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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. My team is on AppleTV tonight (blacked out on their regular channel). It's free for now, but no, I'm not paying for multiple streaming services on top of cable.
  2. I think they make more than $500/wk on YouTube. WOACB makes serious bank, and she doesn't have 100k video views per video. I think the ads raise revenue.
  3. I knew we could count in you! Thanks for the update. 😀
  4. She's not shadowbanned. I was able to search her just fine. She is just putting out boring ass content, and her views are down.
  5. Not at all. I just saw her post from yesterday. Shadowbanning happens when posts are reported to IG as offensive in some matter. If an account is shadowbanned, it's still there but it's harder to find as you have to type the entire username rather than just a few characters.
  6. Yeah, I noticed that as well. Erin wouldn't let Chad finish a sentence.
  7. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Just read that barring setbacks, Ben Simmons will play Monday, Game 4 against the Celtics. That should be... interesting.
  8. She's apparently not familiar with oversaturation. People are bored and moving on.
  9. She's not even shadow banned. I was able to pull her up by searching the first three letters of her username. She's delusional.
  10. Only 13 episodes this season? Even the atrocious OC had more.
  11. I found it in about 30 seconds through Derelict's voter's registration.
  12. He definitely WON'T be named after his maternal grandfather.
  13. I think @Jynnan tonnix is FB friends with her. Maybe she could give us an update. I think the last we heard, HFC was going on an extended RV trip.
  14. They've actually made changes to the pairs spin so it's less like pairs. I read the rules, but I was totally confused, so I can't define the changes. 😳
  15. Justin Sutherland (the African American guy) also comes from Top Chef. He placed in the top 5 (forget who won his season...was it Kelsey?). He's also a co-host of the irreverent cooking show, Fast Foodies. That show is a lot of fun. I've never seen the young gun before. But if he's opened like 17 restaurants, he must be doing something right.
  16. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Booker out 2-3 weeks. ☹️
  17. Smuggar's always been a lazy sack of shit. I'm sure he loves being able to sit around and do nothing. But I think that changes when he is moved to Club Fed.
  18. Damn Tiki. That's cold. I'm glad Eli got the last laugh.
  19. Too bad, so sad for Anna. She chose to stand by the fat fuck felon when even his own family members are distancing themselves. I hope he gets about 10 years, which would put Anna at 43/44. Her mother had her last at that age, so M8 would be a possibility, but an outside one at best. If he gets a lesser sentence, she could possibly make it to 9. Many of her sisters in law could reach (and pass) that benchmark with relative ease.
  20. What did Tiki say about Eli? Was it on his show? ie context? Whoever asked about Tiki trading up, he's already dumped a pregnant wife for the current bimbo. I'm sure Traci won't be his last wife.
  21. And if if you can count it, it's FEWER! It's a "school." Its legitimacy is questionable at best.
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