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Everything posted by LordBowen

  1. Nicole venting and talking crap about James comes as no surprise. Almost, but not quite, as amusing as watching tonight's episode. Between Corey's DR wherein he claims to love his comic book, and Paul's statement about Corey not even getting to first base with Nicole, I let loose a lot of chortles. So happy Nicorey is being split up. Corey seems seriously bummed. Nicole needs to give him some space. But she won't.
  2. Well, here's my best case ending (considering I really don't want any of them to win). YMMV. (Note: I tried to put a smiley face here, but don't know how.) 4th: Nothing Corey wins nothing. 3rd: AFP-obsessed James wins AFP. 2nd: Paul. Sorry, Paul's mom, no Bentley for you. 1st: Nicole. Which is necessary in order for Paul to become the first male BB contestant to lose to a female in Final 2. I may have switched James and Nicole if I wasn't convinced James' winnings would be gone within a year. Also, it would be very interesting to me to see how the jurors would vote if it was a Paul/Nicole Final 2.
  3. For a minute there it looked like Corey forgot how to take off his shirt. Then again, it's Corey. Maybe he did.
  4. Have to give Nicole props; she's making the men look bad in this comp. ETA: Maybe spoke too soon. She can't figure out how to get the ball out of the bowl.
  5. This isn't as much fun as other times, since there are only four people competing. Nicole is ahead of Paul in filling the small bowl; Corey ahead of James in filling the large bowl. But James isn't really trying that hard.
  6. Guess they're going to do what it takes to get their "showmance" finale with Nicole winning, Corey taking 2nd, and broken-hearted James getting AFP. My hope for BB 19 is that it's an experiment by the network to seeing what the ratings would be for a show with NO production interference, and more responsiveness to/interaction with the viewers. Because this manipulation stuff ruins everything.
  7. Is zap2it a CBS affiliate? Because their BB18 articles all give off a Nicole/Corey/James Final 3 vibe. My take anyway. Would love to be wrong.
  8. If James now campaigns to Nicorey to vote him out over Nat, and they still evict her, I suppose there's a possibility he'd join up with V/P to get them (Nicorey) out. I could live with a V/P/J Final 3, as unlikely as that sounds.
  9. Forgive my mental lapse... Has the issue of HG numbers/days remaining been resolved? Or is there still a chance of a reset?
  10. Ambition as in long-term goals and career after BB. His BB stuff is great for now, but it's not going to last. As I said, just my opinion. YMMV.
  11. Random thoughts: IMHO the deal breaker in a future James/Natalie romantic relationship would be James' lack of ambition. Can definitely see them remaining close friends though. Can't help but think James has spent a LOT of time going over scenarios in his head wherein he introduces Natalie to his friends back home. Have an uneasy feeling TPTB want a Nicole win. Which, no.
  12. My idea of entertainment for today: Nicole lets James (and by extension Natalie) know Michelle is going, Shortly after that, Paul says something smug to Michelle. Maybe something in the vein of "Glad you've packed since you're going home tonight." Michelle responds with a sly, knowing smile and says suggestively, "As long as no one flips." Paul scoffs but soon becomes paranoid and starts asking all the voting HGs about their votes. If Jatalie are in on Michelle's scam, they heighten Paul's concerns by acting shady when he questions them. Paul gets so wound up, he says things he shouldn't, convinced Nicole and Corey set him up to be evicted. He goes off on Nicole which upsets Corey so much he votes him {Paul) out. Granted this would all take place while the feeds were off. But it would be so much fun to have the live show begin with the HGs totally wound up and looking like they're all about to go off. Note: I'm not a Paul hater, just want some excitement! Also, I know there is no chance in hell this happens.
  13. The goat from Corey's anecdote sets the story straight. Too bad I don't speak goat.
  14. It will be interesting to see if Nicole's nomination thoughts change after her next DR. If it looks like she may nominate James/Nat, I could see Production steering her elsewhere. If it's all about the showmances.
  15. With apologies to our non-Dick fans, ED is being so funny on Twitter. Someone tweeted him and asked if Paulie's aunt was really dying. His response? "I'm sure she wants to die after watching her nephew this season."
  16. What would be fun to see Thursday: Zak (thinking everyone else is voting to evict Tiffany) lets her emotions get the best of her and votes to evict Nat. Frank/Bridgette/Nicole/Corey then vote to evict Da' (thinking they have more/enough votes). And by a vote of 4/3/1, Da' is evicted from the house. Hey, it could happen! Anything that shakes things up though works for me.
  17. Jesse can be so slow on the uptake at times. Frustrating. And even a fake-out death of Cassidy is annoying. He's the most intriguing character in the show.
  18. The crew wasn't bracing for the shock wave itself. They were bracing in the event the shock wave set off the mine field.
  19. Really missing Tex right now.
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