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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Lots of Duggar minors (especially girls) at Gospel Light Baptist. I assume Anna also attends there with her own brood. If I had to guess, given Mr. Reber's history in prison ministry, he probably does bible studies at home with a very sullen Smuggar.
  2. SLC also has two minority cast members, although both are in hot water due to shady business dealings.
  3. Oh God, 2010 Ice Dance. Davis/White did the much beloved Bollywood program. The Russians were Aboriginal, IIRC, and totally disrespected the culture.
  4. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Klay is hinting that he could be back before Christmas. Can't wait!
  5. It was a Russian "journalist" who said P/C couldn't portray male/female interactions because he's gay. I saw this broadcast during the week on the Olympic Channel, and Tara/Johnny ripped this guy a new asshole.
  6. I agree. Smuggar can talk the talk, but I don't know that he ever truly walked the walk.
  7. The Duggars, Joy, Jed, and maybe some of the other adult children attend Gospel Light Baptist. Remember that big outing at the baseball game when Katey announced her pregnancy? That was a Gospel Light get together.
  8. Ben's recently divorced sister Jessica has remarried. She's now Mrs. Joseph Coates. I have no intel on him, so I don't know if she's going to backslide into the fundie world. I sure hope not.
  9. Evan's fall made me sick. S/K's FD is dull, dull, dull. Can't believe the PCS they got. 👎
  10. Joy can't even put a pair of shoes on Evy when going to a construction site. You can't expect someone who can't even take Cate of their kids to be compassionate to animals. Derelict must have had a pet growing up; that could explain their success with Fenna. But none of these other yahoos should ever consider having a pet. They're clueless.
  11. I want to say Slade was 37 in the first season of OC. That was filmed in 2004! So yeah, he is in his mid-50s.
  12. There is a father-son weekend that began yesterday to honor veterans (as if any if the fathers actually served) 🙄 It lasts through Sunday. I suppose Boob could have taken Jackson and Tyler. He's about 13, IIRC. Plenty old enough for this activity.
  13. Sure Joy, you're becoming a better mother. Put some shoes on your kid at a job site. https://www.instagram.com/p/CWMc8vNJyRn/?utm_medium=copy_link
  14. Not to mention boot camp, should they make it that far. Those poor boys are always beaten at arm wrestling.
  15. I thought I heard that the Olympic judging panel won't be as favorable to the Eastern Europeans as to North America and Western Europe. While we haven't seen S/K's FD yet, P/C have set the bar very high.
  16. Y'all, Primetimer has a Figure Skating thread on the Sports board. Join us! 😀
  17. Thanks for doing the Lord's work and watching the video so the rest of us don't line Jessa's pockets.
  18. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    I'd argue that those scummy Lakers are ESPN's darlings. And tonight's Warriors game isn't a slam dunk. Draymond Green is injured and will probably be on restricted minutes, if he plays at all.
  19. Suni was the victim of a racist attack last month. 😢 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWKNpoBIJXt/?utm_medium=copy_link
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