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Everything posted by LordBowen

  1. Just looked at the Care Packages at CBS. How did they come up with all of these? Sheesh. Hope voters read the part about how each HG can only receive ONE care package. The live feeders should be more aware of that than the general viewers from last season. HOPEFULLY. Need to think long term.
  2. Monte is pretty much dead to me now. Claiming America thinks he's a genius for seeing through Justin before anyone else. Also accused Justin of stealing from his HOH basket. He's trash talking Justin now with the Plastics. Nasty.
  3. Putting up Morgan would be a waste of a nom. Putting Morgan/Monte/Whitney on slop is one thing. Using a nomination on Morgan at this point, not the best use of the power for sure. Have a strong feeling though Alex will come down with HOH-itis.
  4. Alex made a really angry comment about Kryssie before the comp began, which took me aback. That's why I said Kryssie. It sounded like Alex had a problem with her. Could have been a momentary thing.
  5. She'll probably nominate Danielle/Shane or Danielle/Kryssie. HOH family pictures for Alex will be problematical. LOL.
  6. Maybe at the two-hour mark, they'll address the issue. Probably won't happen, but hey.
  7. Yes, if the girls had to rely on hand/arm strength alone, like Justin, they would have been out already.
  8. I wish the HGs would be told they can't let the swords touch their torsos. Both Alex and Whitney have their swords pressed into the lower chests and are using their bodies to help support the swords. That would really speed up this comp.
  9. They're holding what look to be lances rather than swords. So there's a fair distance between the HGs' hands and the end of the "sword" pressing against the crown to hold it in place.
  10. Danielle throwing quite a bit of shade at Zakiyah. Says Z is a knock-off of her. And that she (Danielle) got the better looking guy. LOL.
  11. Turned on the feeds earlier and wondered for a minute who the heck the guy playing pool with Justin was. Then I realized Shane had shaved his mustache and beard.
  12. As a night owl viewer of the feeds, I'm actually happy Jason won. He's the catalyst for all the crazy backyard talk sessions in the wee hours.
  13. Monte can't be the third nominee as he is HOH. Also, pretty sure you have to have the live feeds in order to vote.
  14. Sorry, Chris, but you chose to leave your dad and go off with the San Diego boys. Live by the bro code; die by the bro code. Bummed about Alejandro though, he was a great character.
  15. Voting's open for the third nominee. It closes tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. BB/Pacific time.
  16. So apparently Kryssie is more persuasive than I thought, or Shane/Monte overthink things. Decisions, decisions. Kryssie off the block could benefit Jason.
  17. Kryssie and Shane had a fairly lengthy conversation in the Safari Room after everyone else went to bed. While she managed to get him to admit he knew who Monte's nominations were going to be, he said he wouldn't betray Monte by telling her. So after that Kryssie tried a number of tactics on him including being teary eyed, talking about the terrible ramifications she'd face if she went home first, how she was no physical threat, blah, blah, blah. She also threw out both Justin's and Neely's names, along with some hints as to why they're bigger threats. The conversation ended when Shane was told to go replace his microphone pack. I don't think he fell for any of her BS. In fact, when Shane shares everything she said with Monte, they may just decide she needs to go first. Now I'm wondering how long it will be between the time the two nominations are revealed and when the HGs are told about the 3rd nominee by America. It's going to be good no matter what.
  18. This is my best hope right now. America nominates Cornbread and he goes home. Even against Jason and Kryssie. A number of HGs have voiced a dislike/distrust of him, enough to send him packing (especially with America getting a vote).
  19. Monte cannot see the forest for the trees. Which will make it all the more satisfying when he smacks head first into a sequoia.
  20. The last two nights watching the "midnight jamboree" backyard talks have been highly entertaining for me. I've laughed so hard so many times at the things that come out of the HG mouths. Early this morning they shared their fetishes. Nothing I hadn't heard before, but that said, Shane is gross.
  21. When he gave Shelby the "taking one for the team" reasoning, I actually snorted.
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