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Everything posted by WinnieWinkle

  1. It's like those people who accept any friend request and send out multiple ones themselves because they seem to need the validation of an extremely high friend count. I'm related to a few people who are 'friends' with well over a 1,000 people. That's a lot of so-called friends!
  2. Same. For me knowing YS came on the air before BBT ended suggests they had time to walk back some of the things they said about Sheldon's childhood and family life and they really didn't do that aside from fleshing out what happened in the Cooper household in the immediate aftermath of George's death. Someone upthread said they'd be angry if they change too much about BBT Sheldon because his childhood/adolescent made him the adult he became and I agree with that.
  3. I really wish they hadn't made George so likeable. It seemed at first that they were dropping hints that he had issues - he drank too much, wanted to spend money the kids earned on big boy toys for himself, that kind of thing, but then they stopped doing that and he increasingly came across as a really good guy and they threw Mary under the bus and made her the typical Lorre wife where George was more sinned against than sinning. Now they are going the "poor sad unhappy George" route. So if they stick with BBT his unhappiness with his lot in life will excuse adultery and alcoholism? I don't know if I'd stick around for that.
  4. That would creep me out! We have a lot of snow here so people sneaking around your house is going to be noticed pretty much from December (sometimes earlier) through to end of March (sometimes later). Anyway we had footprints all around the front of our house and going along the side just last week. After a minor freak out we realized they must be the footprints of the person who comes to read the gas meter (we heat with natural gas) and similar footprints were noticeable in other yards. Still for a few minutes there it was definitely a "what the hell" moment and I don't blame you for wondering what's going on!
  5. My pet peeve of the day: people who post things on FB asking others to repost in support of some cause or disease or whatever and always clinch things with "I am pretty sure and certain I know the ones who will". I will tell you right now no matter how supportive I may be for whatever you have posted I will never repost anything especially if you are trying to make me feel guilty if I don't!
  6. I read that elsewhere yesterday as well. That a lot of Limbaugh's rhetoric was to shock that it didn't truly reflect his own beliefs as if that was an excuse. I'm glad the ladies (well most of them) weren't buying that. Somehow it's even worse if you're actually saying the things he said and you don't believe it!
  7. Absolutely. That's why I get so irritated when MM blathers on about "the left" as if anyone who isn't part of her cohort is left. No, no they're not.
  8. Missed the beginning - what happened? Sigh. "The left"? She drives me nuts.
  9. Caught an episode tonight and was reminded of why I used to PVR this show in first run. Endless commercials breaks. It was so bad I actually forgot which episode I was watching by the time the show came back on!
  10. I saw The Sneeze episode tonight where Ray gets sneezed on by a guy at the airport. Definitely an episode that speaks to me more now in the midst of a pandemic than it did on first viewing!
  11. My husband mentioned Limbaugh's death at the office and one of his co-workers had never heard of Limbaugh. I envy him.
  12. I checked recently because I was hoping they might start publishing Betty Cavanna but no luck so far.
  13. A number of years ago I came across Image Cascade Publishing in a search and was able to complete my Beany Malone and Katie Rose collection (Leonora Mattingly Weber). Now thanks to pandemic time I am thinking of getting my Janet Lambert collection filled out. This may cost more than I'm willing to shell out though. Gone are the days when you could pick up a tatty old paperback for a dollar at the local used bookstore!
  14. One of the reasons I like Joy is because she reminds me of a time when it was possible to disagree with someone politically but still be friends with them.
  15. I wasn't sure what 68f was so did a google and it translated to 20c. I live in Ontario - where we have wintry weather pretty much from end of October to end of March (if we're lucky) and usually very cold temps from December thru February. Anyway my default setting on the furnace is 18c. I go up to 20c only when someone complains. 20c is what I suspect is low average for most people and is certainly not going to freeze pipes, kill pets or make kids sick! Honest to god I don't get people sometimes I really don't.
  16. My go to comfort food author is English author Miss Read. She wrote two series one about a village school teacher and the other about the residents of a Cotswold village. I can never decide which series I prefer so I just read them both and enjoy. For me they are like a warm blanket on a cold night.
  17. I was glancing at the headlines on my local news and thought I read " American racist Rush Limbaugh dead at 70" it actually read "American radio host..." but I'm going to stand by my original reading as being accurate.
  18. Well I was taught trigonometry in high school - doesn't mean I actually learned it!
  19. Does anyone know old was Lou supposed to be when the show started? He had seen service during WWII and had 3 married daughters so I had assumed at least somewhere in his 50s but Ed Asner was actually only 41 in 1970. I think he looked much older - even now that I am much older when I watch TMTMS I think he looks a lot older than that.
  20. For me in terms of the Christmas movies there are usually at least a few movies each year that I really enjoy and will watch again and again. But not many. When you think of how many movies get made each year now the percentage that I like enough to put into endless rotation is incredibly small. There are older movies that I love and they are the ones I think of when I say "Hallmark". This Christmas season for some reason the channel that airs these movies here played almost none of the classic older movies and chose instead to endlessly play the new ones. Did they think if we saw them more often we'd start liking them?
  21. It sounds awful! We're somewhat used to power outages here in the winter but it's usually a few hours at most. My husband's family was living near Montreal in 1998 when they had the Great Ice Storm. They were without power for about 3 weeks! It was hopefully a once in a lifetime experience and hopefully that will be true for you as well.
  22. The Downey commercial with the guy who sniffs his laundry and gets taken back in time - what's weird to me is what room is he in? The room is huge and seems like it's a living room but there is a washer and dryer and ironing board in there. Is it meant to be a really big kitchen and you just don't see the other appliances?
  23. I don't remember if this would have applied to Julie or Barbara but child support doesn't always automatically stop at 18 - depending where you live of course. In many jurisdictions if the child is enrolled in higher education there would still be the expectation that the other parent would continue to provide child support but not necessarily the same amount they were paying before. Otherwise I'd put this down to the usual Hollywood writers have no real clue about how alimony and child support work when you aren't really rich syndrome.
  24. I can still remember "back in the day" that one of the best gifts you could give my Mom or aunts was perfume. They each had a favourite scent and it certainly simplified birthdays and Christmas. Fast forward to the present day and I actually know very few people who even wear perfume anymore let alone who would be glad to get it as a gift including my mother. She has a drawer full of Jean Nate (is that even being made anymore?) Nina Ricci, Chanel no 5 and etc. Best gifts for people I know right now in these pandemic times tend to be gift cards to restaurants that offer a take out option.
  25. I'm finding it really hard to watch MASH now. I pretty much won't watch any episodes after Larry Linville leaves - I don't dislike David Ogden Stiers it's just I found the humour was scarce on the ground and things became way too heavy handed. But now I'm also finding the early seasons hard to watch. The casual adultery played for laughs just isn't funny anymore - and the rampant sexism, which considering this is an Alan Alda show is pretty surprising really. That said some of the early episodes I do still have to count among the best things I've ever seen on TV - that first time we meet Col Flagg - loved it.
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