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Everything posted by riley702

  1. Grr. One would be... devastated if it got a scratch.
  2. Sounds like a good excuse to get the car detailed.
  3. I don't think they do, because in the show's first season, there were conversations with his daughter over him cutting a fine line, while he scoffed and said he had no desire to be rich.
  4. And shove that damned pen up your... pick an orifice.
  5. https://www.bustle.com/articles/73878-where-does-yaaas-come-from-heres-the-story-behind-the-internets-favorite-expression-of-excitement
  6. He's low-cost, because he wants the animals to get the care they need.
  7. My late aunt shot her husband back when I was little. Didn't kill him, but he lost an eye, and walked funny afterward. She married him as a rebellious teenager wanting to leave home, and quickly found herself with a baby, pregnant again, and with a husband who was a mean drunk who cheated on her and then slapped her around for complaining. One night, she'd had it after the latest fight ended with him saying, "What are you gonna do about it?" She waited until he fell asleep and shot him. She spent a year in prison because she was a minor, and another aunt raised the second baby. Her husband was waiting for her when she got out - to whisk her off on a second honeymoon! Neither was none too bright. ETA: I don't whether it's more funny or pathetic that she only got a year because she was a pregnant minor and it was her first offense. This was over 50 years ago.
  8. They were trying to get you to say "Yes", which they record and then use to "prove" you consented to some charge.
  9. https://www.thekitchn.com/this-is-why-some-carrots-taste-soapy-222090
  10. @peacheslatour - You may have a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap. Some do, some don't. Nothing you can do about it if you do.
  11. That would change you for the rest of your life! No way it couldn't affect everything from then on out.
  12. Nope, I love it. Especially large curd.
  13. I didn't look it up, but assumed it was something like "fat apron".
  14. Bad news - Tesla, baby number 2 and a tortie girl, started going into heart failure and was euthanized early this afternoon. Bentley, a black and silver boy tabby, and Allie, a calico tabby girl, also rec'd tests and are fine.
  15. I wonder if it has to do with selective breeding? We make them bigger for more meat, and then the cows can't get them out.
  16. Thank you, I was just coming here to post that. #3 still hanging in there!
  17. Consuela is doing well, and they had to spay her because her uterus was falling apart. There were 4 kittens. The two in the middle are fine, the first and last have anasarca, a major birth defect. The first was already dead, and the last is struggling and not expected to survive. Everyone staying at the hospital overnight.
  18. One quick update was that they snapped a quick x-ray and the kittens are "giant" and she could not have pushed them out herself. So, if she hadn't been found and brought in, she would be dead or dying. :( Now just waiting for how many and what colors.
  19. The first pair of TinyKittens went home yesterday. B. Rex and Nakia were flown to the San Francisco area. Next Friday, it's Brie and Fontina's turn, but they'll head north to the Yukon. This evening, Princess Consuela went into labor, but after over 2 hours of progressively weaker pushing, she was scooped up to go for an emergency C-section. We're still waiting for news, as they left about 45 min. ago.
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