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Everything posted by WinnieWinkle

  1. I wondered actually if they will eventually arrest people like her. Probably not I guess.
  2. Last night's episode was spot on and the conversation between Stephen and Jon - well it got a little teary in my house I have to admit. I also loved the way he called out the deniers who are trying to claim it was an antifa plan. It was so nice to hear someone forcefully point out "hey genius's the guys who did this are BRAGGING about it" and when they showed that sad pathetic woman crying because she had been maced or gassed or whatever and admitting exactly what she had been trying to do and why. Sigh. I actually felt sorry for her but Stephen sure as hell didn't! He didn't hold back at all and good for him!
  3. For me it's on the bus. Well not recently of course! But when I was routinely busing in for work I swear I always ended up sitting next to a woman (not the same one each time) who had to broadcast her personal life over the phone at full volume. Showing off? Oblivious? I don't know but damn irritating!
  4. The neighbours I am referencing have never let the pandemic stand in the way of a social gathering. This kind of behavior has been going on since March. I honestly wish no ill on them but the only way they are going to stop is if someone actually gets Covid.
  5. Aww I liked Caillou and my grandson loved him - to the point where we got him a Caillou doll and lots of books and puzzles. My DIL though (who is French Canadian) loathes him and mainly for the reasons it seems most of the people rejoicing at the cancellation loathed him.
  6. The neighbours who do not appear to believe there is a pandemic have at least 6 cars in their driveway and in front of their house this morning*. I am certainly not going to "tattle" on them but I am channeling my inner Mary Cooper (BBT and Young Sheldon) and observing them with righteous condemnation. My pet peeve here is that I feel like I'm in the wrong for even noticing, let alone caring, what my neighbours are doing! They are ignoring all the rules that have been put in place to try and control this pandemic and yet I feel like a busybody for noticing and caring that they just don't seem to give a damn. Sigh. *Clearly a celebration of some kind as there are balloons on the door and Gladys Kravitz here noticed people going in with gift bags etc. In my defense it's hard not to see stuff happening right across the street!
  7. I thought she chose her words with care - and I appreciated that, maybe if more politicians did that things would not have come to this - and I am not just talking about T**** here. I also thought her anger came out loud and clear. Same here. I was exhausted last night but I stayed up to watch Colbert and I am so glad I did.
  8. Exactly! I want differing opinions but I also want people to treat each other with respect and to drop the attitude and nastiness. It's perfectly possible to have strong opinions and still respect other points of view!
  9. Almost sorry I missed that! If Whoopi would just keep shutting her down I might be tempted to tune in again. What has bothered me up to now is the feeling I have of her (MM) being treated with kid gloves when she absolutely does not deserve that.
  10. Back to playing the victim - doesn't matter to her who's in the White House she's always played the victim card. Yesterday was it for me. I guess I'll be following The View here from now on. Things are divisive enough without watching the epitome of entitlement throw around words like triggering and acting like she represents anyone but herself.
  11. This was the episode that sunk Ross for me. The writers tried to salvage him (a bit) later on - mainly by trying to make Rachel look bad - but that didn't work with me. Ross was whiny, manipulative, jealous and deeply insecure.
  12. And this is why this pandemic will never end. Here in the Ottawa area we were doing so well. I mean off the charts well in terms of keeping our numbers lower than the average. And then came Christmas. Sigh, I guess this qualifies as a pet peeve - but people who think nothing is going to happen to them because...magical thinking?
  13. A rant by my son reminded me of one of my pettest of pet peeves from when I was going into the office (was it really less than a year ago??) Anyway I always work 7.30 to 3.30 and usually due to transportation issues am in the office by 7 most days. I lost count of the times someone has felt the need to comment when I would leave at 3.30 as if I was somehow getting away with something. Of course said in a jokey "just kidding" tone. I've decided if we ever work outside the home again I am going to keep track of the "jokers" saying things so that at 9 when they come into the office I can be sure and make some comment about "better late than never".
  14. Agreed they've had funnier ones but I love the line "the waiter doesn't need to know your name".
  15. Came here to share the love for the wonderful Dick Van Dyke Show but I have to second this comment! I really want to like The Goldbergs but the kids, especially the shouty main kid, just put me off and I can't do it. Anyway did anyone else think about The Redcoats episode with the recent passing of Chad Stuart? I loved that episode when I first saw it when I was 6 and I still love it. The Twizzle? Not so much :).
  16. Came across this thread and the first "hell yeah" moment that comes to mind is from the original One Day at a Time. Julie has run away with her boyfriend and when Ann tracks her down and begs her to come home Julie agrees but only if Ann concedes to a list of demands. Ann looks around the seedy motel room her daughter is staying in and then says "Fine then Julie, don't come home." I was a teenager when I saw this for the first time so you'd think I'd have been on Julie's side. No way! Still love Ann Romano for drawing that line in the sand!
  17. So funny. This is exactly how I feel now too. They've started re-running it here and I just can't get into it at all. Not sure if it's me 20 yrs older or if the show itself is just dated but in keeping with the topic of this thread - I have no interest in revisiting the "we were on a break" crapfest and there were so many scenes (interestingly usually involving Ross) that I just can't watch anymore. I hate that they tried to make his jealous tantrumy behavior acceptable.
  18. I just rewatched Window Wonderland (again) and still love it but two things struck me - and this is common to most of these movies - first the windows. Honestly, they were, well, not good. Yet there is this big fuss over most of them as if we're seeing "great art" and we're just not. They're pretty bad or pretty bland. Second the feel good ending -- why are they unveiling windows on Christmas Day? I mean I get that they want to attract customers for the after Christmas sales but really? Crowds of people have nothing better to do on Christmas Day morning than look at windows at a closed store? This second one is the one that truly bugs - how often do we see these movies focus on big adverting promotions for Christmas that have to be done by Christmas Eve? I mean seriously? Christmas adverts in the real world can start as early as September! And definitely not the week of Christmas itself!
  19. This must be a US thing - or anyway this is not the basic cable experience I've ever encountered. Here basic is pretty basic! We will get the local Canadian channels and the major US channels (ABC, CBS, NBC and a PBS station). We get some local access and parliamentary type channels (who watches these???) and because this is Canada we also get some French language channels that pad things out to a heady 25 channels for basic cable that means you really only get about maybe 10 channels you would ever actually watch! And this is, of course, priced so that upping from basic is "only" about $20 but you actually then get channels you'll watch. It's well thought out. Don't blame them for that. But it's a pet peeve for sure!
  20. I'm not entirely sure why people do this but I notice it in our local obituaries all the time. So sad. I guess I am going to have to get used to losing the musicians that came to fame when I was a little kid.
  21. Yeah I totally feel like those of us cable hold outs are being punished in some ways! Way more commercials to sit or FF through when we're watching and higher bills for less coverage. I mean do the cable companies actually want to keep our business? We're not quite ready to give up cable yet but honestly I know very few people anymore who still have it and we're getting closer to pulling the plug ourselves.
  22. The only M.M. Kaye books I've read are her mysteries. It's been a few years but I remember them as being quite good and, if dated, dated in a not "oh my god what the hell am I reading" way. I'd recommend them.
  23. I know some pretty big US sitcoms were based on British comedies (Sanford and Son, Three's Comany and All in the Family come to mind) but in terms of more recent offerings I can't think of any that I watched (never saw The Office) that I felt worked. I read somewhere that Cybill was based on AbFab. I never saw that connection. At all. And it sounds like this may be the case here as well. Very, very loosely based. Time will tell if it stands on it's own but like you I didn't get the connection to Miranda until someone here clued me in.
  24. We moved out of Ottawa last year and lost TCM with the change in cable service. None of the movie channels they offer now is even remotely comparable. I used to complain about Rogers (I guess we always complain about whoever our current cable provider happens to be) but they are so much better than the service we have now! Which I could forgive a lot if at least we could get TCM!
  25. Calling customer service to change anything about your account is like buying a car. You are forced to go through "the dance". At the end of it all you will pay exactly what they intended you to pay when you initiated the whole thing but they will act like they are doing you some huge favour that takes hours of their time to research and negotiate. So frustrating.
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