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Everything posted by riley702

  1. All it really means is a lot of European ancestry. I have more than 88% of the people on 23andme. So what?
  2. I'm so sorry, @tiftgirl. Make as many good memories as you can. I hate losing a fur baby.
  3. I wouldn't want a child to be miserable if there are safe alternatives. Not just for me, but for them, too.
  4. Yeah, you always hear the horror stories about Craigslist... usually on the crime channels.
  5. YES, @tiftgirl! Those kittens are so freaking cute, @bmasters9!
  6. I can't shower every day. I dry out and itch like mad. So I supplement with quick wash-ups in the sink.
  7. I usually do, too. But I de-fur my pants with a lint roller.
  8. I just realized "Dr. Oakley, Yukon Vet" has been renamed "Wilderness Vet". When did that happen? I had my recording set for the first title and hadn't been getting anything.
  9. I should stay out of this, but you both believe if there was a note, it wouldn't be made public by Ripert. What are you agreeing to disagree about? I'm confused.
  10. I took it @SunnyBeBe was saying he would keep it private, if he found a note.
  11. I hate this! They tell me one time, and then when you get the automated reminder the day before, they always bump the time up at least 15 minutes. And I have repeatedly told them, "Tell me when you want me there from the start." And they never do. Pisses me off. Say what you mean.
  12. Or the "Mommy! Mommy! I see a bug!" dance.
  13. Yuck! I tell the girls, "If you find a bug, kill it. If you kill it, eat it. If you eat it, it ALL of it. No cricket legs in the bathroom!"
  14. She was born in a no-kill shelter and constantly schlepped back and forth from the foster to the shelter in hard-sided carriers, and then in cages for adoption events on the weekends. By the time I got her at 12 wks, she'd HAD it.
  15. They always seem to find a way. Then we have to let them gorge on poison and take it back out, so we clear out a spot, try to keep them from overflowing that spot and wait for them to gorge and leave for a day or two. Then everything gets cleaned and sterilized. And we're good for the summer.
  16. ARGH! We went through that a little over a week ago.
  17. Swiffer has issues with hard-sided carriers. The first time I tried to put her in one, she drew blood and was across the room in 0.01 seconds. Only soft-sided carriers now.
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