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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Well, Nathan and Esther made it, so that's one less meal that Evan would be responsible for.
  2. You're right. Carlin has made several excursions without Evan in tow, at least for a portion of these trips. But Evan can see the finishing line now, and he knows he can't fuck this up.
  3. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    Gaaah FAA almost had him!
  4. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    This is why I love Klay. This was his pressie look. 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZLzofKrNgx/?utm_medium=copy_link
  5. I fell asleep during the dessert round. Who won?
  6. It's Evan's last semester of school. I imagine reality has set in, and he realizes he can't dick around any longer. Especially with more kids coming.
  7. Looks like Ben gave up on the home haircuts. 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZM7IZELvYJ/?utm_medium=copy_link
  8. As minors, they're only approved to have the inferior Sputnik vaccine. I hope that's acceptable.
  9. Congrats on the promotion, @Scarlett45! I got a suspicious mammogram result yesterday and have to go to the hospital next week for the super special exam. I had this before, and it was nothing. Hopefully, I just breathed before I should have and muddied up the ultrasound.
  10. The earrings that (and Kaylee) and Renee make are just pathetic. That idea definitely came from BME.
  11. At least for the Americans and Russians, they're congregating at a "base" and I guess fly into Beijing as a group. The Americans are meeting in LA.
  12. He is also sick, so he can't practice anyway.
  13. Apparently Timbits tried to plead not guilty to his latest fender bender, and a bench trial was scheduled for this Friday. I think he found out how much a lawyer costs because he subsequently pled guilty and paid his fines.
  14. Awww poor Joseph. He really bombed tonight. I can't believe there's only Santiago left from the boys. At least he had good perspective in his parting words. He did beat thousands of kids just to be there. What does Ellora have to do to win a challenge? I just hope her talking head about winning next week doesn't jinx her!
  15. Well, someone has to graduate last in their class. 😂
  16. In the pic with Jer (a little more close up), it appears that her hair has a ton of product in it.
  17. Except there is an NDA in place. Or so she says.
  18. She seemed to have a prominent place at the shower, so I bet she was in the wedding party.
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