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Everything posted by LordBowen

  1. Been checking the CBS site pretty regularly as I'm so ready to vote for have nots. Have to keep reminding myself that this season America means live feeders. I wouldn't be surprised if either Cornbread or Whitney is the third nominee.
  2. Scott is now a founding member of both the OTT Jamboree and the Shane/Monte/Cornbread/Scott as yet nameless alliance. Wonder what he's thinking. For those without feeds, OTT Jamboree consists of: Jason, Kryssie, Justin, Scott, and Shelby. They are also going to try and pull in Neely. Jason keeps referring to Cornbread as Cornfed. Cracks me up every single time. NOTE: I thought earlier Shelby was with the guy alliance because she was in the Safari Room with them. But it turns out she only went in there after hearing her name mentioned and stayed for just a moment.
  3. HaHa. Monte's trying to get Morgan to give the "infection" to Jason. Morgan wants to give it to Whitney. Stick to your guns, Morgan!
  4. With Danielle and Justin next on the list after those three, there's bound to be thoughts along that line though. With all the different things America gets to vote on, I hope the HGs pay careful attention to the outside input they're given.
  5. Yes, please don't let Monte get the HOH. Agree with LC, America voting him as third nominee would send a very strong message to the HGs. Whitney can go too. She's conniving. I get bad vibes from both Monte and Shane. Shane's tells are more subtle, but scarier (to me). Looks like Shane, Scott, Cornbread, Whitney, Monte, Shelby, and Alex want to target Neely/Kryssie/Jason.
  6. Oh, yeah. Pretty sure Justin is smitten with Danielle. And she knows it. They're cute together, so I hope she doesn't play him.
  7. Morgan and Neely seemed to click too. Justin and Danielle seem to be checking each other out. But I fear Danielle will be an early casualty.
  8. And here we thought no blackouts was a good thing. Production, please, do something.
  9. I'm getting a control freak vibe from Monte. Hope I'm wrong.
  10. For some reason, I find Scott's posture and way of walking highly amusing. Not sure why.
  11. Now it's hopefully Jason's turn to walk through the door.
  12. Hmmm...looks like Whitney and Nicole shop at the same clothing store.
  13. Julie just said the viewers and only the viewers will decide the winner of BB-OTT.
  14. Did NOT need another reason to dislike Daisy, but when you hurt Mack, you get the stink eye. Love Jason O'Mara as the new director. And he's an Inhuman. This is good. Maybe great. We shall see. (Hoping for at least one dinosaur reference. Please, show?) Can't help but think the person who created the "ghosts" is someone we already know.
  15. Agree there are some boring folks in this group. But I'm hoping Cornbread, Justin, Kryssie, and Neely (She had me at Afro puff.) bring some solid entertainment.
  16. So there are seven women and five men. Add in Jason/Josea and you're still got more women than men. Not sure what that's all about. Already see some I don't care for, but at this early stage I do like Neely and Cornbread. Which means they're probably doomed.
  17. Just watched the season premiere of Agents of Shield. My favorite part of the episode was seeing Lorenzo Henrie cast as Gabe. It gives me serious hope Chris is not long for this (FTWD) world.
  18. BB just called out Paul for not washing his hands after leaving the bathroom. Apparently this is the second time they've done it. This was the highlight of an hour's worth of feeds. Sigh.
  19. If Nicole wins the third comp and takes James to F2, and then loses to him? I will laugh and laugh and laugh.
  20. Even if James comes in third, I'm not going to feel particularly sorry for him. He played the game he chose to play. And if what I've read is true, he's getting $25K as a returning vet who made jury, $5K he won during a comp, and a weekly stipend. Depending on the stipend amount, he could be taking home in excess of $50K total.
  21. Nicole, no surprise, won Part 2. Paul and Nicole both seem sincere about taking each other to F2. But I could be wrong. Paul told Nicole he saw James fall off in Part 1, and that James didn't throw it. They both agree James really tried in Part 2, but Nicole still smoked him.
  22. Nicole was the first off. The comp involved a rope and the need for upper body strength. Nicole later said to Paul that James told her he dropped after she was out. That he basically threw the comp at that point to Paul. There was also talk about how Nicole fell off because she started spinning. Not sure what the actual configuration of the comp was though. James mentioned something about the comp lasting over an hour and a half.
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