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Everything posted by riley702

  1. I'm watching now! I couldn't believe she only had 5 as huge as she was.
  2. I wonder if it was in response to the crazy population explosion that was causing millions in damages? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbits_in_Australia
  3. Argh! Happened today coming home from my Mom's. I was on the cruise control, moving over to the left lane to pass when coming up on a slower vehicle and then getting back over, when this car buzzes up behind me in the left lane, and then... matches my speed, just far enough back to fuck me up when I approach one of those slower vehicles. So I speed up considerably, get far in front of him and pass several slower vehicles. By the time I'm back in the right lane, he's about a mile back. And again, he zooms up in the left lane, but doesn't go on past. There is no traffic in front of him in the left lane. He just settles in off my back bumper, again fucking me up as I approach slower traffic I can see about a mile ahead. I again speed up, get out in front of him well before those slower vehicles, pass them and get back in the right lane. He doesn't keep up with me when I do that, but when I'm out of sight, he's a speed demon until he sees me. Thankfully, the third time, one of those slower vehicles pulled in front of him and kept him from tailing me. My exit came up and I was out of there. Dude, don't block me in by hanging just off my back bumper in the left lane! It was bad enough that he messed up my peaceful cruise control. It almost felt like he was messing with me on purpose instead of just not paying attention.
  4. She probably is closer to the satellite with no landscape obstructing the signal.
  5. Aww, he's not that bad! And I laughed when I noticed that the bartender's hair and clothes changed, too.
  6. That is hilarious, and I'm promptly stealing to put on Facebook.
  7. @Sandman87, I'm sorry. That has to be so difficult. How is your Mom dealing with it?
  8. Flying down the ending lane and then trying to force himself in front of the furthest car possible isn't being a zipper, it is definitely being an asshole.
  9. You could throw it at a burglar! If they're close, hold onto the cord so you can pull it back and throw it again. If they grab the cord, let them have it and be sure and tell police they attacked you with an iron.
  10. I'm the same with a lane of traffic that is ending and everyone knows it. I may let a semi over, as I'm going to assume a lot of cars won't let them merge, but the asshole who runs down the ending lane to try to slam in front of the line is going into the ditch if it's me. And I will take enormous pleasure while doing so.
  11. Phoebe Jo once caught a chipmunk from the culvert across the road and brought it to the backyard to play with it, where she lost it. She chased it up this enormous, skinny poplar tree where she sat in the center and the chipmunk sat out on a spindly branch. Took the cat 2 hours to give up and come down, and the chipmunk didn't come down until dark, when Phoebe was back inside. Bipolar* kitty, Pippi, likes it out in the garage, where she intercepts mice coming in. Over the winter, she killed 3 and left the dead bodies on the doormat. She also gets into the crawl space from the half-basement, where we can hear her running along the square aluminum ductwork. We'll yell, "Pippi's in the pipes!" She has brought a good half-dozen dead mice upstairs to show off in the past year. *She hasn't been right since day 1, when she was brought into the shelter by someone who found her dumped in their driveway out in the country. My SIL, Paula, bottle-fed her and kept her. She has gotten worse as she's gotten older, so we started her on liquid Prozac a few weeks ago. The vet says it could take a couple of months to see results. Paula won't take her back to the shelter because she's afraid she'd be promptly euthanized. It would take a very special person to take her and she'd have to be an only animal, as she randomly picks fights. She will also randomly nip at people, so if she flops down in your path, don't bend over to pet her. It's a set-up. If you step over her and keep walking, most of the time she will run after you to nip at the back of your leg. *sigh*
  12. https://www.facebook.com/hester.harrell/videos/1512366528874881/ I couldn't get it embed properly. But, these guys took a bicycle apart, taped it back together, propped it against a tree waiting for someone to steal it and filmed the results...
  13. Nah, she's almost asleep. I had given them a dose of their pain med.
  14. Well, Wren not only got hers off again, but I can't find it! And I took Pearl's off so she could snuggle.
  15. The girls are home and not happy about their cones even with pain meds (Torbugesic). They're awfully good at getting them off even when I think I have them too tight.
  16. No, you toss them in as you start the machine and they promptly dissolve. The rinse water removes the last trace of it.
  17. Just dropped off Wren and Pearl for their spay/microchips. And completely forgot to take pics of them like I had planned. *sob* My babies are growing up.
  18. I have always fed my cats on paper plates, but since moving in with my brother and his wife, she always uses china plates and then washes them in the dishwasher. She was pleased when I introduced her to bleach tablets, as you can just toss one in and sanitize everything. As I had lived alone, it would take several days to fill the dishwasher and I always worried about germs. You can also use them in the washer. A bottle lasts a good while and are beside bleach in the laundry aisle around here. When my SIL's niece was staying with us, she fixed a lot of seriously stinky food and stored them in plastic containers. They often still smelled after hand-washing, so the bleach pills in the dishwasher fixed that, too! ETA: A girl at work washed her clogs in the dishwasher, too.
  19. Right? If it's brand new, how would you know?
  20. I write "Puffs" on the shopping list. I also use the word "google" and I DO use Google. I'm pretty good at searches and will brag about my "google-fu".
  21. The cat just wanted you to hurry up!
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