems to be explaining why there were live rounds on the set to begin with. What possible reason could there be for live ammunition to be brought to the set? And who brought them?
  16. Who is styling Siobhán? She looked horrible this episode, it looked like her eyelids were bleeding. And if she ever blew a slide whistle in my ear while I was in the middle of a pottery competition, I would have slugged her.
  17. I'm currently re-reading my Catherine Aird mysteries, in no particular order.
  18. I wonder how it's pronounced? Air? Airy?
  19. Yes, but I bet they don't all squirt canned cheese down their throats while they're still in the car.
  20. I'm sorry, because this is really judgy of me, but I really can't understand what Michael found attractive about Amy in the first place. She's obese, stupid, blind in one eye, & fairly unattractive. Michael is pretty much an average guy, what was it about Amy that he thought "she's the one"?
  21. I don't think he's being charged as the actor who pulled the trigger, he's being charged as the producer of the film set that was unsafe.
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