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Everything posted by JayDub1987

  1. I completely lost interest this season, but I think it's got a lot to do with the fact that people really just don't wanna see anyone be told that they need to do better. We've devolved into a society where if you're not gonna tell me how amazing I am, don't talk to me at all. The coaches on this show and the judges on American Idol do nothing but rah-rah these people, regardless of what needs to be worked on. I watched the earlier part of this season before I zoned out, and from the POV of someone who has a working knowledge music and recording, there were several teachable moments where the coaches just told the contestants how great they were. If good TV is the goal, this wasn't it.
  2. Why was it surprising? Ever since they started this whole storyline with Tess, she's been a self absorbed jerk. They've gone above and beyond to make sure that she acts like every word, every look and every action is an assault on her relationship with her they-bey. If they were trying to make me like a character less than I like Kate, they nailed it with Tess.
  3. LOL, I'm sure I'll feel the same way. But during quarantine, I was wondering if I could get my (then 8 year old) into college early hahaha
  4. Yes! I'd lay down my life for my kids, but when you've got an 11 month old screaming and a 9 year old really likes being the center of attention, it can get stressful. Toby didn't say anything that we haven't all thought. When I was 20 (and still living at home) my dad looked at me one day and said, "So, when do you plan on moving out?" lol
  5. Hell yes! I looked at my wife the other night and said, "Are we sure we want kids," and we already have two! Any parent who acts like they're always thrilled with how their kids act is a liar. I've got a 9 year old and an 11 month old and it's frickin' trying sometimes! Toby said what every parent on earth has said at least once a week.
  6. The only pictures my wife in are in possession of the bride. She refused to even take a selfie with me with her bright yellow bird HAHAHAHA
  7. You thought Kate wouldn't take the opportunity to indulge in something that's ALLLLLLL about her? She can make someone else's bad day all about her. We should assume that she'll take another wedding as an opportunity to do the same. Can't stand Kate. However, Toby largely annoys me too, so I'm glad they're together. Hate that they're gonna split up as I think their ability to not think, act irrationally and whine incessantly makes them a great pair. Thank. You! What an absolute twat waffle move by Rebecca. I know she can pipe up in two weeks and say she "forgot" all about saying that, but she legit stood there and told Randall he was her favorite. I mean, it had always been pretty obvious, but as someone with multiple children, I can't fathom telling one of them I love them more than the other. Hell, there might be days where I think it, but you don't say that shit out loud. Finally, Tess. Jesus H. Christ, I can't stand this kid. Listen, nobody cares if you wanna date a he/she/they/or whatever we're calling people now. But it's a wedding that you're invited to be a part of. Shut your pie hole, wear the damn dress that the bride picked out for you and shut the hell up about it. You're not going to lose your gender identity over the course of the next couple hours due to being polite. My wife was in a wedding a couple years ago where the bride (inexplicably) wanted all of the bridesmaids to have a different colored fake bird in their hair. Do you realize how stupid a bunch of grown women look walking around with blue, purple, yellow, pink and other colored birds jammed into their up-dos? But they all embraced the absolute stupidity of the day, wore the damn birds and smiled. Why? Because it's about the bride on that day. Shame on Beth for indulging this nonsense. She's so worried that her teenage smartass kid has been a teenage smartass kid that she rolled over like a well-trained dog for her. Teenagers are mouthy, disrespectful know-it-alls and need to be treated as such. Shoulda told her that her they-bey won't dump her for wearing a normal bridesmaids dress for a couple hours so shut up and act honored to be a part of it. Christ, I can't stand that kid. Thrilled that Kevin didn't marry Madison. Said it before and I'll say it again. My wife and I are still hoping he lands with Sophie. We got divorced and remarried and are hoping to see it happen for them as well. I like Madison, but I'm glad she bailed on the wedding.
  8. Him inviting a legend like Crow to one of his local bingo hall shows is laughable. The guy obviously thinks he's way better than he is. Not only can he not get through a conversation without twitching and looking like he did a line of something, he doesn't sing that well. I'm still not sure how he got voted back in.
  9. She's really not ready for the big stage, and that's OK. Truthfully, doing a weekly gig at the coffee shop that she manages might be her ceiling, and if so, that's OK! Nobody was ever gonna pay to buy a Cassandra Coleman ticket. I liked her a lot, but I wouldn't have paid to go to a concert. I probably wouldn't have downloaded an album. She can't handle performing at that level, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. If it was easy, we'd all do it. If the judges held off on Murphy because of that little twitchy Gunn guy, this show is even more poorly run than I thought. Cutting Murphy was (IMO) the biggest eff up of the whole season. Singer-songwriters are in right now, and his lyrics actually came from somewhere inside. We all lost out by not getting to see Murphy perform a few more times during the season. Gabby is a shocker. I never thought she'd turn into what she has when she was on AI. My wife and I are frequent concert goers, and Barrett puts on a really solid show. Seen her live 2-3 times now, and it's consistently good.
  10. So you think Idol should switch from a fan vote to letting the judges pick the winner? Genuinely asking how you would fix the perceived problem. That was Cassandra. The duet was awful, and I really liked her during the season. There were multiple cases of both of them singing when they weren't supposed to. Lindsey kept singing at the beginning when they were alternating every couple lines in the opening verse. That entire performance was garbage. I'm not sure if she sounded better than Lindsey because I could barely hear her. From what I could hear, she seemed to be trying to put soft pop "flares" at the end of the words which doesn't work with that style of music at all. I did find it funny that they dressed her like Stevie Nicks but she looked like she was holding onto the hat as much as possible. I hated it because I was a big fan of hers during the season.
  11. I kept wondering if he was gonna pop up after a commercial break. I was so pleased to be wrong every single time. I'm not sure if he was getting blasted for being the returnee or because his performances were so damn terrible. Either way, he was a wasted spot. It was SUCH an awkward moment when Ryan made a crack about them drinking together. I think it was a totally offhanded joke about drinking beer and country music, but it was so bad. My thoughts on the finale: The best overall artists won IMO. Grace could stand in one spot and hit every note on the register, but she's roughly as entertaining as growing grass. Willie would've been a good champion, but he's not really the total package (singer, songwriter, musician, etc...). Willie will still land a record deal and will probably have moderate success. I hope he loses some weight for his own health and for the fact that he will sound much better when he has better lung capacity. I really liked Cassandra during the season, but that performance with Buckingham was abysmal. Holy hell, who paired them? She never did anything remotely rock-ish during the season and they put that together? Would've much rather heard her with Sheryl Crow than DeFranco. Luke and Casey did pretty good on Livin' On a Prayer. Not an easy song by any stretch of the imagination. As a Bon Jovi fan, I usually cringe when people try to cover it, but it was better than I expected. Luke Combs and Chayce-That sounded like two pros singing together at a country music awards show. Somebody, give me a Luke Combs headlining tour with Chayce Beckham opening. I'll buy tickets today and you can tell me where to be and when to be there. Crow and Defranco-From what I've read, that was supposed to be Arthur Gunn. Thank God it wasn't. Jesus, he was a pain to watch for the few episodes he was back. These two weren't great together, but apparently it was very last minute. Who cares? I didn't have to deal with Gunn again.
  12. That "homeless young woman" set their friggin' house on fire in the baby's room. I'd have pitched her ass out onto the curb too. Not saying Grace is likeable, but this wasn't a teaching moment where she needed to sit down with Angelina and have a conversation about proper fire safety.
  13. They were at Zeke and Michaela's, which begs another question. "I need to get Eden home so she can take a nap." Grace, are you telling me that Eden can't nap anywhere else? Go put that kid to sleep in any of the bedrooms at your sister-in-law's house.
  14. My bad on assuming the relationship status. I'll admit that I watch this show every week because of my wife. I kinda half pay attention at points, so when she flipped out and told the girl to get out, I assumed she was dating the guy. Maybe they could work out a deal with batshit crazy girl. They get to keep Eden (she's not really old enough to be a pain in the ass yet) but she has to take Cal. They're connected and teenage Jesus wants to save her so bad, let them ride off together.
  15. Yep. Ben's bathshit crazy too. I told my wife last night that if the only way to avoid my death day was to live in this constant state of paranoia like he is, I'd rather just run headlong at the death date. If I was a passenger and he came beating on my door acting like that, he'd be leaving under his own power or somebody else's. Not real picky. He annoys me too.
  16. Max, a man who knows nothing about construction or hazardous materials is running around a hospital with a sledge hammer busting out walls. Seems like a helluva an idea. What's the worst thing that could happen? Oh, that's right. EVERYTHING! Jesus, what a stupid moment on a show that already teeters on the edge of blatant idiocy more weeks than not. A shower with Sharpe? Eh, sign me up. I'll take a few minutes in a chemical spill for that. "You've obviously....got a vibe...that I dig." -Reynolds Uh, 1975 called and they'd like their jargon back. "We're taking her with us" "Ok, that sounds great. I'll pick her up tomorrow." "No. We're filing for custody." Uh, that's called kidnapping and the minute you cross state lines it's a federal offense you blabbering dipshit. You can't tell your dead daughter's husband "No" when he says he's coming to pick up his kid the next day. "We're filing for custody" doesn't mean "you can't have YOUR kid back." I can't stand Max more weeks than not, but his MIL is clearly off her rocker. Hell, maybe we're setting up for another crossover event since NBC is obsessed with those. Max will work with Olivia Benson to get his kid back from his psychotic in-laws.
  17. I had the exact opposite reaction. I didn't care for the camping episode at all (but I also can't stand Jen's character) and really enjoyed the truck episode. I thought it was a fitting ending for the show. I especially enjoyed the references to "this is longer than I worked on home improvement" (something along those lines) and his truck being "removed from the network." I like the fact that Tim made it work on another network after ABC pulled the plug on LMS for no great reason, but this last season was tough to watch.
  18. She's batshit crazy. If she's supposed to be a sympathetic character, they're doing a piss poor job of it. She's tried to become Olive, tried to come onto her boyfriend and set the damn house on fire. I don't care how much Cal (we jokingly call him teenage Jesus in my house) whines about it. Get the crazy chick out of your house before she burns the whole place down. Can I also just point out how horrible the fire effects were in that scene? And those were the slowest burning curtains in history. She had time to set them on fire, keep her incantation going while Zeke and Grace had a conversation, got upstairs and Zeke had time to find a fire extinguisher before the fire from the curtains really spread.
  19. As a Chris Stapleton super-fan, you'll never go wrong downloading anything he's recorded. I generally hate when people cover Stapleton, but Chayce has done it quite well.
  20. Victor....WOW! Holy smokes, he absolutely nailed a song that has been covered ad nauseum by every contemporary Christian band and church praise team. Kenzie....WOW WOW! Took an incredibly dull (at least melodically) song and turned it into something memorable. Go Your Own Way....WOW WOW WOW. That was friggin' brutal
  21. You very well could be right about her. I do like her, but I've thought for most of the competition that she comes across as someone with some superiority. I could be totally off base, that's just my perception on her. Either way, the Kelly song was a horrible choice.
  22. I think Grace gives off a bit of an "I've got this" vibe. I like her, but I think she seems to give off the vibe of someone who is simply waiting on their coronation instead of someone is fighting for it.
  23. Well they've done it. I'm officially hoping that an addict relapses.
  24. Yea, pretty sure Rebel is five episodes in. Just pointing out another example of the eagerness to pull the plug on shows. I wasn't a HUGE Rebel fan (my wife enjoyed it much more than I did), but I watched. I'm not sure the line of thinking behind canning it so quickly.
  25. Since he's been my favorite since the auditions, I'm hoping he doesn't win for that very reason. I don't want them to screw up his career. I don't think that winning benefits him in any way. Willie and Grace probably need the win and the contract that comes with it. Chayce can be a country superstar without a victory. Hoping for an upset.
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