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Everything posted by LordBowen

  1. Would love to see Tucker Smallwood play the Mills sisters' father.
  2. The best part of this episode was providing me with the hope of this: Coulson shows up for a meet in Lola; Rosalind is amused. At the end of the meeting, Coulson flies off in Lola. Rosalind's jaw drops.
  3. There was no suspense in this episode whatsoever. The scene where Davros cried was beyond cringe worthy. Clara's actions were beyond stupid. Here's a hole in the ground, Clara. Missy wants you to look in it. Make sure you get right up close to the edge. Here's something on the wall, Clara. Missy wants you to take a close look at it. Clara goes from supposedly being so brilliant as to be in demand by both Unit and Missy. And then those things happen. Maybe all the teleporting affected her brain. No, actually the writing is just bad. And the Doctor's over the top emotions were pretty lame as well. Even worse than the sunglasses being sonic? He wore them INSIDE. Last season had its ups and downs but overall was entertaining. This season's first two-parter is something I never need to see again. Please show, stop trying so hard and give us back some fun.
  4. Found it to be mostly meh with an occasional good bit. Wish the show would go back to being something compelling that made you think...and feel. This episode just seemed shiny, superficial, and silly. It also doesn't help that I cannot stand Missy.
  5. The most entertaining scenario for me would be for Liz to vote to evict Austin because she's believes Jmac is voting for Steve. Wanting to not only make Jmac look like he went back on his word (that the Austin vote was Jmac), but also to force Vanessa to cast the deciding vote. But JMac gleefully votes for Austin as well. Then we get to see Austin's face when Julie announces by a vote of 2-0, he is evicted from the BB House. I would cry tears of joy. ETA: Liz's wig is quite flattering.
  6. When the Austwins find out their rankings at Jokers, the twins will be indignant and Austin will be butt hurt.
  7. If Steve nominates two of the Austwins, and puts up the third if one of the first two comes down after Veto (if possible), he is forgiven.
  8. That was so dang depressing. If JMac doesn't win HOH, I'm not sure I can stomach any more of this season. I was on the fence about Steve up to this point, but now hope he's evicted by the Austwins.
  9. And now, according to Joker's, the ADC crew (sans Becky) has decided they want to keep Vanessa and vote out Shelli. Wonder if that will stick or... ETA: I can understand wanting to get the better competitor out first for DE.
  10. Have now watched BBAD three nights running. Cannot believe how boring it's been. SO many people and so little entertainment. Tonight's entire theme was: Jeff digs his own BB grave.
  11. So when the Mark of Cain left Dean, the Darkness was able to escape from where God and the Archangels had imprisoned it (cough*island*cough).
  12. The fact that the absolute scariest part of the episode, the most bone chilling scene, had no zombies in it proves just how amazing this show is.
  13. While I haven't been particularly happy with some of the events that have taken place this season, I will continue to watch. It is one of a very few shows I find truly compelling. I might talk at the tv during other shows, but HOW really makes me feel the characters and react to their situations. During this last episode, I yelled, not talked, at the tv when Cullen was approaching Sid. Yelling at Psalms to move away from Cullen, to get out of the line of fire. And when it was revealed that Ruth had shot Sid, I immediately started clapping. Loudly. This show does that to me. Love or hate what happens to the characters, the show makes me care. (With the obvious exception of the Swede of course. Please make him go away. PLEASE.)
  14. Yes, this was a great episode. Cullen was a man on a mission and everyone knew it. But please, end Snow next week. He has overstayed his welcome. BTW, when the gatling gun made its appearance it was no surprise. We all knew it was coming, right?
  15. Well, I quite liked it. Not the best episode no, and the MOTW was not the least bit scary, but still enjoyable. Loved the Matt Smith lookalike, the P.E. teacher insistence on the part of the Doctor, and of course the disruptive influence girl. This episode may not have had the visceral impact of others, but it was entertaining in its own way. More Danny, please.
  16. The Princess, The Player and the Puppet Master. Got to be a typo. Surely it was supposed to be The Princess, The Played, and the Puppet Master.
  17. Thanks for the voting reminder, burgerbitz. Entered my last set of 20 and can now relax. Hard to believe the Finale is the day after tomorrow!
  18. I'd like to see the Julie's "surprise" on Finale Night be Jeff Probst. He shows up and offers Frankie, Caleb, etc, a spot on the next season of Survivor. That would be fun.
  19. This is the episode (for me anyway) where the Doctor got his groove back. Didn't feel it at all in the first three episodes, then got a hint of it last week. This week it arrived in full and I finally feel like I'm watching Doctor Who again. Very happy. Also would love to see the two accomplices become Companions, especially Psi.
  20. So tell me again why TPTB are giving Derrick an extra $50K for doing absolutely nothing that he wasn't going to do anyway?
  21. Feeds are back. Victoria is crying. Looks like Derrick won Part 2 of the HOH. Yawn. Anyone surprised, anyone?
  22. Listening to Cody going over points for his F2 speech. Said he really wants Derrick to win Part 2 of the Final HOH comp so "they can crush it in the Finale." He also seems genuinely convinced of his own influence over events in the house. His reflections are quite subjective (natch), but interesting to see how his thought process works. (Cody is currently sequestered in the HOH room while Derrick and Victoria play in the comp. He is NOT happy with how long it's taking. HaHa.)
  23. This forum is infinitely more interesting than the actual televised show. Way more informative too. The Live Feeds are so instrumental in seeing the whole picture. Have enjoyed reading all the posts and comments here. Hope to see folks on the Survivor forum. BTW: Donny got a really great edit on tonight's clip show. Zach did not. Have to wonder if CBS is trying to influence the America's Favorite voting. Not that, you know, they'd do such a thing. Oh, and it looks like they're now playing the second part of the final HOH comp. Based on an earlier conversation between Derrick and Victoria, she may throw it to him. If so, the feeds may be back soon. Then again, you never know with this bunch.
  24. I'd like to see Dan host the jury spot. And poor Derrick wouldn't be there for it. (Evil laugh)
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