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Everything posted by Cosmosgravitation

  1. It's clearly an attempt at a joke, what with him holding those balls and everything. Also, I'm sure he wouldn't say something like that with any of the other girls, but Liz has made several sex jokes to him, flirts with him, and also told him he could touch her breasts if he wanted (he declined), so he probably thinks it's okay to make those jokes with her. She laughed, and I doubt she took offense. I think her strategy is two fold: 1) to make Austin a bigger target so he's a shield in front of her 2) to keep Steve away from Liz/Julia. This big Austin/Liz push came after Steve told Vanessa that Liz was flirting heavily with him (she flirts with everyone, but Steve probably doesn't realize that). I think Vanessa wants to keep Steve as isolated as possible so he's reliant on her and she's his closest ally. I doubt it's a coincidence that after pushing Austin/Liz, Vanessa told Steve that Austin is going to try and showmance Liz and it's going to make him a huge target. Vanessa probably also knows that Austin would target Steve if Steve even tried to get closer to Liz/Julia and she doesn't want that. #1 is probably the biggest reason though. We know he has a girlfriend because he talked about her pre and early season but at some point when he started mentioning her production would cut to fish. So that means she must exist because she must have pulled her release (smart girl). I doubt production would tell Austin even if she did want to break up with him, and if they had I bet he would have rushed to tell Liz which he hasn't done. But poor Johnny is hung up on Becky, who has said that never in a million years would she kiss him.
  2. I can't stand Audrey. I only find her entertaining when she's throwing shade at Clay.
  3. Oops. Julia accidentally let it slip to Shelli that Steve knows about the twins. Vanessa scramble incoming.
  4. A smart play for Julia would be to tell Steve that both sisters get to play after five evictions, not six like Vanessa and Austin told him - he'll find out after the fifth eviction anyway. Also tell him about how Austin has shit talked him to Vanessa and her and that he's not just pretending to dislike him. Maybe even tell him about the side Clay/Shelli alliance, although that might be unnecessary. This would pull Steve away from Vanessa and make Julia/Liz his primary ally, and Steve is so desperate for close allies there's no way he would tell anyone. With his crappy social game Steve might not be a huge long term help, but you never know. I always watch until my favorites are evicted. Last year I stopped watching once Donny was out, this year I will follow until the last of Steve, Julia, John, and maybe Vanessa (I go back and forth on liking her) are evicted.
  5. I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Steve has Asperger syndrome (perhaps undiagnosed?). He clearly fits almost all the characteristics. He probably shouldn't have been cast on a show that relies so heavily on social interaction. On the the other hand, while some people find his awkward conversations cringe inducing, I find some of them very funny and think it might be hilarious to watch him awkward his way to the very end, however unlikely that is. It also helps that he seems like a genuinely nice guy. Not sure how much Vanessa hurt her game last night since people were going to target her anyway, but I do think those Jeff and Meg confrontations were unnecessary.
  6. Austin is definitely the type of guy that feels entitled because he's deluded himself into thinking he's nice. He talks too much shit about Steve behind his back to actually be nice, and he has a girlfriend he didn't break up with outside the house. I feel like Austin's girl obsession could be even worse then Caleb if his allies were different. Austin at least has Vanessa trying to talk him down, while Caleb's allies were encouraging him (Derrick, Frankie, etc.).
  7. The funny thing is about fifteen minutes earlier Liz and Austin were mocking Steve so badly that Vanessa had to tell them to stop. I wonder if Steve defending her caused Liz to feel some regret and might have been part of the reason she was fine with making an alliance with Steve and confirming her sister's existence when earlier she had said she didn't trust him. Or maybe Vanessa just pushed hard enough for it. I really like Vanessa, but she definitely doesn't have this game in the bag just yet. People have compared her to Derrick, but the thing about Derrick was very few people knew he was the one calling the shots and he was almost no one's target while at least several people suspect and will target Vanessa. If the wrong person wins HoH she could easily go out the door. But she is playing well and has set things up to minimize the risk so I think she has a good chance.
  8. If Adam were smarter he would have killed himself as soon as Henry stabbed him with that needle. Hopefully it gets renewed, but I'm content with that ending if it doesn't.
  9. Barry knew Mason claimed to have evidence incriminating Wells. He works with the police, think about how they investigate a murder or disappearance. If the police knew a reporter claimed to have evidence he was going to publish and the next day that reporter disappeared, I guarantee you the prime suspect would be the person the reporter claimed to have evidence on. From the scene at the lab it looks like Barry went on to do further investigating which I assume we will learn about in future episodes. If Wells would have just destroyed Mason's evidence, Barry would probably dismiss Mason as a crackpot. But his disappearance/murder indicates he may have been on to something, and Barry was smart to act on the assumption he was.
  10. It adjusted up to a 1.2. Still a series low, but it doesn't look quite as bad.
  11. I don't remember any scenes about it, but yes, New York City is notoriously difficult to get a concealed weapons permit in. It is possible though, and with Castle being famous, rich, and possessing political connections he could probably get one. Licensed private investigators are often granted concealed weapon permits as well.
  12. Yeah, most television and films usually just have the guy fall over because it's a lot easier and saves on screen time. The only way that happens in real life from violence is via the central nervous system - basically the brain or spinal cord. Even then it depends on where the damage is sustained. Although some people are so shocked to be so severely wounded they simply stop fighting and give up and collapse, but that's mental instead of physical.
  13. Actually, as documented by many real life cases it is very common to be shot in the chest and still be able to move around. If your heart literally blew up you'd still have about ten seconds of consciousness and movement. Hollywood rarely shows that reality. In fact, there was a gunfighter saying in the old west called the "Dead Man's ten" which was about the ten seconds your opponent can stay in the fight and try and kill you after being shot in the heart.
  14. He can do everything at super speed, including mental activities. His job probably takes him about 5 minutes a day.
  15. Yes, when Lip first met Amanda's parents at the Gallagher house last season Amanda said she was adopted.
  16. I don't know, Amanda grinning as she walked away seemed to indicate she was actually happy with them bonding. Combined with the vagina sex she might be more into Lip then I previously thought.
  17. Except Debbie knows some boys won't always say yes to sex because Matty himself turned her down several times last season. She's fourteen, she should have realized he still wouldn't want to have sex with her.
  18. It varies by model, but most of them are waterproof to somewhere around 50 feet. One does not have to remove them to take a shower or go in a pool.
  19. We saw him stand outside his future chamber in an earlier episode when he killed someone, so he's faking.
  20. If Barry was smart about fighting there wouldn't be any real conflict because he can move faster then the speed of sound. I suspect we'll see him fight smart when they all break out of their lab and he has to fight them all at once, but next season when it's back to 1 vs. 1 he'll fight stupid again.
  21. This week's episode was rated 1.4 in the demo, 3.73 total. Since the third episode it has held pretty steady.
  22. The Flash was adjusted up. Seems like it has been adjusted up every week. 1.4 demo, 3.53 total
  23. Liking the show, but I agree with this. Even someone not connected to the plot would be fine for me. I think it would have been great if they would have made the police captain female, for example.
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