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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. So they actually put the real date on their registry. I guess it's official: no one cares.
  2. It's a federal trial, so no cameras or recordings are allowed in the courtroom. I imagine they'll hold off on filming until after the trial to see if Jen is remanded into custody.
  3. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Your levels of nausea are noted. 🚽
  4. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    I didn't watch, so I didn't hear about KD's grandma. @Magog must be seething what with Steph scoring 50 and taking hone the MVP. 😂
  5. Tanith commentates on Dance, not pairs. 🙂
  6. Maybe because they didn't mention the exam last July (?), they'll think their fans forgot about it and mention it this time? Nah. You're likely right. We'll have to wait for the pass list to be published and see his name to know anything decisive.
  7. Her Instagram posts are equally verbose.
  8. That's as I remembered it. Will they get a hotel room for the family? Some kids have the week off. Or will Jill spend a night without Derick? They used to make such a big deal about never having spent a night apart.
  9. What a tongue bath she gave the Duggars. Now they're sinners because daughters are wearing pants and listening to secular music. In Jill's world, those are failures of the parents who failed to instill the RIGHT Jesus into their offsprings' heads and hearts. 🙄
  10. The bar is coming up this week. I wonder if Jill will say anything. Doesn't he have to travel to Little Rock to take it?
  11. Didn't Nathan skate to Caravan as a short program a few years ago?
  12. I turned to another game when Wisconsin started pulling away, so I was shocked to hear about what he did. Damn.
  13. The only non European? Jessie also got a bronze in the sprint. So she won a medal in both the shortest and longest events. eta I need to learn to read. I didn't get to the part about her being the only non European to medal in the 30k. My bad! 🤡
  14. Ashley also coaches, Boston Skating Club IIRC. She seems to just dabble in broadcasting. Tanith covers other sports for NBC; figure skating isn't her only gig. eta Tanith may have scaled back to just skating commentary since she and Charlie opened their skating school.
  15. They could have filmed when she was home for winter break? When I was in college, break was over a month.
  16. Quoting myself to add Alysa's own thoughts. 😊 https://www.instagram.com/p/CaL_wrUuc0d/?utm_medium=copy_link
  17. Alysa looked like she was having a blast out there.
  18. What we saw in this video was more a preschool type screening. They also tested stiff like fine motor skills (Giddy needs some work here), but Joy didn't film that, at least not in this video. If he had a psych evaluation, it wasn't mentioned. I don't know exactly how Miss What's Her Name is qualified to do any evaluations.
  19. Miss What's Her Name appears to enjoy being associated with the Duggars. It's the same person that Jessa took Henry to for assessments. And I sincerely doubt that Jessa ever took Henry to a speech pathologist, but Joy claims he's all caught up. No Joy. We can watch five year old Henry in a video and easily note that he's behind. I hope Giddy doesn't end up the same.
  20. She said there would be a second video with more details. I checked the info, and she said that video would be posted tomorrow. I hope that she didn't film more of Gideon's testing.
  21. Aw, Team Japan didn't have it today. Congrats to Team GB.
  22. They felt he was lagging behind developmentally and took him in to be assessed. They filmed and posted his intake video. 😕
  23. This is disturbing. Using your kid for profit. Isn't this why they sued InTouch et al?
  24. They had a real reception venue, not a parking lot.
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