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Art Of Noiz

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Everything posted by Art Of Noiz

  1. Doesn't Lulano have bras?
  2. Applause for your entire post. 🔥 🔥 for Kartrashians.
  3. Well! That's 2 of the Sister Wives that like bananas.
  4. Yes. Just from rewatching, eyes on Janelle, Im pretty sure Janelle hates HATES Robyn. S17 was great to me..Janelle speaking her truth. 😃
  5. Janelle said at least two things. First was in S1 or 2. I can't direct quote, but she said something like" it sure is getting boring around here, maybe we need a new wife" Later, when talking about Mission Statements for the 4 homes she asked what if he added another wife. Then said we weren't expecting Robyn. Robyn said RULLY Janelle? J's truth is coming out. Christine's will, too.
  6. I have wondered if Mitch was being tactful for his family. I'm not sure, but I think his dad is polygamous, at least one of his sisters.
  7. Ha! They ckuld call it The Browns Counting Down. Cut it to a 30 min show. I just made myself lol.
  8. I read somewhere that Aurora is majoring in Astronomy. I can't remember the source.
  9. My gosh, they're peddlin harder than Mr Haney! I know they're worried..
  10. Like his brother Curtis.
  11. I'm not sure if this is the right thread to post this in, but here goes. I found some photos of Winn Brown's family, with a pic of young K. Then I looked at Winn's obit, googled his dad's name, found a pic if young Winn (Gabe looks just like Winn). Winn's dad Alma Brown's obit lists two wives. Iirc, Kody said he was raised Mainstream, his parents commited to living The Principle when he was on his LDS mission. And that may very well be true, but obviously he wasn't unfamiliar with it.
  12. Gosh, what if Leon and Audrey have a girl child? Definitely name her after Kody!! Kodleon. Kleo AudWinn.
  13. We could have side bets, a betting pool to see how fast he would crack. He'll turn red, tug his crispy ringlets and scream JACKWAGON!!
  14. 3am thoughts. 1st pic is real Meri. Angry hair, real jowls. Her emotions are expressed by her hair.
  15. I also smile when I see how good David looks compared to her ex. Heeheehee. Fresh v. Stale.
  16. Oh, shallow sister over here!! I've had the exact same thoughts. I smile when I think them.
  17. I could go town with variations of his name. Kodrine, KodyEtta, KoDell.
  18. Oh she is beautifullll.!!
  19. Congrats to Dayton! I hope graduating with that skill set gives him wings.
  20. I have had this theory for a while, I haven't ever really put it into words. Christine was Robyn's biggest threat. I watched her inserting herself in discussions, plygsplaining. As if she were the spokesperson for Principle Voices. She stated at one point that her ex husband's family "are spiritual leaders in our church". I saw her trying to become royal Christine. Now, I get a lot of satisfaction thinking (hoping) David Woolley is a descendant of Lorin Woolley, has lots of money. Man I hope that guy is loaded. Just because I know that would gnash Tragedy Mask Robyn's teeth! And Grody's.
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