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Everything posted by Cosmosgravitation

  1. A few posters on reddit isolated some audio from the final scene. Here it is. I'm guessing the first scene of the next episode will be be the PoV from inside the diner.
  2. Here is the diner scene in slow motion. Cisco's head and a ketchup bottle explode. Looks like Darlene clearly survives. The ketchup bottle was in front of Dom, so perhaps the gunman was trying to kill both Cisco and Dom.
  3. They wanted to use it to solidify their alliance with Vic/Paul and thought it would look sketchy to give it too Nicole. Here is the clip. Their reaction affected Nicole too, she told Corey she really does want to go to F4 with Paul/Vic, whereas in the past she has hesitated or thought it would be better to get one of them out. We'll see if it sticks.
  4. I know Nicole has said she doesn't want to blindside, but I'm hoping they wait long enough to tell James that he sits Paul down for one of his patented "you're being evicted" talks. Paul's reaction should be hilarious.
  5. James is so bad he still has no clue what was going on in his season even a year later. He's talked repeatedly about how much easier last season was, but it really wasn't, James was just completely in the dark about everything. I remember when James thought he had Steve wanting to be a part of the Goblins, and Steve would calmly go back to the other Freaks & Geeks and talk about how James was trying to "social game" him. This video with the Goblins laughing at the thought of Steve sending one of them out brings back memories.
  6. Someone on reddit made a chess pastebin with all their moves. There is some analysis in the thread.
  7. James is definitely voting out Victor. Paul looks like he already suspects too. All will be well with the world so long as Victor defeats Paulie in the buyback. James's head will explode.
  8. It was dumb for Natalie/James to go to Nicole/Corey before HoH and the care package. They're going to throw them under the bus to Paul/Vic if they win co-HoH or regular HoH.
  9. Nat/James plan against Paul could backfire in a big way. They want to leave Victor off the block and put up Paul, and they think Victor wouldn't go for veto and pull Paul down. Victor would 100% go for veto and use it on Paul. And we know the co-hoh package is this week so it's not likely to work out for them this week. They're smart to target Paul though, of all the remaining HG's he's most likely to win at the end of he's there, and if Natalie can claim she engineered his eviction that helps her F2 chances a lot.
  10. Paul's, not Paulie's. Paul described his ideal woman as wearing black with a choker, which is similar to what Natalie wore.
  11. BTW, did anyone else notice that Natalie dressed very similar to how Paul described his dream woman when they were mocking Paulie's ideal date? Yeah.... not sure if we should read into that.
  12. I'm happy I was wrong about Paulie having the RT. I thought for sure he had it. Jury buyback sucks, two people returning is too many, especially this late in the game, but it's better then Paulie opening an envelope and returning. Now as long as Corey/Nicole don't win HoH and it'll be another good week.
  13. Nah, he's probably just sleeping in a room that hasn't been shown on the feeds. There are possible situations over the next couple of weeks where pretty much anyone can go. What matters is how likely those situations are. Barring veto wins, Victor goes before Paul, James before Natalie, and Corey before Nicole. Anything else I'm not sure of. I think that's a nearly impossible scenario next week and still unlikely the week after. I don't think anybody realizes how close Paul and Natalie are, even James. Nicole/Corey aren't going to want to nominate Natalie/James because they want to work with them. Paulie already says if he is HoH he will nominate Paul/Victor, and if one comes down James will go up, but we know that won't happen next week because of Co-HoH. I'm also not totally convinced that Paulie wouldn't try to get the boys back together if he won HoH, but that would be really dumb so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. Even if James/Paul/Natalie/Michelle don't win HoH this week, Co-HoH will probably keep Victor/Paul safe. It's the week after and DE they have to worry about. After that (assuming DE happens in two weeks) it's going to come down to comp wins. Natalie for certain wants to target Nicole/Corey before Paul/Vic, and she wants to target Michelle before Paul. It's Natalie that exerts influence over James, so I think he'd be pressured by her to do the same (but he'll probably throw hoh). Michelle has also recently told live feeders she wants to team up with Paul/Vic. But Nicole/Corey would definitely target Paul/Vic. Of course, things change quickly in BB, so who knows? Yeah, I'm really hoping they hand out the co-HoH package before they play the HoH comp. It'd suck for Michelle to have won co-HoH but then have to settle for normal HoH.
  14. Paulie clearly strongly believes he's staying, just by how he talks and how he's so confident about what he'll do if he wins HoH. This pisses me off, even if he has the RT legitimately (doubtful, I'll always suspect rigging with this show) they shouldn't tell him. Maybe he'll get cocky and Natalie/Paul will pick up on it and switch to Corey at the last second. I wonder what production would do then.
  15. I only tuned back in this week because of the flip. If Paulie comes back, and there isn't at least one co-hoh that isn't Paulie/Nicole/Corey then I'm with you. But maybe we're paranoid. Maybe Paulie doesn't have the RT, but the person who does have the RT gets to pick a returning juror and we get Bridgette back. That'd be nice.
  16. The only reason they're distancing themselves is because they believe Paulie is going home and the alternative is Corey going home. If Paulie comes back, I strongly suspect they will side with him, and Nicole will not throw the veto. She at least suspects the rest of the house is against them.
  17. Hopefully, but I'm becoming more afraid the vote will split between Paul/Victor/Michelle and Corey will get it. They didn't even show Victor shutting Paulie down, I fear casual tv viewers are voting for Paul. My sister is a show only watcher and she voted for Paul. But the internet has decided to vote for Victor/Michelle, so vote split. Unless the person left off the block wins veto, that's true. Say Paulie comes back, Corey wins HoH. The Co-HoH puts up Paulie, Nicole wins veto and pulls Paulie down. Then they'd have to send someone else out. If Paulie/Corey were to win veto, at least they could send out Nicole, but they really need to get Paulie/Corey out.
  18. Yeah, with Paulie being certain he has it and the sympathetic edit he got, I'm betting he has it now... and they told him he has it, which really sucks. Here's to hoping the target flips to Corey somehow.
  19. Yeah, with Paulie's abrupt change in behavior after talking to the DR, if he has the return ticket I'm going to strongly suspect rigging, or at least that they blatantly told him so he'd stop moping. I sort of hope the other house guests will come to realize that if they evict Corey someone on their team is guaranteed to get the care package.
  20. You may get a kick out of this pre-season picture of Victor. He actually looks like the finance major he is there.
  21. Zap2it is fairly certain there is going to be a jury buyback. At least that would be better then Paulie having the RT.
  22. Not necessarily. About an hour ago Michelle told live feeders she wants to align with Paul/Vic and go to final three with them. I guess she's playing for second place. And if Michelle goes, Paul/Vic would probably want Nat in F3, but if Michelle is still there they might want her.
  23. And I bet they're pissed the secret room and return trip hasn't been used. They didn't think that through. But it still might be used if Paulie has the RT. I agree Victor or Paul will almost certainly get the care package and this is very likely a theoretical exercise only, but sometimes those are fun.
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