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Everything posted by riley702

  1. Relatives, medical taxis, hire someone you and your family trust...
  2. I don't, either, because I hate onions and garlic. I'll splash some vinaigrette I've made myself with raspberry juice or balsamic splashed in. I'm pretty anti-salad, actually and would rather get some baby spinach from the store when I'm in the mood. At a salad bar situation, I'll base my salad on cottage cheese, because I fucking love all forms of dairy and am happy I'm not intolerant. Cottage cheese, bacon bits, cheese bits, sunflower seeds and a few crackers - yum!
  3. Hilarious, but simultaneously scary as shit. So many drivers think they're the only one who matters, so people should get out their way instead of, ya know, actually driving and paying attention. I'm so tired of people totally not paying attention until the last 5 seconds and then plowing across multiple lanes no matter who else is on the road.
  4. I had a fight with my college boyfriend at a party where we didn't actually know the hosts. He LEFT me there. The hosts put me up for the night, fed me breakfast and took me home safely. And taught me a great lesson in how I should have been treated by the bf. He still doesn't know what made me kick his ass to the curb and never look back.
  5. No answer to that. I just know I wasn't even close to fit to be in a relationship until my 30s, and by then I kinda liked doing my own thing. In retrospect, I would have screwed up marriage and kids, so I'm at peace with that not happening. Fewer life regrets.
  6. My brother and SIL are going with me. No decisions will be made. We know to double-check what they tell us because they work for my boss, not me. We will follow up with Social Security and probably a lawyer, although picking a good one will be important. And I am forbidden from driving until September.
  7. PLANS! Next Wednesday will be busy. We meet with 4 disability specialists from work between 1000 and 1100 to ask questions and gather info. 12:20 is radiation, followed by a meeting with Dr. Dugan, who will give me official notice of a year or less to live, which will let me start disbursement funds from work and filing for permanent disability. If I live longer, that can be readdressed, but my 401K disbursement will not survive me. Early life insurance payout will let me pay off my car, funeral and headstone. Then we'll go eat lunch, because I have a 3:00 appointment with Dr. B., the chemo doc. Let him know what's going on, etc. I think Dr. Dugan will want a PET scan after these initial 16 radiation txs. I need to start writing down questions for Wednesday. ETA: And I just messaged one of the funeral homes in my home town to tell them I will be using them, but I need to wait for insurance disbursement to plan and pay. The wife of the director there was one of the neighbor kids/friends growing up and I always liked them. Her younger sister works for the cemetery in a nice bit of symmetry. I let her know I already have access to a family plot there. I'll take care of the stone in advance, too, because I want the lady who did my parents' to do mine, too.
  8. OH! That's what they're from! I only had a half-dozen, didn't remember any of them and couldn't figure out how to cancel my accounts. I just deleted them and they'll eventually leave me alone.
  9. I called that lady 3 times today and she finally called me back just before closing. We will meet with her and three others for an hour next Wednesday, so we all need to start writing out questions so we can gather info. Finally.
  10. I've called the disability lady multiple times, but she never calls me back. ARGH!
  11. Ack, my brother had a freak-out tonight and it kinda made ME freak out. He's the nicest sibling I have, but he's a paranoid conservative. He can try to be controlling, and was upset that I want to file for permanent disability now instead of riding out short-and long-term disability as long as possible. I told him I only get 60% of my base pay. That's 14.4 hours a week, no extra money for shift diff or weekend pay, plus I'll be responsible for hundreds for my health insurance. I may not clear anything, and that does not work. With a terminal diagnosis, I can cash out my life insurance instead of converting it to an individual policy and pay hundreds to keep it active. I can also start collecting my 401K, which does not survive me. He thinks I'm taking bad advice and wasting money. I need to be collecting as much as possible for as long as I have. He and my SIL can share what's left and even keep my car as a backup. My SIL is pretty unhappy with him, but isn't starting over after 35 years and 4 kids. I told him he can come along and ask questions, but he is not making this decision - I am. He doesn't deal with "stuff" well and told me the best thing he does is delay decisions as long as he can. I told him I don't have years. I think he has convinced himself I'm going to last years. Even if I do, still want money, not to lose money.
  12. Mom was so good this week. She has hired a lady to clean her house every 2 weeks for $40! She'll also change her sheets and clean the inside of the windows. She also has a guy coming over this week to discuss installing a walk-in shower, so YAY, Mom! This weekend, we are going down to drill drain holes in her bird bath. We'll fill it with succulent dirt and succulents.
  13. There's a local unsolved pair of homicides I want to see explored. They are referred to as the Delphi murders. A 13 and 14 year-old pair of friends went hiking on a local trail converted from a dismantled railroad track. We have a lot of them here in Indiana. Indianapolis' Monon Trail is over 100 miles long, has been paved for bikers, cyclers, and skaters, as well as hikers and has quite a few businesses built to service folks with food and drink. There is also a police presence. Delphi's trail is more rural and isolated, but the community was so small and "safe", no one thought anything about dropping the girls off and coming back in a few hours. Call if you want to leave earlier. The girls weren't there or answering their phones and police found them murdered the next day. One of the girls was smart enough to snap 2 pictures of a man following them, and when he forced them off the trail, she recorded his voice ordering them, "Down the hill." Hopefully, it will help. They've used this info to eliminate suspects, and say there is more info they are not revealing. There are a few people on You-Tube I support through Patreon (about $5/month each for 4 of them), and one said he already had this story on his radar and will put out a video in future.
  14. Lucy's shelter name was Linda, which I A. didn't think sounded like a cat name, and B. I have a sister named Linda. Swiffer's shelter name was Penny, which I had no objections to, but my brother had a cat named Penny at the time.
  15. I called my boss today and told her I plan to file for permanent disability. I have a 401-K that will supplement it, and with a terminal diagnosis, I can get my life insurance paid out before quitting. When everything is lined up, I'll get Rita a formal resignation/retirement letter. She wants me to come in later this summer for a farewell, and I'll bring her my badge and parking permit. Plans are good and I'm making lists.
  16. I once messed with people at work paranoid about recordings of us chatting because no one would rat on the troublemakers. I hung a small wire out from under the corner of a ceiling tile. I took weeks for anyone to notice, but turns out the troublemakers were most freaked and revealed themselves complaining. The boss saw the wire and burst out laughing. I never did get caught, and we knew who to be careful about after that. God, it's like we worked in kindergarten.
  17. I'm seeing a expansion of Lucy's limits. For a year, she and Swiffer have hidden in the back two bedrooms/bathroom separated from the rest of the house by a baby gate. She did NOT like me being gone from Thursday to last Wednesday. She has decided she will jump the gate and keep track of me. Swiffer won't jump yet, but wants the gate open to keep track of me also. Aww, my babies!
  18. I will schedule an appointment soon because the nails on my big toes are jacked. I need to know if I just need to write them off and shellac the hell out of them from now on. Now that I'm going on disability, I can do that to my nails now, since I'm not in contact with patients anymore. And get rid of the chemo ridges on my fingernails that bug me.
  19. My SIL shaves down her Golden every spring and puts the hair out for bird nests.
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