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Everything posted by 1011101010001

  1. I thought both of Molly’s kids were mixed race. Didn’t Olivia have substance abuse issues, she seems unhinged?
  2. Milf Manor beat them to it. The youngest son is 20 and the oldest mom is 59. Edit never mind the 39 was referring to Mark and Nikki. Hmmmm maybe she thinks creditors can’t reach her in the DR.
  3. They think we forget what manufactured storyline they used before this one. When they were in Connecticut he was saying he only couldn’t work because he didn’t have his permit and was eager to begin work. And chided Georgi for not working where he had his work authorization for years. Maybe she was planning on having him fellate a strap-on.
  4. I have heard people compare to a baby’s arm but an adult arm bullshit.
  5. Tammy has refused to meaningfully participate in two therapy sessions. If I were the therapist I would tell her I’m not approving her for the surgery.
  6. Those filtered pictures of Darcey lol. Does she really think a professional matchmaker is going to catfish men like that? Also re not wanting to die alone, husbands usually die first so it can happen anyway. And she wouldn’t be totally alone as she has daughters and possibly a sister if Stacey outlives her.
  7. Let’s hope it’s just the Terrible Twos and he hasn’t inherited his disposition from his maternal grandparents.
  8. Favor is an NYC coffee roaster so maybe that’s where the beans are obtained. https://favor.coffee/pages/roasting
  9. Don’t Urinate on the Truth and Tell Me It’s Raining.
  10. I think people strike a match to mask the fart. Like some think perfume will do for body odor.
  11. Frankly although she is more attractive than a Baby Girl Lisa or Angela I think his primary reason for choosing her is that she can bring him to the US. If she can’t do that and probably can’t give him kids and she does witchcraft when he is an evangelical Christian it seems like he could find many better options. Like is her personality especially winning lol?
  12. I think when people are lactose intolerant or just avoid dairy they use alternative milks like almond milk or oat milk. She could have had a roommate until he got there to save money. She just wants exactly what she wants when she wants it.
  13. Do you think that coffee was really $11 or she got a bagel or muffin with it?
  14. Also NYC is one of the most expensive cities in the US. They could live somewhere else. If she’s been in NYC for only 15 years, she lived somewhere else the first 27. Also giving up an additional $15k in her annual pension amount because she doesn’t want to stay one more year is dumb. If she lives 20 years past 62 that’s $300k, and many people live longer than 82. Also her pension plan may have a COLA but the size of that is based on how much you are getting in the first place. Many teachers don’t get SS so she may not be able to have that sent to the DR like Jenny does in India. And even if she participates in SS and has worked enough quarters to receive it, the amount is going to be tiny if she stops contributing at 42.
  15. I just meant we only heard her side on the ep and she is not the most credible narrator what with her general character and the fact that she was in a physical altercation with a peace officer so not exactly a pacifist. But yes if people knew that her version was corroborated of course we would all place sole blame on Christopher and condemn his actions.
  16. Yeah they say don’t give up your favorite food just control the portion size. If you go cold turkey on something like pizza or ice cream eventually you will give into the craving and binge on it.
  17. Maybe a backyard ceremony at Tina’s with Tina providing the food and drink lol.
  18. I wonder if she rented that boat or production paid for it.
  19. Other couples have done multiple seasons of HEA unfortunately.
  20. I have a feeling it was mutual combat. Also I would like to know what bones were allegedly broken and how many teeth were supposedly knocked out. I thought it was weird that she appeared to be quitting the show when she needs money and she was presumably being paid to be on it. Also later when she was telling him to go make so money. Honey, if your business failed you need to go out and get a job. There is a shortage of employees virtually everywhere. But it requires working not hanging around flea markets and pools.
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