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Everything posted by WinnieWinkle

  1. I lived in Montreal for years and never heard it pronounced that way. I just checked with my DIL who is French Canadian and she says it's typically pronounced the same way you'd say Vladimir Putin - but a lot of people do add an 's' with their 't'. Doesn't make that the correct way to say it though. I so do not miss living in Quebec where there is always an argument raging about language and always a self appointed member of the language police (Office québécois de la langue française) out there ready to correct you!
  2. What I've been getting peeved at for years - and it's way worse now in the pandemic times - are the Moms (and yes IME it's always Moms) who stay home and also homeschool. The gloating when schools went virtual and suddenly parents HAD to essentially homechool was really hard to take! Stay home, don't stay home if you're lucky enough to be in a position to choose then appreciate that don't make it a superiority contest! The SAHM homeschooling Mom I know that really pushes my buttons is the one who constantly complains about how hard up they are because she chose to stay home but manages to always twist that into a humblebrag about how no matter how much she has to suffer it's all for the kids. As opposed to every other parent on the planet who makes choices despite the kids I guess. Ugh.
  3. My radio related pet peeve is I enjoy our local "oldies" station a lot but every day, every single day, they play Seasons in the Sun. I've always loathed that song and it is not growing on me. At all. I totally get the idea that the stations have to play a certain percentage of Canadian music but c'mon people surely there are enough Canadian artists out there so we don't need to hear Seasons in the Sun (the true Debbie Downer of songs) every single day?
  4. What a way to go through life. On The VIew she behaved liked this all while her "side" was in power. Nothing's changed. Would anything actually make her happy?
  5. I was always glad they didn't pair off Phoebe and Joey, not because they wouldn't have been a good match - arguably they could have been - but more because with 4 of the 6 friends paired off by the end it hust would have struck a really false note. I also liked that Joey didn't end up with anyone - felt the same way about Raj on Big Bang Theory - not everyone gets married and it's not the end of the world when they don't!
  6. I keep hoping that with the change in the WH and a re-introduction of civility and common courtesy that the big guns at The View will see that this bullying behavior is so last year.
  7. Because of course it's simply impossible to buy (or make) masks now. Except, well, no.
  8. Same thing happened here in Canada (and probably most other countries). The initial advice about wearing masks changed and the anti-maskers will never stop using that as the reason why wearing masks is wrong (and my freedom and etc etc). Instead of acknowledging that we've been living through unprecedented times and the approaches to dealing with it have evolved they cling to "but last March you said masks aren't needed - you guys are liars". Meghan's the poster child for this attitude. I wish the other women would shout her down more often!
  9. When my daughter started university we had flown back from UK to enrol her, as I recall we did everything in one day - registered for class and then went and bought her books. If there was an orientation we missed it! I guess every university does things differently but in our case given the limited amount of time we had I'm glad it was rushed! That's how I ended up taking Greek history my first semester! It was certainly not by choice! Anyway given that Sheldon is pretty special to the university there is no way he wasn't going to get placed exactly where they want him placed!
  10. It has happened more often than you'd think that someone ends up flying into Sydney, Nova Scotia instead of Sydney, Australia. Being originally from Cape Breton myself I wasn't surprised to read that in most cases if they stayed they were treated royally and the locals made sure they had a memorable - if unintentional - visit.
  11. For me the problem I had was less with his general entitled boss everyone around because I'm Ross attitude as it did with the specific way he treated Rachel. But what bothered me most wasn't Ross, actually, it was the way Rachel ended up essentially rewarding his jerky behavior. Which leads to my answer to the question YouKaiMoe posed, most of the time I did find they had a toxic relationship which I think is mostly down to Ross.
  12. I don't think most of us who find Ross overbearing in this episode feel that way because we don't see a problem with people not being on time for events. I'm married to someone who always seems to start getting ready to leave at the time we are supposed to arrive. Maddening.
  13. That's what bothers me about Ross as a character. Sometimes I did liked him and I give David Schwimmer credit for creating a very nuanced character but mostly I found him aggravating and never found it believable that women like Rachel and Emily would have found him the least bit interesting.
  14. As a Canadian viewer no one who makes decisions is going to care whether or why I watch but I am betting I speak for a lot of people when I say the only way I will become a regular viewer again is if they finally get rid of Meghan. I don't want to hate watch and that's what will happen if she sticks around. For now when I do watch (which is not often) I FF through her semi-articulate rants.
  15. Who was the other guy who was book smart? Chandler? With regard to BBT they do show female scientists quite often and of course Bernadette and Amy who are love interests/eventually wives of two of the main characters are also scientists. But I agree with you, despite that, the show does revolve around the idea of male nerds and Penny who is non 'sciency" and often portrayed (depends on the episode) as really really dumb. Maybe not Joey level dumb, but dumb.
  16. I agree that they were wrapped up in their own stuff and the guys and Monica didn't really care about Ross's event - but the thing is why should they? Ross expected a level of interest and enthousiasm from them that was over the top. When he realized they were goofing off (the guys) or immersed in their own woes (Monica) then he should have backed off and given them the chance to just not go without it being a big deal. That aside though it was his treatment of Rachel that went beyond "Ross is acting crazy, right or wrong let's laugh at this situation".
  17. I'm not convinced any credit is due Meghan or any of the other hosts for that matter. This past year, and especially the last 4-6 months has been unprecedented. Pandemic means a lot more people are home and add to that the craziness around the election and it's not hard to see why viewership is up. Of course, in fairness that should apply to other shows and there are some obvious exceptions so The View is definitely doing something right. Time will tell though really if big raises and contract renewals are a given.
  18. I get that we wouldn't have had an episode without Ross being there slowly losing his mind at the antics of the others but this was what I didn't understand. Did it matter that the others go with him? I haven't seen this episode is awhile so maybe there was an explanation that I'm missing.
  19. My sister had celiac disease and her having to eat gluten free long predated the way it seems to have become a lifestyle choice. For her this was a mixed blessing - it became way easier to find gluten free products in the stores and to get gluten free options in restaurants (yay for gluten free pizza crust) but the downside was that a lot of people assume the only reason you are requesting gluten free is because you've jumped on the gluten free bandwagon and they treat your requests like you're just being "faddy". She ended up sick more than she should have because a server, or someone in the kitchen, figured "gluten, smooten she'll never know the difference".
  20. Agreed. There were lots of funny moments in that episode and David Schwimmer was really chewing the scenery (in a good way) but overall this episode just further cemented my dislike for Ross. First off we see the amazing entitlement of someone who thinks his very non-academic friends not only should want to go sit and listen to a paleontology lecture but should have been ready early and sitting on the edge of their seats just waiting to dance attendance on him! The icing on the cake though was the way he treated Rachel. Which was bad. But then in the end the way she caved in to his bad attitude and basically rewarded him for it just killed me.
  21. FB pet peeve - I've got a few relatives who are constantly updating their status on FB - 20, 30 times a day. That's bad enough. But these same relatives also share the "memories from this day" thing on FB so in addition to their usual 20 or 30 posts we also get treated to that. I've got them on ignore because otherwise I'd never see anything from anyone else but it's still bugs me. If they actually post something I want to see (family news - birth, death, etc) I never see it.
  22. Same here. My parents are mentally very sharp (I sure hope I get those genes!) but they are also 86 and I worry that my Mom in particular will fall for those sketchy adverts on FB or emails that are scams. I have her passwords too and go through things regularly - with her permission I hasten to add! Last time I checked I was really surprised to see names of "friends" pop up on FB that we do not know. Blocked immediately! I've never had that happen on my own FB account - she has macular degeneration and in the last few months her vision has really deteriorated so I can only assume she is automatically accepting friend requests because she can't quite make out the names and just figures it's ok.
  23. Yep and I've yet to notice an older person sitting in public playing a game or watching a movie at full volume. Makes me long for the days when the only self entitled people out there sharing their noise were the idiots with their boom boxes. Well ok I'm lying I don't want that either. What happened to headphones? Are they a thing of the past now?
  24. Yep, the whole battle with Maris ensued and he lost his credit cards and access to the wealth he had been accustomed to because even though he was far from living paycheque to paycheque she was incredibly rich and controlled the purse strings. I thought it was pretty realistic (as these things go) in the way they showed that Niles was well off in his own right but not super rich. He could and did live a good life without Maris's money but not on the scale he had gotten accustomed to. Can't remember now if they scaled back his more luxurious purchases and choices once the marriage was finally over though.
  25. The "I speak turtle" commercial - I have no idea why but it cracks me up everytime I see it. I know it's for pistachios but no idea about who's actually selling them (so commercial fail?) but anyway I need things that make me laugh right now and this one does it for me!
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