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Art Of Noiz

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Everything posted by Art Of Noiz

  1. Shes short. She needs something that will hug the road.
  2. Imo, Kody kinda did that, focusing on Brian in S17 episodes. Did that on TeeVee? He told the world.
  3. The Dargers own a construction supply company, and a cleaning company. Not many employees listed, probably the wives. Construction would be pretty lucrative in UT, and in the polygamous community.
  4. If she was very young, and she was, she may have thought thats what ya do. Until I was 18. I thought everyone's Great Grandparents sent a silver dollar in the mail for their birthday. Mine did.
  5. I watched Gwen's rewatch of S1e1 last week. This week, she decided she could rewatch e2/3. Because of lack of content in original episodes. Lol. She recapped, and babbled it all in 26 min. Too funny. The main gold nuggets she dropped were *because of time discrepancies, TLC provided pregnancy pillows for couch convos. *Christine's miscarried male fetus was buried in the back yard of the Lehi plygplex.
  6. It was interesting. I could see in Emily the same communication style Christine and Gwen use. Which is deadpan, but with little eye gestures. When Emily said there was some aggression with the Barbers, I couldn't decide which Barber she meant.
  7. I am very aware of how everyone feels about WOACB. Mesmerized by HER eyebrows, I mostly hate watch her. Today she dropped a 2 hour interview with a daughter of AUB's new prophet, David Watson. This daughter left the AUB community (she calls it cult) and has had a lot of therapy since she left. Big news!! Katie listened!! Didn't talk much, so this interview spilled a lot of tea re: teachings of AUB. It's wild.
  8. Resume by Revisionist Robyn. Finding favor by inserting that which does/did not exist.
  9. Seriously. We need an OG Best Quotes thread.
  10. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for David. Here's my wish list. I hope he's comfortable on film. I hope Ysabel and Truely are shown with their niece Avalon and twin nephews. (I know Mykelti/Tony and their lives, Patreon, etc, but I kind of prefer TLC's editing.) I would love to see Aspyn/Mitch. They faded away after their wedding. AND! Gabe, Garrison, Paedon? I'm going to be watching to see if they are at get togethers a teensy bit baked. (Think bong in the background at Xmas 😃). I want to see Janelle and Savannah. Super curious about their lives.
  11. What Not To Wear. She can be the Fashion Don't Lady. Lol.
  12. I think Meri wanted the big house to store all the LulaRags. She needed an office to do business from. She needed a spare for Leon and Audrey. Bedroom for herself, when she was there. For some reason, I think she thought if she had the big house, family would gather there. Could she have caught a big tax break for working from home? That was true years ago, but I'm not sure now.
  13. Didn't that place have a mil cottage in back? Unfinished?
  14. There's always Amazon drivers. That pays well to start.
  15. I shop at DG sometimes. It's gotta be. I wont go in there if the parking lot is full.
  16. If Robyn got a job!! I moved this from Meri's thread to avoid derailing it. I want to see Robyn working at Dollar General, constantly unpacking boxes, stocking shelves, running back behind register to move the lines. Don't forget to greet each customer, Rubbin!
  17. Yes! Non certified assistant at a child care?
  18. Let's just have fun and decide what jobs she should apply for!!
  19. I wonder how grand Robyn's was. It was a shotgun wedding. Did she wear white? Was Dayton born? Did she nurse at the reception?
  20. I would have taken the phone jic. To call 911. Js.
  21. I think the rag source is Robyn. For at least 8 years, I've thought Robyn's job in the family businesses is social media policing/trolling. She's the junkyard dog since they fell out with Kendra. Jmo.
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