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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. WOACB posted some candids of Jer and Jana at a 4th festival in Nebraska. Wissmanns are involved. So, in spite of everything else, it looks like these pairings are still on.
  2. So, Jeremy was cashing in on the Duggar name to preach at this church in OKC. I expect these opportunities to 🚽 soon enough.
  3. Tom can't practice law anymore, at any firm. Erika is up a creek.
  4. She got the rabbit on the plate, but it was barely cooked. Like, still bloody.
  5. I thought they alluded to abortion, not birth control, when they talked about having children that might not otherwise be born.
  6. Yeah, the pregnancy test bit was a tad dramatic. 🙄 At least Evan divulged that he's in a Union. Good pay and benefits. That's better than most of the other men who married into the Bates family, John excepted. Kelton and Bobby are getting there, but they'll never have a benefit package like Evan.
  7. Yes he did. He mentioned that he had just driven her back to NY and then said something to the effect of "I love her, BUT..."
  8. Yup. That's why I am betting on a couch birth attended by Jana and Meech.
  9. Total and absolute disregard for those millions who have died or suffer lifelong complications. Fuck him.
  10. No more hospital births for Kendra. Has Joe sold even one house?
  11. I keep forgetting to post this until I remember after I turn off my devices! This one's a doozy. Last Sunday, David preached at Covid Baptist's afternoon service. He talked about covid. He called it a "blessing." Why? Because it gave him time to fix up that awful barndo they bought without much thought about how they would house 14 people (Tim was in WI at the time). Covid also gave him the money to add on as they've needed, I guess this also includes the still to be built living room. Nice how he held both hands out to accept money from the evil government. He railed on about how people who don't work hard don't deserve the benefits. Does he miss the irony here? Then he goes on to throw his mother under the bus for going to the casino because gambling is a SIN!!! Julie seems to be doing just fine, so let her play her nickel slots, and leave her alone! Despicable.
  12. Gotta blow that book advance money on *something*.
  13. That's when they still had the promise of a TLC payday (via Boob). Now? All bets are off. I'm betting on another couch birth. Jessa waffled about the hospital when she announced her plan.
  14. Boobchelle would have been insufferable had they hit #20.
  15. Yes, Amy confirmed they were at Marketplace Grill in the pic. Now WHEN they were there is another thing. I think Jessa may have posted that to signal the members of her birthing team.
  16. Her athletic skills weren't timed. She was a long jumper.
  17. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Found this interesting. New blood. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ19hu_rR-O/?utm_medium=copy_link
  18. Apparently they do have to make those choices. Skinner announced today that she's giving up her remaining college eligibility to go pro after the Olympics. I guess the endorsement deals don't go into effect immediately? Or she doesn't want to be competing at college at her age but won't admit it?
  19. I think as long as it's public, it's fair game.
  20. That was not intentional. The ejections were bullshit.
  21. Even Dick Vitale is on the #FreeSha'Carri train.
  22. Evan works 4x10 hour shifts and gets Fridays off. That's how they can make these extra trips that the other couples don't.
  23. I'm sure all of the kids were exposed to inappropriate displays of PDA between their parents. Even now in his 50s, Boob remains a horny teenager.
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