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Everything posted by riley702

  1. I have to confess I like Wendy's baconator fries, but they're more of a meal than a side.
  2. So did my sister and I in our teens! LOL. So, about 40 years ago. We were making the family recipe for brownies which starts out by melting butter in the metal cake pan, thus buttering the pan as well. Mom had just gotten a Pyrex cake pan and we weren't smart enough to realize a burner would heat only part of a cake pan, and that unequal heat would make it explode. Glass and melted butter everywhere! We got the shards cleaned up before Mom got home, but the floor and countertops were... shiny, so we had to confess sooner rather than later. And buy her a new pan, of course.
  3. That blows my mind! I had no idea those pain patches were so variable.
  4. In a lot of states, that's legal. http://www.orderofthegooddeath.com/resources/natural-burial
  5. Pearl has been on a comfort-nursing jag recently. Not just the odd bit of fuzzy cloth, but on your shirt. Paula has been the usual "target", but this morning, I woke up to Pearl snuggling up to me and then enthusiastically nursing on my shirt. The front of my shirt is wet and rumpled, but I have to say this is the Best Wake-Up EVER! She's been back for seconds and thirds. She is such a love bug!
  6. We have dogs and cats. There is a dog-sized water bowl and food bowl combo, slightly elevated, with a dish towel underneath it. The cats go help themselves. The kittens climb up on the elevated rim to drink, and one of the adult cats likes to stick her paw in, lick it off, and repeat. I have a glass water bowl in my room for my kitties, and the kittens come help themselves there, too.
  7. @bilgistic, your girls are gorgeous! You're so lucky to have them. @walnutqueen, your story reminds me of a couple of videos I saw recently. Short backstory: "Grandpa Mason" is a grizzled former feral who was brought in by a rescue for treatment of terminal renal disease. The sweet surprise is that he adores kittens. Whenever they have rescue kittens on the video feed, they let them interact with Grandpa Mason and he lets them nurse on him. It's pretty darned adorable.
  8. Huh. Totally didn't get that, but it sounds good.
  9. Last set of kitten shots! They are about 16 wks old now. Finn is the largest and gets snipped on the 30th. Pearl is still just barely bigger than Wren. Wren is the smallest. But possibly the smartest. She thought that maybe staying in the carrier would make the vet overlook her. No such luck! Pearl the long-legged beauty. She's come a long way in the past 2 months. She has a slight kink in her tail, and she whips that thing around like she's using it to talk.
  10. @Barb1959, I'm so sorry. I do wish they lived longer.
  11. In brighter news, tiny runt Pearl is blossoming into a long-legged beauty. I'll post pics later, but right now, she's loving on me. She LOVES people - you come near her, and her face lights up, she starts purring LOUDLY, loving and rubbing on you. She is the happiest thing all the time.
  12. RIP, Rosie. My Mom's 20+ yr-old outdoor kitty died yesterday. She was Dad's cat, and he died in 2003. She's been fading since autumn, but she's so skittish that we felt taking her to the vet would traumatize her. I didn't want that for her last memory - screeching in terror. Mom agreed. Over the weekend, my nephew found her shivering on the porch instead of tucked away as usual and he and Mom made a towel nest for her. She was unresponsive later, so Mom brought her in. Normally, she'd protest, but she didn't. She spent her last day warm, refusing food or water. She was a terror on the local mice, moles, voles and rabbits. Frolic at the Rainbow Bridge and Dad should be along shortly to get you. <3 <3 <3
  13. I wear a 12-14 Misses, but when I saw a Facebook ad for some cute tunic tops and clicked on it, ran into the same thing @backformore did. Ended up buying a 5XL and it fits and I love it, but come on! And most of the stuff didn't come in 5XL. Their loss - I would have bought more stuff if they had.
  14. Watching the Kenda marathon with my soon to be 82 yr-old Mom. She's chuckling at his dry delivery and likes the "Well, well, well" line. She has Dish, but had no idea the ID channel existed. We may have a new convert!
  15. She really is. My cats aren't, and I remember the year I bought bat wings for Swiffer and an angel outfit for Lucy. So of course Swiffer sat there angelically, while Lucy did alligator death-rolls across the floor until she'd pulled off the costume and killed it.
  16. Mentioning peter a lot, along with creamy, easy to digest, helping you grow at night. It all went to a very 12 yr-old part of my brain.
  17. Two tribes until the merge, but shuffled every other week.
  18. Why does that patter sound so suggestive? Probably because innuendo is everywhere today, and it really was a more innocent time when this was filmed.
  19. Ha! We saw the same sale and are getting them for Mom for Christmas!
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