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Everything posted by LordBowen

  1. Angela's DR spots had me mesmerized. I had never noticed her moustache before. The DR lighting made it hard to ignore though. Weird.
  2. Wondering how much of a threat Angela views Tyler to be at this point. Yes, she'll almost certainly take him down and replace him with Bayleigh. But if she doesn't use the Veto, it wouldn't surprise me. She knows she can manipulate Bayleigh, who still has an app power. Angela may want to finagle that to her advantage. Much easier to do without (don't want to sit next to at the end) Tyler around. After the Veto ceremony Angela says: "Tyler! I didn't want to risk Bayleigh being able to change things. Or reveal our alliance. C'mon, you against RS. It's a no-brainer. You've got the votes." Goes into HOH and laughs her most evil laugh. It all depends on her levels of game savviness/evil/self-preservation. Probably still too early for her to make such a move though.
  3. Wonder how Angela feels about Sam calling a house meeting so soon into her (Angela's) HOH?
  4. Have to admit to being disappointed with the Satan character. Seemed to be borrowing from other tv/film incarnations. And the costume was bad. Seriously bad. Can't believe they couldn't/didn't spring for actual hide instead of using that cheesy polyester crap on his bottom half. And if you watch again, pay attention to Satan's wrist areas. As said, just bad. Also, based on the size of the betting crowd in the Tombs, can't see it bringing in a whole lot of money. Maybe if it was being broadcast on the Dark Web or something, but otherwise...small potatoes. Looking forward to seeing Hitler and Eugene again.
  5. Would love to think Tyler has a plan to backdoor someone. He's now aware of two different allied groups. He could choose which he wants to align with and use it to help him backdoor someone from the other group. Would he make that move? Probably not. But it would be fun. Sam seems to be pretty popular with fans. Hopefully she'll get an app to help her. And DD was spot on making the JC/Charo connection.
  6. Swaggy C's swagger may get him booted early. Works for me. Based on this episode Sam, Scottie, and Kaycee are my early faves. Tyler maybe as he does possess some self awareness. Everyone else is meh for now. Since Swaggy McSwagface heard Kaitlyn badmouthing him, he's probably going to try and get her targeted. Which could work for several reasons (her "aura" and/or the 'anyone but me' philosophy). But then again it could totally backfire. Welcome back, BB, I missed you.
  7. Happy to see the Captain and Wally, VERY happy to have Ralph back, and boy howdy, that is one adorable baby. Joe is, and always will be, the man. DeVoe had best be gone for good: such an off-putting character. Will not be at all surprised if the West baby turns out to be a Meta. The Star Trek/Star Wars bit was a hoot. Hope there's a Flash/Legends cross over next season.
  8. Brak's better looking, but I hear what you're saying.
  9. Michael reminds me of Chris Pratt. A bit in appearance, but more so in mannerisms and facial expressions. (I've been calling him StarLad.)
  10. Glad Ben won and Chrissy lost. She was way too full of herself. He kept playing and I'm not holding it against him that Production helped him along. Would love to see Devon, Desi, and Lauren return in a future season.
  11. BB entertains me the most when the HGs are all in freak out mode and begin questioning everything and everyone. Now if Christmas stays, pretty much only Jody will be doing that. A few of the Outsiders may be surprised, but not unduly so. A tie vote, resulting in Cody's vote to evict Christmas, would sow only limited confusion, i.e. who flipped on Paul's side? But to really get the house rocking, you'd need Christmas voted out by a wider margin, say 8-4. That would freak out pretty much everyone. As to how that could happen: 1. Dom decides to vote to save Jillian, thinking to blame it on Elena. Because she (Dom) would be way down the suspect list of hinky voters, right? 2. Raven decides to vote to save Jillian, because there's no way she's going to share her pity party with Christmas. Because she (Raven) would be way down the suspect list of hinky voters, right? 3. Josh decides to vote to save Jillian, because he's Josh. And he's going to be blamed for any hinky vote regardless. :) Odds of this happening, miniscule to none. But it's fun to think about.
  12. An interesting group overall this go round. Would like to see Jessica and Cody leave sooner rather than later. Still neutral on most so far, although Dom and Mark are easy to like. Josh is both exhausting and entertaining.
  13. Hmmm. An alliance of Scott, Alex, Justin, Jason, and Neely? Sounds interesting. Paul hosting the upcoming HOH comp should be good.
  14. Think Morgan's pack did not turn green? The LNC entertains me greatly. The Plastics, not near as much. I don't hate anyone, but would prefer the boring people out first. Have witnessed both "sides" being bitter and petty. It's BB after all.
  15. Monte and Scott were the other two HNs with Morgan. Monte was evicted and as HOH Scott cannot be an HN.
  16. Scott is up in the HOH telling viewers he's nominating Shane and Danielle. Danielle for using him as a scapegoat, and Shane for betraying the first night four-guy alliance. And because he knows they're going after Alex. He says he needs to make a deal with Neely not to go after Alex. Yeah, good luck with that, boo.
  17. Hey, Kryssie! Bet you do get some votes this time.
  18. Waiting for Kryssie to play the victim. Even though she got zero votes and, if she were half as smart as she thinks she is, would have known she was going to get zero votes. Danielle may get over the top insufferable this week. I having a feeling we may get another "volatile" week, no matter who wins HOH. We shall see.
  19. The night I posted that he knew, Jason and some others in the backyard were talking game. Jason started to say, "But then Nicole w...could have won, or Paul or James." Something to that effect. It seemed fairly obvious at the time he was going to say Nicole won. But caught himself in time. No way does he want the other HGs to know a vet won BB 18. BUT...I could have misread the situation. We'll find out at some point. LOL.
  20. Always crack up when I see Monte with his Davy Crockett hat. My brother had one just like it and wore it all the time. When he was six.
  21. Danielle is definitely playing, and I can appreciate that, but she can be annoying at times. Mostly when she talks about a scenario she wants to see happen and then vocalizes what her reaction would be if it did. Gloating is bad enough; gloating in advance is just inexcusable to me. YMMV. Am also a bit tired of her attempts to "share" similar experiences. Tonight Neely talked about an acquaintance (who is half-Korean) who turned Neely on to a great Korean restaurant. Danielle then piped in with. "I got lost in Chinatown once!" Um, okay. Still, I don't hate her, just wish she'd be a little less loose lipped. Neely and Whitney both seem to be in pretty good spots right now.
  22. Kryssie is someone I want to like, but her constant self-aggrandizing is very off putting. This morning in the wee hours she was expounding yet again on her awesomeness, BB cut the camera to the chalk board with the BB 18 HG advice and centered on 1. Drop your ego! It was pretty funny. Scott being nominated would be fine with me, but it may be better to get Monte out this week. If only to avoid a possible escalation of the Justin/Monte situation.
  23. Scott made a deal with Alex to vote the way she wants in exchange for his safety this week. Then he talked about said deal with Kryssie and Shane (who mostly listened). End result: Jason/Kryssie/Shane/Danielle want Scott gone asap, and asked America to nominate him instead of Monte. They think they have a better chance of getting Scott out. Kryssie also let Neely in on the situation.
  24. Jason claims not to know who won BB 18, but he does. Kryssie sure is popular right now. <eye roll>
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