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Everything posted by riley702

  1. I HATE the Biellman spin. And I'm beyond sick of its overuse. I know I'm supposed to see this graceful tulip shape, but to me, it looks vulgar and trashy.
  2. One of my favorite routines! Thanks for that. The romance between Isabelle and Christopher Dean didn't hurt here with his fabulous choreography for the siblings.
  3. Speaking of the '88 Olympics, one of my favorites did poorly there (Kurt Browning, eighth place), but he must have peaked just a bit later that year, as just a month later, he landed the first quad jump in competition. One year later, he started his 3 year run as World Champion. I loved his footwork. He was the personification of grace and strength. This is one of my favorite of his performances, in '97. He did 3 double axels in a row and his footwork is unreal.
  4. Yeah, the only one that even comes close in my memory was a killer who not only left his victim(s) in a barn, but he wrote on the road outside the barn and left flowers.
  5. This. Considering how many people have been killed or injured by idiots throwing/dropping things off overpasses, etc., it's very irresponsible.
  6. I just looked it up and had no idea how easy and quick it is! Thanks.
  7. I always roll my eyes and say, "Well, you didn't, bitch. What are you going to do, divorce him?" Stupid woman. Although they may have written the line for her. In which case, she should have refused to say it.
  8. I think it's just a lazy "rhyme/substitution" for day.
  9. There is a fabulous local bakery downtown that opens at 0600 and by the time you pick them up and bring them in, they're still warm! OMG, they're orgasmically good! I love you. Also hate people saying, "take it personal" instead of the correct "personally"!
  10. I actually passed this on the way to work a couple of hours later. The interstate (the other side) was completely shut down for the investigation. No one knew until several hours later what had happened and it was a big shock. It sounds like both men died instantly, thankfully. Ironic that Jackson had employed an Uber driver to get home safely, and yet was killed by someone who should have employed an Uber driver themselves.
  11. The only notables I remember were the Blizzard of 1978, where we were stuck in our house for 6 days due to enormous drifts. Dad finally tunnelled out to the tractor and plowed the driveway and shoveled the walk because the 4 of us (all teenagers) were driving him and Mom crazy. Before school resumed, we ice-skated on the road. And we got sent home at noon on the first day of the Super Outbreak of tornadoes in 1974, and stayed out the following day. The closest one to my town was 25 or 30 miles away, but I just looked up the stats and there were 148 tornadoes in a 24 hour period (30 of them F4 or F5) that killed over 300 people. Strangely, I wasn't terrified, but I was hyper-vigilant about watching the sky. And dancing and twirling around in the yard (until Mom would yell at me to come back inside) as I first discovered that "tornado weather" - greenish skies and very windy - makes me giddy with excitement. Still does. I do wonder if it's due to changes in the barometric pressure and/or negative ions building up in the atmosphere, which can increase serotonin levels in the brain.
  12. Finn flew through his neuter without incident. No cone of shame, as they shaved just enough fur for a small incision and then closed it with skin glue. He acts as if he has no idea anything was done, no problems in the litter box, etc. The vet wants to wait a little longer for the girls since we can (indoor only and the only male now fixed) - at least to 6 months. I shared small bits of white meat chicken out of a sandwich with the kitten fiends and Wren went bonkers! Started growling and flinging her paws out at anyone remotely close to her, while eating as fast as she could. It was so funny! Pearl has about caught up to Finn in size, which is amazing. She has become a little imp as well. My SIL found her carrying the stopper out of my bathroom sink out in the living room - didn't even know it came out! She also found a fidget spinner and attacked it with glee, spinning it around as she smacked it and pounced on it. My brother has completely fallen for the little ones, carrying Wren around a lot as a favorite.
  13. This was my first thought. What would wood putty do to a dog's gut? Could it stop things up?
  14. I love the Duluth Trading Company commercials, too.
  15. Oh, yes. Legs shoved as far apart as they would go. I was foolish enough to look at graphic images.
  16. I bought one for my Mom and felt obligated to try it first. And I liked it! I'm keeping this one and will order Mom another one. ETA: Has anyone tried that reusable pet hair remover? The one where you clean it by inserting it back into its base? And then dump the hair out of the base? It looks good, but I wonder if it really is.
  17. I seem to have missed this one. Link? Please and thanks.
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