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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. How did we miss this? ATI is no more. IBLP is still alive and well; their family conference is happening right now. But they are no longer fronting the education arm.
  2. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    There may be a vacancy much closer to Wright if Philly totally implodes.
  3. Front and center? Man, pere Markle is delusional. Does he think he's going to have tea with the queen or something? Okey doke. 😂
  4. You went through his IG? Man, going through any famewhore's SM is doing the Lord's work.😀
  5. Was Evan on the radar back in 2017 when he would have started trade school? They've been married almost 3 years following a rather longish (by fundie standards) engagement. I think 9 months? How long was their courtship before that? I thought Carlin was at Evan's party at the medical center, otherwise how would I remember it? Was that really five years ago? If so, how time flies, I guess.
  6. I think Evan was confused with Bobby. Kelton was mentioned in the post I read, Bobby wasn't. I thought Evan was in school when he worked at the medical office, just nor ready to train in the field yet. I remember that he had a party on his last day.
  7. Skating Club of Boston.
  8. Quick question: Did Evan attend PCC before his apprenticeship? Someone (on FJ I think) said he did. I was going to correct them, but I realized that I wasn't 100% sure.
  9. Looks like a giant uterus behind him. 😂 https://www.instagram.com/p/CczV7k4uiNx/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Forgot the link. Oopsie!
  10. Jinger addressed what appears to have been concern for her appearance in her stories. She claims she has coffee, eggs, and toast for breakfast every day (as a creature of habit), then works out pretty intensely. Lots of weights. I hope she feels comfortable and not like she has to stay thin for Jer. Exercise bulimia and anorexia are serious issues. I'm concerned because she has self-admitted history with EDs.
  11. ErICKa wants scene cut because it makes her look bad Please editors, LEAVE IT IN then fire her sorry ass. 😁
  12. Still pregnant but coming any day now. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cc0vfFWPYNO/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  13. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    Can we give Alcaraz some love? The kid is on a TEAR. I think I heard that he's up to #3 in the rankings, but I might have misheard. I do know for sure that he's already in the top 10.
  14. Out of curiosity, I checked out John's IG profile. Alyssa has officially taken it over. Sad, because he only has about a third of the followers that Alyssa has.
  15. Not as much as Jer would need to maintain his lifestyle of burgers and sneakers.
  16. I didn't even think of Hannah Wissmann. Already forgotten. 😂
  17. Someone's still trying to make Fetch happen. 😂
  18. I was talking about Hannah Reber. Too many damn Hannahs. 😂
  19. Bummer. The closest America's Tire to me is about 15 miles away.
  20. Hannah doesn't have any sisters. Her bridal party was all friends.
  21. I didn't think of that! I think their kids are smaller than average, so that might work for now.
  22. Is Trav going to work for the family? I haven't seen anything regarding his future plans.
  23. That might be because he's not facing the camera. 😂
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