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Everything posted by 1011101010001

  1. Maybe because she can’t use hairstyles to change her look she overcompensates. That split yellow/pink top she wore on Fifth Avenue was an eyesore. I think Ed has destroyed whatever cool San Diego once had. And even Cunanan didn’t do that.
  2. Well I guess he did sign the papers, called that wrong. Bowling, scintillating. I wonder if Frankie quit the show or will be on later.
  3. Maybe the dad gets them sometimes and that was when filming took place. She claimed to have been in a good mood at the other Tell Alls. Not my recollection lol.
  4. Yeah I think he is below average looking but she is obviously biased. I mean she goes on about Alexi’s looks and he looks like a pterodactyl.
  5. If we haven't actually SEEN it, we have seen her slowly, smoothly slither her way into Matt's business and then his heart. He taught himself (she taught him?) to depend on her for too many business decisions and now he's confused. Is HE the boss or is SHE? She's one smart cookie...but maybe Matt is finally seeing the chicken-scratching in the dirt. I get the feeling that she is his dominatrix so manipulates him in that manner.
  6. To make it authentic it should be mattresses tossed on the floor without sheets, surrounded by half-full Big Gulp cups.
  7. I wonder how they get insurance with all those hazards. And I wonder if having a pool would make insuring a short term rental much more expensive. All you need is one drowning or one broken neck from diving into the shallow end.
  8. But all his other kids are in NY so do they just mean he pays support because he can’t be spending much time with them while driving an Uber in FL?
  9. Good you know she is irresponsible enough to get pregnant again. Also I doubt he will sign those paternity papers as he probably fears that it might put him on the hook financially. Although Jamaica is not one of the countries that has reciprocity with the US for child support enforcement, maybe he wants to leave his options open to move to the US later without owing child support.
  10. Let’s face it without the constant grousing about the farm there would be no drama or storyline. So they will prolong it until the wheels fall off. That’s also the name of the episode.
  11. Two to three months a year. And they are pretty expensive to keep usable.
  12. I wonder if restaurants deliver that far out of town. I doubt many guests want to cook every meal. On an unrelated note I was reading about the guy who has lived on a grounded passenger plane for decades and he is in Hillsboro. So maybe the ark wasn’t the weirdest thing there.
  13. Yeah it’s a glitch of the site when that happens. Matt mentioned Jeremy has his own farm. I wonder if it’s an exaggeration like Zach’s farm lol.
  14. Because if he is losing the income from it he doesn’t want anyone else to have it.
  15. Like the large one (Rocky) they let suffer outside in pain because they were too cheap to pay a vet to put him down.
  16. And unless/until it is torn down the double wide is very close to the main house so after spending millions they get to look at a double wide.
  17. And he has to furnish it now with furniture, linens, towels, dishware etc. Just because the property is expensive doesn’t make that house a luxury home. They added on to an existing house, even the new parts are 20 years old, a lot of it looks dated. It’s a large house but not necessarily a desirable one for an affluent buyer who can get newer construction for the same price point.
  18. Funny that Matt admitted that some buyers wouldn’t want the tacky pirate ship. Have you seen what people pay to meet and greet musicians who haven’t had a hit in 50 years?
  19. Sometimes short-term renters have loud parties and treat the properties roughly. Can’t wait to see how cranky Matt responds to that.
  20. Zach is so socially awkward that I would prefer another guide.
  21. In addition to the timing issues she also has blown through all his settlement money so likely couldn’t afford a nice wedding. But her official story is that they need to be married before he is released so that he can be paroled to her address.
  22. Yara is totally unrecognizable. She must really hate her own looks.
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