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Everything posted by Cosmosgravitation

  1. I don't know about that. Wasn't he just arrested for punching his father?. That's a misdemeanor in California even if they bother to prosecute (often they don't between families unless the family member wants them to - which Mickey probably won't). Even if they charge him, he'll be out the next day.
  2. Pretty sure they already planted the thought in his brain. Earlier Frankie went to DR, came out and asked Caleb if he was planning on throwing it. Unlikely to be a coincidence.
  3. Both Christine and Cody have repeatedly said they want Donny out and would put him up so it doesn't really change anything. The only person that could hurt him with is Victoria if they tell her and she believes them.
  4. I agree. Donny does not have feeds and he's the least in the know of the house guests concerning Amber/Caleb - he knows almost nothing about it. He's the only one that neither Amber nor Caleb talk to about the other. Yesterday for the very first time Caleb tried to talk to him about her and Donny immediately changed the subject.
  5. Caleb starts telling Donny about how Amber has ignored him for four days. Donny says, "Really? I hadn't noticed," then immediately changes the subject to general chit chat (what he did last night).
  6. Oops. To correct myself, Donny said he asked production and they said it can be one sided. So I'm wrong. Frankie was going to tell Donny what Zach is going to say, but Donny said he wants to be surprised. Yeah, it's strange. Maybe it's game play. Who could feel threatened by Donny? Christine also said she heard Derrick talking in his sleep and he scared her. I believe she's also the one who started the girls are scared of Devin thing, so I don't know. EDIT Pretty sure most of this is just gameplay. He's called Caleb "dumbo" repeatedly, wanted Cody to target Caleb last week, and said he wants Frankie and Derrick out as they are the "brains". At this point it would be stupid not to latch on to TA and say he would never nominate them. He has no power and no influence, he has to wait until he wins HoH before he can really do anything. Hopefully. Also, in defense of calling Caleb nice, Donny knows almost nothing about Caleb's fixation on Amber. Caleb doesn't talk to Donny about Amber, Amber doesn't talk to Donny about Caleb, and he doesn't know about the sleeping kiss. Of all the house guests he is the most in the dark there.
  7. It's 20 seconds, and they won't get credit if Amber doesn't argue back. Their target didn't argue back at nominations and they didn't get credit.
  8. I'm still holding a sliver of hope that Caleb will change his mind, freak out, and get himself put on the block. Only way it will happen is if Amber starts talking to him regularly again or "apologizes". Doesn't seem likely at this point.
  9. And the way the twist works, if his goal is safety he might be better off not winning HoH. BotB competitors have a 50% chance of being safe for the week. HoH's have a 50% chance of being safe for the week. At least with BotB one has a chance to battle in a comp for safety, and at this point with the way the alliances are formed anyone that wants to get out Donny will likely put him up in the beginning so he'd get that chance. If Donny wins HoH with a Derrick follower but Donny's nominations win BotB (which is likely considering he'd probably put up two of the stronger competitors) then Donny would be backdoored and might not even get a shot at veto. The problem is one has a teammate, which is why I would be fine with Jocasta going. She is useless at comps and I don't want her to drag down one my favorites and you just know Donny would be paired with her.
  10. Caleb has serious issues. He went to Derrick and then Frankie and said he wants to put Amber on the block to "scare" her. Triggered because they were in the kitchen together and she didn't say anything to him.
  11. So according to Frankie and Derrick's last talk, the plan is to backdoor Amber. However, Frankie is going to talk to Caleb and if he objects and fights it they're going to backdoor him instead. Here's to hoping Caleb throws a fit!
  12. Outside of the house I feel she definitely would, but not inside the house.
  13. I read it as they were allowed to change targets for each ceremony. So for nominations they were locked in, but they are allowed to change the targets for the veto ceremony. Honestly, I am pretty sure they will lose this challenge. I don't know, I still think Donny would try and get one of them out. He selected Frankie to compete in the last HoH immediately, so I don't think it will stop him. But, like I said in an earlier post, the BotB twist makes it long odds even if he does win HoH. Assuming Jocasta goes this week, the only people he could even half work with are Victoria or Amber and I'm not even sure they'd agree to put up some of the boys when push comes to shove. Production just needs to get some subtle rigging going on to make this season interesting.
  14. Derrick is definitely trying to target Donny now. I think Frankie will refuse to target him this week because of TA, but next week Donny will be in trouble unless he wins HoH, veto, or BotB.
  15. According to Jokers, Zach just told Derrick and Frankie that they are Donny's targets. If they buy it Donny will be the target either later this week or next if he doesn't win HoH/Veto/BotB. But it's Zach and with TA they might not believe it. I don't think Donny ever told Zach who his targets are, he just argued for people to go on that block that haven't been. I think Zach is just making it up even though I think Donny really would target Derrick and Frankie. One of Derrick's low points was yesterday when he told Caleb he couldn't let Amber diss him on national tv. All she had done was refused to talk to him.
  16. I agree. I'd be worried she'd be paired with a player I want to stay for BotB and drag him/her down so much they can't win it. I'm fine with Jocasta going.
  17. I'm not so sure. If Amber wins POV and removes Jocasta I think he might put up Donny and try and evict Victoria. I think he wants Caleb to stay. Unless Derrick insisted, then he would do it.
  18. Yes, both would be safe. I have a feeling Frankie isn't going to backdoor anybody. I think he wants Jocasta gone.
  19. Yeah, Victoria would be a good final two pick. I suspect Derrick would also love to have her in the final two. The problem is getting her there.
  20. Frankie wants to target Amber and at times has mentioned Jocosta. Although there have been some whispers he could backdoor Zach. If Amber won veto and used it, he said he would put up Caleb.
  21. Yes. Right now the plan is to target either Amber or Caleb, most prefer Amber. If Amber wins the veto and uses it, Caleb would probably be the replacement nominee. Unless Zach does something random again.
  22. Ha, Donny may have unintentionally convinced Zack to put up Christine. Donny talked to Zack about the people that haven't gone up on the block yet and how they should pay their dues. Now Zach is going around telling Derrick/Cody that he's going to put her up! Derrick and Frankie might yet talk him out of it though.
  23. Haha, Zach and Frankie both refused to put up Donny and want the other to do it. One of the them will end up doing it though, but they want to put him up with Hayden and hope they win BotB. The plan is to target Caleb.
  24. That might not be so bad. Zach may very well target Caleb. Frankie might be hesitant to target Donny this early in the game for fear of upsetting America. Still, another boring week of the detonators. Maybe Zach will go crazy and make it interesting.
  25. I think he's just playing it smart. He knows Hayden doesn't like Amber, he's telling him what he wants to hear. He also knows Derrick runs the house and it wouldn't be smart to tell anyone he is going to target Derrick before the HoH competition. Judging by everything he has said ("they're the brains targets", and "you really should" after Derrick said he should go f*** himself), I think Donny would still love to get out Derrick over anyone else. He was a little more open earlier in the week because he was trying to save Brittany and get Caleb out. No point in risking it now. There is also this stupid 2 HoH thing to consider. It makes it very tricky for Donny. Say he wins HoH and he puts up Derrick and Caleb. Chances are good they'd win BotB against the weak players the other HoH will put up (unless the other HoH is Jocasta, then maybe they could put up four members of the Detonators) and then Donny would be screwed. He would need to put up one weak competitor (probably Amber or Christine because he knows they are targeting him and he can say they are his target) along with Derrick to minimize their chances of winning BotB. Then he'd have to try and win veto himself or have the weak competitor win veto so he can put someone popular up next to Derrick (Cody or Frankie) so Derrick will be voted out. Otherwise the weak player will just go. It would be smart to say Derrick is just the pawn so he has some deniability if he or the weak player doesn't win veto. If it gets out that he is targeting Derrick he will be the rest of the house's #1 target. Or he could nominate the popular player with the weak player and try to use the veto on the weak player and backdoor Derrick. Either way, a lot of things would have to go right. He's probably better off trying to survive one more week and targetting Derrick when there is only one HoH. If everything doesn't go perfectly he'd be in big trouble. At least, that's what I hope. Maybe I am giving him to much credit.
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