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Everything posted by 1011101010001

  1. Yet he still sleeps with her every other night. Also they don’t need five bedrooms.
  2. Kim wants to be friends with benefits lol. He is not attracted to her, why would he have sex with her if she isn’t going to bring him to the US?
  3. They must be in hysterics watching The Three Stooges. Sophisticated sense of humor, those two.
  4. Now that the season is over I don’t think this is a spoiler but I saw that Tori said on her IG that she and Zach plan to leave the show in the near future. Maybe that means one more season? I forgot what a landfill Jeremy and Zach’s bedroom was. It was a fire hazard, a tripping hazard, you name it. I was hoping Daisy would have one of her accidents on the tour.
  5. I thought they smacked Lilah in the face with an oar before the dousing. Plus she probably can’t see anything without her glasses. Some conversations should not be televised. And sentilmental.
  6. Isn’t this the rainy season? Who would want to be on a muddy farm?
  7. Because Amy feels “weird” having strangers in the house. Like buyers wouldn’t be strangers lol. But do they get a deep discount like they wanted on the purchase price?
  8. I figure she does it when she needs a cigarette. sorry about the empty boxes below there are so many technical annoyances here
  9. She always gets shitfaced the night before the Tell All and then they wonder why she is late.
  10. When my mom did that I would start licking her hand and she would stop.
  11. I think Alexi has a great body and personality but is the male equivalent of a butterface. But as Loren resembles her mother facially more and more each day perhaps it’s a good match.
  12. Doesn’t every recipe start with either jarred tomato sauce or canned cream of chicken soup?
  13. Hey why pay through the nose for vodka and tequila when you can make identical libations with tomato sauce and sugar? Who knew? Hanging out in random parks and woods past curfew is totally worth getting sent back to prison. isn’t Tina a slang term for meth? Kinda fitting considering the druggie storyline. I’m not putting Zanesville on my vacation bucket list. Not since Dubuque a few seasons ago has a town looked so sad.
  14. And many of them have spent significant time in solitary confinement for bad behavior so it’s a stimulus overload. No reverse cowgirl.
  15. As if she would want to drive in India. But then again maybe she lived in her car when not on her daughter’s sofa.
  16. I wonder if gag me with a spoon will come back. Or at least “like totally.”
  17. My point was she raised three kids, two with disabilities. You noted there were four, three with disabilities.
  18. Maybe because they are self employed they either don’t have health insurance or their deductibles are high? I think he just meant in recent years when she had mobility issues he waited on her hand and foot. I think she did the majority of the child rearing, and they had two little people (one now deceased) and one average-sized so that was plenty of work.
  19. I would think two um heavyset people like David and his daughter would be a little less nonchalant about Covid. Maybe it wasn’t the best time for long international flights.
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