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Everything posted by mythoughtis

  1. I'm not seeing any benefit to anyone regarding this interview. Jim Bob and Michelle can't explain this any better than it's already been explained. We all know they didn't have a clue as to what to do, so they did whatever some other chuch elder with no college education or background in psych told them to. If they were intelligent people, none of the last 10 years would have happened the way it did, and they wouldn't have said and done the things they have. There is nothing they can say right now that will swing the court of public opinion. What they can do is to start sending their younger children to actual schools, colleges, churches, psychologists, encourage them to play sports and other team activities. In a year or so, start speaking out about the dangers of the lifestyle they lived, how it led to isolation that was harmful, etc. Encourage their older children to go to college, join actual churches, let go of the legalese for their own family, offer to put the young adults in apartments, or dorms. It's okay to encourage them to have roommates for safety. But, refuse all interviews, refuse to consider any more reality shows .... for anyone in the family.
  2. The big news was probably that they had been asked to do the spin off show.
  3. Ben and Jessa will be fine. He has an associate degree, he can get a job with benefits. They won't be rich, but they will get by. maybe they will rethink some things, and won't have 19 kids or worry about women wearing pants.
  4. I would like the show to be cancelled, and no specials for 5 years. My reasoning is as follows: Anyone connected to this family in any way or connected to anyone who is connected to this family, or just believed this family is having their own crisis of faith, family, etc. Everyone needs to be able to work thru that without cameras or hypocrisy. The Duggar girls/boys need to decide what they believe and who they want to be without scripts. Same with Derick, Derick's family, Ben, Ben's family, the Ruarks, the crew, friends/family, co-workers of all of these. Do you realize how many people may not attend their own church tomorrow because of the Duggar scandal? Do you realize how many people will cross the street rather than talk to the Ruarks in Ohio? Derick's office co-workers now have another reason to look at him funny, but also question their own beliefs. How many TV watchers have started homeschooling their kids, or changing their own dress code because they believed the Duggars... and now have to re-think all of that. Please let all of these people go handle their mini-breakdowns in relative privacy without people wanting them to be shining examples of ....something they don't have the energy to be right now.
  5. He just got braces - he's not leaving his orthodontist
  6. Guys have been pulling away from girls after they have sex the first time since the beginning of time. I kind of see it as the natural order of things being as they had no real relationship built up yet (a few days on a honeymoon does not count). And, I mean that for both Ryans. Truthfully, I would rather that they didn't have sex for the first month. I mean, they may split up after six weeks, so why push sex before then. I think they should make that part of the experiment. If Davinia wants sex, why doesn't she initiate it rather than just whine because Sean doesn't. Maybe he'll say yes. For all the gossip about him being a player, he seems more like a nerdy guy to me - just as Basement Ryan does. Nothing wrong with that. But nerdy guys don't normally initiate sex beause they are too shy to do so.
  7. I actually liked this interventionist. No nonsense - take charge - but still low key. I like all of them, except for Seth. The relationship did border on creepy in addition to toxic. And the relationship between Leela and her taxi driver was strange. The grandparents were too old to deal with all that.
  8. Andrew is addicted to alcohol and crack with an addicted Mother This Mother is unbelievable. She can't for the life of her see what she did wrong. I feel really sorry for this kid - yes, he's 22, but he's just a kid. Adding as I go thru the episode, she's a real piece of work. She comes from somewhere for the intervention, and she smokes $700 worth of crack with him? Her biggest concern at the pre-intervention is that his father wants to have a letter read from him at the intervention.
  9. Poor Meredith: She's going to have to raise her own children, rather than have Alex do it. She's going to have to quit thinking that 'her person' is not supposed to have a life of their own, as if they were a 18th century British servant. Not only does she think that a childless dating couple WANTS to live with 3 children, she then wants to invite Amelia to live in the house also. Who's next, Maggie? It's been a year (supposedly), you took your children away and managed to raise them while you were in the worst stages of grief, 9 months pregnant, so do it now. I don't know how Richard and Catherine would ever get by without the speech from Meredith. And, look, just one speech, and they are off and running. They are surgeons, they are reminded how short life is every day.... but Meredith is their savior. Meanwhile, she is ripping Alex and Jo apart. Guess they don't meet with her approval. I happen to like THIS Bailey, the one from the first couple seasons. So glad to have her back. I am in agreement with those that think the time jump did no one well. You just had to have Meredith pregnant, so you needed a year. No, you didn't. She didn't need to be pregnant at all.
  10. Illinois recently had an elected official die after the election where she was re-elected but before the start of her new term. The outgoing governor appointed her replacement until the end of her current term. The in-coming governor appointed her replacement for the beginning of her newly elected term. It was quite a discussion. So, most likely Lisa Madigan (the ILLINOIS states attorney) would appoint someone to begin Alicia's term, and then order a special election.
  11. I would like to know what happened to this show. Alicia Florrick has gone from a good person, whose husband was unfaithful to her, and who began rebuilding her life.... to a hate-filled conniving arrogant woman who sleeps with every male that shows an interest in her (while still pretending to be married, and yelling at her husband for doing the same thing). I don 't know what was going on in JMs' personal life this season, but she's looked like she was recovering from a severe physical illness. All the other co-stars appear to have filmed all their lines for the entire season in one week, while JM is in almost every scene. I would guess each week a different one came in and filmed most of their scenes while the rest slept in. This was a much better show when it seemed more of an ensemble cast. I don't care about Alicia's 3rd try at starting a firm or who she starts it with. I've almost forgotten the other lawyers, paralegals, secretaries, etc. I really miss Elizabeth, Robin and other of the fringe characters. Hopefully I will remember to not watch this show next season.
  12. Absolution I am aware that the advertising pays for the air time of their commercials. My point is that they need to gear the commercials -and the shows they air on- towards the people with money to spend. Which isn't 18 to 49 year olds.
  13. This was a really good show. It should have been on in a different time slot. Putting it on against Persons of Interest, and Chicago Fire did it no favors. As to the Demographic... maybe it wasn't a favorite of those under 40. However, given the last several years, TPTB should rethink their target audience. Millenials and Generation X don't have the buying power they used to. It's the not yet retired Baby Boomers that have the money, and it's the baby boomers who are spending the money to take care of their boomerang children these days. Targeting us with a few shows might be a good idea. It's one that CBS has practiced for a while now.
  14. They wanted to tell Amelia AFTER Meredith arrived at the Grey-Sloan hospital and told her friends, but they had to wait until she finished surgery. However, we have no idea how long that was after Meredith had the machines turned off. Meredith had hours to tell Amelia while Derek was still on life-support. Thanks for the corrections on Zola's condition. I was obviously wrong.
  15. Meredith had better figure out what a family Is. She has 3 children, who have a right to know Their fathers' family. Otherwise, she is just repeating Ellis's mistakes. Amelia was not just living with them, she was providing child care some of the time. This was her brother, she was right there, and deserved to say goodbye. she and Derek's family deserved to know Meredith was pregnant, and to see the kids during this difficult year. The kids deserved to see their aunt. Also Zola deserved to be around her doctors -she is HIV positive?
  16. This maybe the worst episode of Greys anatomy I have ever seen. And is Derek's extended family ever going to get to see those kids?
  17. I don't think it's that. I think that he thinks of his niece as a daughter. He doesn't want to pass her around like a toy to share. He's not going to just toss her to the side so that he can replace her with his 'own' family. He considers the girl his first child. Jaclyn doesn't get the difference between a 'niece' and a niece (or even unrelated child) that you have raised. As someone else said, its as if he is a widower with a child. He doesn't want to be the non-custodial parent. I think his Mom has legal custody, but she is over 70. She depends on Ryan to do a lot of the parenting, the chauffeuring, etc. The producers needed to match him with someone from the local area, where they could live within 15 minutes or so from both sets of families. Because that is what Ryan obviously wants. This conflict wouldn't be happening if Jaclyn was the one with the niece. No one would be expecting her to move an hour away so she could start her 'own' family.
  18. The producers should have never matched people who lived this far apart. Nor should they have expected Ryan to go from living on site with his orphaned Niece to a hour away. He considers that girl his child. In a choice between my child and a stranger - child wins every time.
  19. Just now watching, Meredith has been at this hospital for hours ... And she can't be bothered to call Amelia or any other member of Derek's family so that They can say goodbye before she pulls the plug?
  20. I think Katherine also had a mental illness. They described her as having 'all highs and lows' once she hit puberty. Her parents had her kids because they didn't want them to grow up in a drug infested home. It seemed that Chad wouldn't leave nor ask her to leave, so therefore the parents decided the kids should leave. It was hinted at the pre-intervention that Chad and Katherine had something similar to a co-dependency going on.
  21. Two totally unlikable people. I do sense a difference in the production crew this season - they don't allow these people to get by with as much- such as reporting Katherine to her parents. I don't hold out hope that Mindie will stay clean. I think she has mental issues.
  22. Oh, poor CNN, so torn.... do they cover the protests or the new royal baby? How about they cover the thousands of people dead in Nepal, or any of the other thousands of important stories in the world. We do not need 24 hour coverage of Baltimore. We need SOME coverage of Baltimore and other protests... but it's not the only important news that is affecting peoples' lives. We don't need more than 5 words an hour about the new royal baby (especially here in the US). Maybe I AM old and white, but I consider 'thug' to mean someone that participates in terrorizing (in the traditional sense, not the terrorist sense) individuals by looting, burning cars and structures, by preventing firefighters from putting said fires out, by injuring over a 100 police officers, or by any of the methods that criminals use to intimidate victims before they actually commit a crime against them. I could care less about their race. I realize labels are controversial.... but thug is a much quicker, less wordy way to say all the stuff I just typed when I defined the word. I totally get the points people are making about the poverty and lack of opportunities in the neighborhood, but that doesn't give anyone a pass on doing what they did Monday night. When those events happen, the perpetrators shift from being poverty stricken unemployed individuals into criminals. For what it's worth, I welcome charges against the officers - although I wonder if all six can be found guilty of anything besides unlawful arrest if the actual event happened in the van in the presence of only one of them and after the other 5s' involvement ceased.
  23. Terra and Joe by themselves are actually adults with love for their baby. But. The previews for next week bring them back to jerks. Christy doesn't start any more/ less drama than they do.
  24. Regarding epilepsy (or seizure disorder). diagnosis and prognosis. Our son had an unexplained seizure at 6, had an abnormal EEG, normal MRI, was on medicine for 2years. weaned off, and declared no more at risk than anyone else. At 15, he had another. This time, a seizure disorder diagnosis was given (because it was the second seizure in his lifetime), again, abnormal EEG, normal MRI, medicine. 4 years later, they were discussing weaning off the medicine. He went off to college, forgot his meds, and had a seizure, this cycle was repeated over the next 3 years. Note to others: a sudden stoppage of medicine for even a couple days can result in seizures (yes, plural). A repeat of the MRI was done, just to see if better technology showed anything, it did not. He is left with taking medicine the rest of his life, and risking seizures if/when he forgets to take it - or when he gets any of several risk factors (lack of sleep, illness, stress, alcohol, and so forth). Can he drive? Not right now, his last seizure was less than 6 months ago. Will he drive then? Unknown, his license was cancelled as he is thought to have had a seizure while driving - so who knows when he will get it back. Can he work? I'm proud to say he has a bachelors degree and just got a fantastic job, and the company knew about his condition when they hired him. It helps that he got the job in a big metropolitan area and can take the bus to work. Are there a lot of people worse off? Yes, he's had a total of 8 seizures in his lifetime. There are lots of people who have more than that in an afternoon. Josie appears to be closer to my son's status - but I think she has other disabilities.
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