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Everything posted by WinnieWinkle

  1. I had a similar thought when I was watching one of those movies last night and they kept showing this ridiculously (IMO) over decorated house - literally every surface and most wall space had some Xmas themed thing or another on it and I couldn't help thinking how long is it going to take whoever owns that house to take down every damn Christmas themed item and pack it all away! Do people in the real world overdecorate like this? No one I know that's for sure and I know some Christmas fanatics!
  2. Oh absolutely agree but I can't control the news being stressful, I can control how often I get stressed by watching (or reading) the news. Cutting back to once in awhile made a huge difference compared to clicking on news sites every 5 minutes!!
  3. Just when I was really getting back into The View. Now I need to decide if I watch it or just read about it here. Probably check here first to test the water!
  4. This is me. In the aftermath of the US election I was turning to the major news networks constantly - and checking my more local news outlets constantly for Covid updates. As if there was going to be anything significantly new 5 minutes after I last checked. Eventually I realized (duh) that a lot of my stress and anxiety could be tied to turning to the news constantly!! There is no way I would describe what I was watching as fake news but it wasn't exactly new news either. Taking a major step back from all news outlets was a huge help for me in getting through the balance of 2020 relatively calm. Relatively.
  5. Coronation Street actor Mark Eden dies aged 92 Long term fans of "Corrie" will remember the evilness that was Alan Bradley and his oh so satisfying on-screen death! Very sad though to hear of the passing of the actor who played him.
  6. I don't know if there's a connection (I think there is but I never went to the original blog so really not sure) but anyway there is a FB page called "Beyond Little House" - for some reason I can't link to it here but if you search FB with that term you should find it.
  7. I've been avoiding a lot of the on-line places I normally visit (I know we're supposed to avoid getting political so won't name names) but the main reason I stopped isn't because I stopped agreeing with them it's because they were so damn negative. The last few months have been stressful enough - no one needs a constant barrage of negativity - even if it's true. Hmm, especially if it's true!
  8. My mother loved that movie so much and we were able to find it for her on DVD. I'm going to have to go through her boxes (stored in my basement) and see if I can find it. I remember liking it too 😃! Did you ever read the book it was based on? It's good too.
  9. I've really been enjoying the marathon too. We're moving into the last few years now and I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I'm enjoying these episodes. Could be because I haven't seen them to death!
  10. Two "American" food items I've read about all my life are green bean casserole and sweet potato casserole with marshmallows. Some Cdn thanksgiving I'm determined to try my hand at them if only to say I've finally had them!
  11. I saw this one a few years ago so may not be remembering it well but if memory serves her mother was also a widow. And what annoyed me so much was the way the main character didn't seem to have any real understanding that losing a loved one was not an experience that was unique to her! I mean I totally get that she was grieving but the attitude seemed to be "well you lost your husband but you're old (probably pushing 60 so clearly at deaths door) so it doesn't count".
  12. I just saw this one and had the same reaction. I liked it. Not entirely sure why, but it was good enough for me to actually pay attention to the screen. I admit I wasn't impressed when they threw in the usual Big Misunderstanding at the 90 minute mark because I felt the heroine totally overreacted but the movie redeemed itself when they go on to talk about the real reason the writer wanted to bail on doing the story. Definitely made her reaction much more plausible. And I cannot believe I just typed plausible in a post about a Hallmark movie!!
  13. IS this based on a Britcom? I know books and short stories about cat cafes have been popular but didn't realize there was a TV show.
  14. I had never heard of this show until we started getting slammed with non-stop promos for it a few days ago. To be brutally honest the promos are not doing the show any favours. I'll probably tune in just to see Mayim Bialik. I hope to be pleasantly surprised. I'm not counting on it but I'm hoping.
  15. I wondered if the person writing the obituary should have said grandnieces/grandnephews rather than grandchildren. I'd definitely agree that if he had a child or children who predeceased him that would have been mentioned.
  16. IN the last few years I've come to find how many people were actually opposed to the New Deal and hated Roosevelt. I admit it was a bit of a shock! Especially finding this out about people I had respected and cared about through their writings. Sometimes ignorance really is bliss.
  17. I feel the same way but I did watch One Royal Holiday and was pleasantly surprised. Maybe it's because the royal family was "stranded" in small town USA so there really wasn't much emphasis on the fake country they were from but anyway it worked for me. Probably not in the endlessly watch this one way, but I did like it.
  18. I liked the first few years of the series and was glad they had Mary go blind, as of course she did. But when they had her get married and have a child I was out. When it reached a point that my favourite character was Nellie Olsen there was something deeply wrong in Walnut Grove!
  19. Laura Ingalls Wilder wasn't writing a college thesis or a history book, she was writing about her life (fictionalized to a degree for sure, but still very much her life). If she had written her books the way so many posting here think she should have we would not be talking about her or her books because IMO even if they had ever been published (doubtful) they'd never have become classics.
  20. I wouldn't say this year's crop was an undiluted success but there are a few I really liked and some I really enjoyed and can see myself watching again. Five Star Christmas, On The 12th Date of Christmas, USS Christmas, Christmas By Starlight, Love, Lights, Hanukkah, The Christmas Waltz, and A Timeless Christmas are the first ones that come to mind. There are a few I haven't seen yet so may have some to add to the list. The two I really disliked and didn't even finish watching were the new Evergreen one (can't remember the title offhand) and Candy Cane Christmas.
  21. Just saw the Season 4 BBT episode "The Robotic Manipulation". Unless they retconned it later they clearly state in this episode that Mary Cooper does not have any grandchildren to this point.
  22. 2020 totally sucks. I remember seeing them on the old Dick Van Dyke Show as "The Redcoats". Loved them then and still have some of their songs on one of my classic playlists. So sad.
  23. I am incredibly saddened by this. Fitting somehow that someone like Karen, a fighter who surmounted so much in her life, would end up dying in 2020. Because, of course.
  24. I was wondering - do they ever mention in these early episodes how old Fonzie is supposed to be? I always assumed he was meant to be only a few years older than Richie and the gang, especially as he is dating high school girls, but seeing one of the older episodes I was struck again by how, well 30ish, Henry Winkler looked.
  25. I couldn't remember that episode very well and went back and read the discussion we had here about it. Sigh. Pretty much what I expected. The fine hand of Chuck Lorre making sure that we all know that if the marriage breaks down it's damn well going to be the woman's fault. If George is still resentful of something that happened two years ago and was never mentioned again then he needs to man up and discuss this with Mary like an adult. Based on this episode I don't see that happening. What did stand out for me in this episode was the dismissive way George treated Mary - from not bothering to include her in the week-end plans despite knowing the other coaches were bringing their wives, to not telling her what amenities the hotel offered to just plain being mean to her for most of the car ride - she did nothing to deserve that kind of treatment and it was obvious enough to the other coach and his wife to comment on so it's not like we were meant to see this as funny or trivial. It's like they are putting the writing on the wall for the marriage being over.
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