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Everything posted by 1011101010001

  1. Did not see Jamal hooking up with Veronica coming.
  2. They both have alcohol problems and his fantasy is that they spend their nights drinking on the sofa.
  3. I thought last week Liz said she needed to return to full time work because she had depleted her savings. So where is she going to get the money to purchase an ownership share? They don’t just give you partial ownership for being a hard worker.
  4. I doubt a properly leashed and supervised dog would be hit by two trucks. It looks like their yard doesn’t even have a fence.
  5. I think she said six and the mom doesn’t want her to.
  6. Yeah she sleeps ten hours, good luck with that with a baby lol.
  7. I don’t think Justine looks like she thinks she looks in that.
  8. Her friend wearing skintight clothes to a cemetery lol.
  9. I think he may have been caught using meth. I was thinking the same thing then figured it was close to sunset. And that production rented the place so that is why there were no other patrons.
  10. Louie didn’t look all that hot even in the high school pics.
  11. He has a Phil Spector vibe. He looks just like her, imo. I wonder if she was a teen mom. She doesn’t look old enough to have a 30-year-old son.
  12. We are also lucky there has not been a draft since Viet Nam. Many countries still have one.
  13. Probably wanted to be gender neutral and not use the word it. Colt’s initial character was kind of clueless and happy go lucky but controlled by his dick but has now morphed into this over-the-top bitter surly troll. He has a wife and got his independence so he should be happy (unless he now realizes neither of those things were what was making him unhappy). It seems almost like bad method acting as a young DeNiro or Pacino lol.
  14. That didn’t make sense to me. Chris was expecting people to be there because it was supposed to be a surprise party for someone else. So silence would be suspicious.
  15. There is an ignore button Welshman so no need to get profane. I just used it myself.
  16. Forums are for different opinions not to pressure someone to agree with you by insisting you know what you are talking about. Please be civil. When they first came out they were scarce but have been available for a long time. I know tons of people who have had them for a long time. This wasn’t filmed two years ago.
  17. I watched it on demand today and it’s being rerun Monday at like 1:05 am central time.
  18. Re Mikel I always wonder why some flamboyant gay men assume that everyone believes that they are straight. Just because they haven’t directly brought up the subject doesn’t mean they don’t know.
  19. Most middle class people can afford them and he appears to be middle class. Also if you really want one you can find one. They may not be on the shelf at Target but you can track them down. Kim found one and she is no genius.
  20. Angela also flirted shamelessly with one of the doctors in California.
  21. Molly has always seemed sketch. For example if Kelly got drunk and hit on Cynthia she is the type who would totally blame Cynthia. She always put the deadbeat men ahead of her daughters.
  22. I thought this is on Thursday nights. Edit I guess my DVR recorded a repeat last week.
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