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Everything posted by 1011101010001

  1. Well we know she doesn’t like soft pretzels. I thought you get to know the person before marriage. She thinks when you owe money it’s an Iowa.
  2. It’s like somebody threw acid on the Wendy’s sign. Just like dad. There are also brothers who don’t participate in filming I think.
  3. The good thing about being old is you can’t fuck in haste.
  4. I think this is the thread you posted in. Maybe one thread was started when it was on Discovery + and another when it aired on TLC later?
  5. Of all the restaurants Monique could choose from. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/chicago/news/river-north-wabash-avenue-shooting/
  6. I think the handyman neighbor is sketchier than the convict.
  7. Well if she’s done having kids she can cut the deadwood and divorce his ass. That would create another two or three seasons of drama.
  8. Maybe she felt she didn’t have many options on the dating scene.
  9. So she will be miserable only half the year.
  10. With all his medical problems by the time the house is finished he may not enjoy it for long. Then you have a custom little person house and good luck selling that.
  11. Somehow I have the impression that Tania would have especially noxious farts.
  12. She’s not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. I can’t believe we didn’t get a scene where Mia told “JoeBradleyalloneword” that her father thinks he is the best looking man that he has ever seen. Well his face is a 5 so I was wondering what the allure is. Did Mikel actually call TJ old lol? What is he gasp 26? Good to see Leva’s glam plywood office again though.
  13. Millionaires around the world emit a collective sigh of relief.
  14. Wasn’t a lot of the allure for customers that you would see various family members on site? There are plenty of other pumpkin patches so without the celebrity angle I doubt the junky plywood attractions are going to pack in the crowds. Matt was already trying to lower expectations by invoking the economy. She also admitted that she has never had it before.
  15. There are so many families with multiple children who make sleeping arrangements work. When I was little we had a two-bedroom house and I shared a room with my brother. It was either he was in my room or in our parents’ room, those were the two options. Also many parents both have full time jobs outside the home and still deal with sleep deprivation. These two are home 24/7 and can nap etc. But this is the story arc for two episodes lol. “We don’t want the baby in our room and we also don’t want him sharing a room with either of his siblings.” I thought they moved down to Oregon to be closer to the last house. Maybe they are expected to move back now lol.
  16. He loves Mom’s cooking. Heavy use of Velveeta and corn chips on the casseroles. And they suddenly realized that the house layout doesn’t really work for their family. The last house had all those stairs. Do they have a brain between them and do they use it before making a huge purchase like a house?
  17. It’s probably a good thing that she doesn’t have custody of her daughter. Imagine a child witnessing their insane drunken arguments.
  18. It may be just for filming but isn’t it kind of a dick move to hang out at a restaurant when your significant other is serving tables or bartending? I would think the management would tell people not to do that. It’s distracting to the employee. I was looking at the Yelp reviews and one said Ed is there a lot.
  19. And a hit song in 1977. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ariel_(song)
  20. You can be attracted to men and not be attracted to Ed. I think once she made fun of his dick it showed her true feelings about him as a mate. They are only together because they are giant sinkholes of codependent need and fame whores.
  21. Jovi seems like the type who hasn’t read a book since high school. I can’t imagine their conversations.
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