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Everything posted by chediavolo

  1. We have those ridiculous, idiotic things called Lake beaches here too. Coming from a place that had actual beaches, real beaches with sand and an ocean. This is an abomination. The first time I saw it I’m like people just go to a lake and sit on the grass right off the road and call This a beach? it’s nothing like a beach, it’s the hillbilly version of the beach. I suspect it is just as fun as what they showed in the skit. I’ve never been, and I never will.
  2. I don’t think Camille should have died at the hands of the poor tortured chimps. ( another reason I hate people) She was against it. It should’ve been her sister and her nasty girlfriend. and what kind of drugs was the brother on that could have possessed him to kill that poor cat he didn’t seem like the type
  3. Yeah, I’m about to stop watching this. Unfortunately I’m also watching gangs of London with its extreme violence, which I’m not loving either and a dog was just killed in that one. This is not helping my anxiety so warning to anyone who is feeling depressed or anxious, and is an animal lover, the storyline with the chimpanzees is heartbreaking knowing that it is still going on..what the hell is wrong with this country
  4. Just saw this on Hulu. I was so looking forward to it. This was such a disappointment. It was depressing. It was badly acted. I agree that Laurie Metcalf could never pass for an Italian. It was just so bad. Not what I was expecting at all, I 8loved Ray Romano, in everybody loves Raymond and men of a certain age and then I think there was another movie I saw him in. But he was just terrible in this, although maybe it was the sad sack character.
  5. He looks even heavier than I thought he was I feel for him too. He better get his act together soon or he’s going to have a hard time making it to 50. Valerie buy your son a personal chef for his wedding gift.
  6. Just started watching this and only up to episode three or four not sure. Last one I watched was about the ex mafia guy or whatever he was who faked his own death by setting a corpse on fire in the barn with the horses that he neglected for God knows how long. The whole thing was just disgusting to me especially the whole saga about that poor horse, laying there with its burns. I was hoping he would have an even more horrible death than he did after setting those innocent horses on fire. And let me tell you the whole thing made no sense if it was supposed to be that he committed suicide where does the fire come in? Did he shoot himself in the head and then set himself in the barn on Fire? There was no mention of this. I thought the show was going to be a lot better than it is, but there seems to be some really idiotic inconsistencies. and it’s not playing so well that we have a Hispanic actor, playing a native American in one of the lead parts and scattered throughout here and there probably like last night when we saw Martinez.
  7. Wait, how did I miss this?! When was this implied? I know I didn’t fall asleep during the episode. I don’t remember anything about Loretta possibly being one of their mothers. Can you please elaborate. Thanks
  8. For the last couple of months or more I cannot view this website without being bombarded with ads or having it stop loading go back to the top constantly over and over. I can’t read a forum can’t post without having issues. I am using the newest iOS and I’m always up-to-date, so that is not the issue.
  9. These women need to realize their JOB and the outrageous income from it is because of their physical looks & it is their overpaid job to be scrutinized. Cry a River into your millions of dollars 💩
  10. Some pretty good scenes lately. Justin& Alex was old time soap goodness. Touching. Fantastic work by Nadia also .. Are these the scabs writing this? If so, I hate to say it but they are doing a better job!
  11. Agree. And since when is a total hysterectomy a minor procedure? The father had a heart attack, (which everyone acted was like no big deal!) the kid had an epileptic seizure, the grandfather was drugged out & they all act like they were at a resort? And went home soon after.
  12. They definitely airbrushed those photos. There have even been articles & clips on tv about it. Christy looks like she has aged the most naturally with super good genes. Cindy is not pretty at all..look at her without all the makeup caked on & her hair done professionally. Very Manley her daughter and everyone says it is a beautiful actually looks like an insect to .her daughter, who everyone says this is so beautiful actually looks like an insect to me. Cindy bugs the shit out of me. I can’t believe that she was calling out Oprah in that one clip in the show. You have nothing to say about something that happened 30 years ago times were different the. And you’re a model! for god sake, your lot in life is to be objectified by other people and in return you get millions of dollars.Beotch Naomi looks really fake to me also for her age, can she possibly look that young? Does she wear contacts because I could’ve sworn in her early pictures she had brown eyes and now it’s just jarring looking. now, Linda. Years ago she had breast cancer and has had a recurrence in a very short time. So of course she is not going to look well. Just think of what all the drugs and chemo are doing to her body. I feel horrible for her. About what she did with the weird liposuction thing I don’t know why she even did that in the first place. And it’s really unfortunate that she has suffered seemingly irreparable damage to her body .so after all that, I think she still looks good
  13. I just started season two. Michael is my favorite. But I have to say, his mother ticks me off a lot. She’s always friggin laughing at him. WTF? He isn’t your little kitty cat who does funny things. He’s a human being & I’m sure he doesn’t like her raucous cackling about everything he says or does. I like how this series shows all the different levels of the spectrum. I don’t think all of these people are going to be able to live on their own with another on the spectrum person.
  14. Just watched episodes 1&2 .Anyone else watching?
  15. A lot of the hype you read about military salaries being low is BS. Those that make a career out of it are set for life. Never mind all the government & local benefits. Meanwhile seniors who actually need it, get squat unless you are destitute. Same for teachers in certain areas. I know an art teacher who has students that can barely speak English , so what are they really getting from her class and she makes 6 figures a year.
  16. More like a bordello. FUGLY& classless. 🤢
  17. Is anyone having issues with this website on their iPhone? I’ve tried using Safari. I’ve tried using Google chrome nothing changes. It is slow-ish to load and then after about five or 10 minutes it will give you a message that the page had an error, had to reload etc. etc. it keeps losing your place. Lots of pop up ads that you have to click off . Lots of blank, white spaces when you’re scrolling through the page ..this started happening after the last prime timer update. This isn’t happening on my iPad. Just the iPhone. Thanks.
  18. They call it that so they can overcharge everyone!
  19. I’m sorry I don’t know how a woman in her prime is able to sleep with (and just even sleep in the same bed or cuddle or kiss, etc. )somebody 40 years older. it just turns my stomach but hey that’s me. I don’t think even all that load of money I would make sure that I was getting could make me able to go through with it.
  20. I am in a long-term relationship, so this is a serious question does a man have to, or a woman if she is taking the aggressor role , ask permission to have before proceeding with foreplay and intercourse now a days. Does no one know how to react to signals anymore? Sounds very unromantic. I mean if someone has it in their head to rape you, they going to do it when you say no or yes. Although I can see it as men trying to protect themselves, but really, there is no proof anyway, if it comes down to a lawsuit, it’s word against word. I guess you need a videotaped and written declaration.
  21. Well, the only good thing about the show was the last 10 minutes with Boyd! Now I hope there is a third season, and we get back to the real Justified. Every time they showed Raylan and Caroline it boggled my mind. There is no way he would be attracted to her physically or Emotionally. I’ve never in my life seen a couple with less charisma or chemistry. Bring on season three with Raylan and Boyd! oh yeah and they could’ve wrapped up a couple of things like what happened with Sandy and what happened with Maureen..
  22. We may not beginning the show today? It looks like they messed up and put the wrong episode on took it down and now there’s nothing.
  23. Is anyone else getting an error code on the Peacock app and days of our lives will not load?
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