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Everything posted by Cosmosgravitation

  1. I stopped watching a couple weeks back, but aren't the ratings up this year? I read they have been higher than the past two or three seasons.
  2. I thought the conversation between herself and Baz where she said she had to go to work and that her work was important and Baz did everything but openly scoff made it clear that he doesn't have any real idea what she does. Craig and Deran certainly seemed surprised she assaulted and berated Marcos. We know from season one that Marcos runs and sells drugs. We know he answers to his sister and believes his sister has the authority and means to have him killed. We know the kid from the trunk knew who they were, believed they were a scary criminal organization, and was terrified. Being a "huge cartel" is a leap, I agree, but all signs point to being some sort of drug cartel, even if it's only a small family cartel or a mid tier cog in a bigger syndicate. Baz wants Lucy to replace Catherine, and I think he's in for a rude awakening.
  3. J deserves much better than Nikki. I understand the appeal, he wants someone he can trust, and he knows he can't trust his family. I don't think Nikki is very trustworthy either though. Baz was planning to frame Smurf the entire time. When he demanded she sign over her properties he just wanted to make her think that was his play, he knew she would never do it. Lucy is clearly a lot more dangerous than Baz thinks, she seems to run the family cartel. She wouldn't be the first, and there are signs cartels have started utilizing female hit squads. Someone on reddit translated her and Marcos conversation. Quoting from there:
  4. No, season 2 is supposed to have 13 episodes, so we should still have 4 episodes left.
  5. He was in the final 2, so was ineligible for fan favorite.
  6. I think the reason Paul is trying to play it this way is he doesn't actually want Jessica to leave, only Cody. He and Jessica were close before Cody tried to backdoor him, and I suspect he thinks if Cody is gone she will run back to him. Paul thinks if Cody/Jessica are on the block together, there is a good chance Jessica would actually end up going, not Cody. So he's using two pawns (currently Josh/Alex) because the chances of Cody being drawn for veto is less than the chance of Cody winning veto if he were certain to compete in it. His initial plan of using two of Matt/Elena/Raven as pawns was completely stupid, but it's much better with Alex/Josh. He wouldn't care if either left, although obviously he'd much prefer Cody. He does seem to be overlooking the possibility of Ramses winning the veto, but he'd probably still prefer to try and backdoor Cody since he probably thinks Cody would have a much better chance of winning a competition than Ramses.
  7. He is closer to Christmas than Jillian, but he is closer to Alex than Christmas. And he overheard Christmas talking about an eight person alliance that he knows he isn't a part of, and ever since then he seems fired up about voting her out when he talks to Alex. It's possible I'm wrong though, I can't get a good read on him.
  8. Josh won't, Paul and Christmas told him to keep it secret and lie about his vote. I think Kevin really is voting to evict Christmas, he just plans on lying to Paul. The funny thing is if the vote does end up 7 to 5, Alex/Jason are going to think it was Jessica that lied to them and voted out Jillian. They're going to think that alliance is still intact.
  9. Josh just spoke to the cameras and said he loves Christmas and is keeping her, so if Mark doesn't flip Christmas is guaranteed to stay (barring bad MRI results).
  10. A few days ago I would have said the same, but Kevin overheard Christmas talking about an eight person alliance that he knows he isn't a part of, so I think he might actually be set on voting her out. Yeah, I think Josh will vote to evict Jillian and keep Christmas. He also still thinks he is in a secret alliance with Paul, he went up to Paul yesterday and told him that he told the DR he is 100% with Paul and Christmas. The other big question is if Mark will stick to his current position of voting out Jillian. If he does, Christmas stays. Or maybe this will all be anticlimactic and her MRI will show that she has to have surgery and she'll be out. If that's the case, I hope they invite her back next season.
  11. I don't think Paul would put Cody next to Jessica anyway, because he knows there is a good chance Jessica would go. I feel like Paul wants to put Cody next to Raven, which would guarantee Cody goes.
  12. Nice to see that Eric was wrong. Although it sounds like they're waiting until Wednesday to do an MRI, so if those results are bad she still might be out.
  13. Word on twitter is that Christmas's foot is broken and she is pulling out. I'm guessing they cancel the eviction, but I'd love it if Cody has to nominate a sixth person.
  14. Feeds didn't show it, just her on the ground in pain saying she broke her foot. They cut to cats now, so I'm guessing they think it will be awhile before they go to back to feeds. Yeah, they'd probably do a new HoH and everything, but I'm hoping they do a sixth nominee for my own personal amusement. Maybe Christmas will just stay though.
  15. Christmas just said she broke her foot, and the feeds cut away. If it really is broken, most people would stay in the game, but Christmas might want to leave to make sure she gets proper treatment since it could affect how she makes her living. If Cody has to nominate a sixth person I am going to laugh for a long time.
  16. The story is they met briefly after one of Paul's gigs, but that was it. Raven was a fan, which is why Paul trusts her, it's one step up from a stranger.
  17. So Dom promised she'd vote to evict Jillian and keep Christmas, and she told Mark she was voting that way. Paul might even be able to swing Ramses, so right now it's looking fairly certain that Christmas will stay. Subject to change, of course.
  18. Yeah, he made a mistake with that. Still a few weeks until he's vulnerable though, and with how fast the BB house can move he has time to do damage control. Even now, nobody really seems to care except Cody, Mark, and Jessica, and all three of them were probably going to be against him now anyway.
  19. Yeah, I would've said the same about Josh, but she did tell him to shut the fuck up not that long ago, so I thought I'd be safe. And Dom was trashing her to Mark yesterday, so I thought the same with her. I have Elena in the keeping Christmas column and evicting Jillian.
  20. So, I know it's early, but thinking about how the votes might go... Evict Christmas: Alex, Ramses, Mark, Jessica Evict Jillian: Elena, Matt, Raven, Kevin, Paul, Swings: Dom, Josh, Jason Josh seems fond of Christmas, so I think she can get his vote fairly easily, and I think Paul has a shot at getting Jason to vote out Jillian. Dom would be the tough one.
  21. Cody implied the DR pushed him to nominate Paul. Because of course they did.
  22. Maybe someone close to him goes up if Ramses is already on the block, or maybe someone close to him gets the curse if Ramses is evicted. Who knows.
  23. That's what I was hoping for, but the pendants description says he is immune to nomination, so probably not.
  24. Alex seems to have bought into Cody at least somewhat and wants to target Dom now.
  25. We don't really know, it's just speculation. Ramses either isn't allowed to say or hasn't been told specifically what the curse is.
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