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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Since Jer tagged Jinger, I assume she made it. It's on a ceramic plate, so I figure he's at home. That said, I'm not really sure what it's supposed to be. I'm watching Top Chef right now. Padma would tell Jinge to pack her knives and go. 😀
  2. For once, KJ did us a solid. Hannah has since pulled the video.
  3. Roberts is known for having a quick hook, but I think this instance was fair for both sides. Kershaw speaks out.
  4. If Covid caused the tumors, aren't they, by definition, traceable? 😂
  5. Jeana Keough was responsible for most of the original casting. She knew everyone in Coto. The only wildcard was Jo. But Jeana might have known Slade through business (back in the days when he used to actually work). 😁
  6. Joy usually has an aversion to shoes altogether, so the socks with the Birkenstocks was plain weird.
  7. Being poisoned doesn't cause tumors that turn into "late stage cancer." Sounds like he's been listening to a lot of woo "doctors."
  8. Thanks for the updates. I recalled his second bout with Covid when I read your post. Is he still running SOS or gas he handed that off to someone else given what appears to be long Covid?
  9. She's Mike Schadt's DIL. Schadt is the head of SOS, the "missionaries" that the Dillards worked for when Izzy was an infant. Schadt was hospitalized with Covid about a year ago; I have no idea how he's doing these days.
  10. He's no spring chicken, coming off an injury-ridden season and an abbreviated spring training. It sucks, but I'd rather have Kershaw healthy for the season than reinjure himself in his second? start.
  11. The plane has been in Orlando for the past day. I figured they were visiting Alyssa Webster, but Alyssa has a couple of siblings already there. I guess the happy couple is camping out at Disney.
  12. Oh 🤮 https://www.instagram.com/tv/CcTjoG0pJhu/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  13. I did get a laugh at that jerk who hoarded all the puff pastry getting chopped.
  14. Yes, but the abuse was brought up in the trial, so it's on the record. I hope anyone impacted by the fat fuck felon gets a chance to speak out. As I understand it, victims from the videos downloaded and viewed have prepared statements that are used in cases like this one.
  15. Tre posted some bullshit about standing alone for what was right. Okey doke...
  16. I don't mind them talking about their baking aspirations. After all, being on the show in the first place is aspirational for some. But I don't care that Justin has two older sisters. That line of questioning was baseless and went nowhere. Molly needs to put a sock in it.
  17. It probably depends on how many victim impact statements they have. I really hope Jill steps up here. She'd be my heroine forever.
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