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Everything posted by MicheleinPhilly

  1. Thrilled with the result! I've always loved Cirie and was happy to see her finally come out victorious. I did feel badly for Andie because I believed they were genuinely hurt and genuinely needed that money. ☚ī¸ I'm happy that Quentin didn't win anything because the dude was so comically obtuse. For me it came down to being satisfied with Andie or Cirie winning the money, no one else. I know I thought that Christian would be the first traitor booted but now I'm sort of glad he wasn't because it gave him more time to believe his own hype. In addition to being supremely annoying, he was also just a comically bad actor. Every single reaction was dialed up to 11. He also reminded me of when I was a teen and would get caught lying to my mother because I COUDLN'T STOP TALKING. I found Kate hilarious. In real life, I would hate her but she provided some nice comic relief here. If they do move forward with a 2nd season, I hope they chuck the reality tv folks angle as I just think it was a distraction (I recognize the irony in this given that I was thrilled with Cirie's victory). I just think when people come into the game with preconceived notions of some of the contestants, it takes away some of the mystery. I'd like to see an "all normals" season.
  2. As someone who has been 100% team B&T since 2004, I was happy to see them get married. It didn't have the same emotional resonance for me that it probably would have had in my 20s or 30s, but I was happy to see it. I just wish the rest of the episode hadn't been so farcical. Who invited Pippa??? If memory serves correctly, she and Bette didn't have the most amicable of break-ups so I don't understand why she was there. The stuff with Dani rolling was so juvenile and contrived. As was her dilemma over who to be with. And again, who would have invited Dre to the wedding??? (I know I give too much thought to dumb shit like that, but these writers frustrate the shit out of me.) I absolutely HATED that they turned Tess into some cartoon character and the only person who seemed to show an ounce of realism about it was Finley. WTF? Micah and Maribel needed to have that conversation MONTHS AGO, not when they're looking at a speculum wondering what type of torture device it could be. What a poorly written storyline. I'm so happy for Micah that he high-tailed it the hell out of there. Don't look back, Micah! The less said about Shane, the better. I love the idea of Alice and Tasha going on to live happily ever after with each other. I freakin' LOVED Tasha and it was so good to see Rose Rollins' smile again. 😍 I suspect this is the last we'll see of The L Word but even if it does get renewed, I'm fine with that being the end for me. I can't torture myself anymore.
  3. The giant heart was always my favorite part of The Franklin Institute but it did, and probably still does, smell like feet inside. 😖
  4. I will second this! I howled with laughter so many times that I had to keep rewinding to catch what I missed. Jacob and Mr. Johnson bickering like a divorced couple over custody of their child was golden. I was actually surprised that Jacob didn't immediately recommend putting up flyers and posting on social media about the cat. Gregory needs to put or shut up with Janine. He's been freely dating and as soon as she shows interest in someone, he tries to sabotage it. 😒 I'm glad that Janine pushed back when he was talking smack about Mo. Let her enjoy herself! And her ribs! Ava was on fire in this episode. And I appreciate that they are showing her exhibit some sensitivity and wisdom so she isn't just a cartoon character. Melissa sucks at impressions but her Philly accent just keeps getting better and better. 👍
  5. I literally just scrolled to the bottom of this thread with my hand over my eyes so I could post without getting spoiled. 😂 I'm only on episode 3 but I'm already missing the British version. I wish they hadn't made the decision to have half of the cast be reality tv-ers as they suck all of the oxygen out of the room, not to mention all of the screen time. With the exception of Cirie and Stephanie, and of course, Ryan Lochte, I don't know who any of these people are. And that girl from Big Brother talking about leveraging her "fandom" and how she's an icon? 🙄 Honey, have 10,000 seats. Christian is 100% going to be the first traitor to be sussed out. Good grief, shut your pie hole dude. That plastic surgery fan was annoying but at least she wasn't an idiot. Does Christian think he's good at being covert because he's a veteran? Cause he ain't. These early episodes are always hard for me to keep up with the sheer number of contestants. Looking forward to getting further in so I can come back and actually read this forum.
  6. I don't think I've really made an effort to watch it before. Between the Globes, SAG, BAFTAs, and the Oscars, it always seemed like one televised ceremony too many. I only tuned in this year for Chelsea Handler and I missed most of her anyway. 🤷‍♀ī¸
  7. May I just say I absolutely LOVED that Quinta shouted out DonorsChoose.com in her acceptance speech for Best Comedy Series at the Critics Choice Awards. Particularly when she pointed out how rich everyone in the room is and how much money they could afford to donate. 👏👏👏
  8. I completely forgot this was on so didn't tune in until about 8:30 and missed a lot of the tv awards. I've been trying to find clips but so many of them are from Access Hollywood and other bullshit entertainment shows with commentators babbling over everything. The Access Hollywood one with part of Chelsea's opening monologue was particularly annoying as the person told you what the joke was going to be before Hanlder delivered the joke. 🙄
  9. Oh Angie, don't be a dummy. Regardless of whether or not he is still your teacher, he's a DICK. Have a little more respect for yourself, honey. Bette and Tina have officially morphed into those "don't be your parents" insurance commercials. Although in Angie's room that was probably needed. Nasty. 😖 I'm really concerned about Tess but feel like the show isn't going to address her issues in one more episode. It's not at all surprising to me that Shane finally put her foot down about a second bar - it is her money after all - but again, how obtuse are you that you don't notice that Tess is drinking again??? Could anyone see what Finley was Googling towards the end? I left my glasses in another room and didn't feel like retrieving them. đŸ‘ĩ TASHA! I was SOOO happy to see her and would love if she appeared in the last episode but I'm not optimistic. I'm kind of at the point where I just want everyone to have a happy ending so we can just finally put this shit show to bed for good.
  10. I don't even know what this means. So I have to watch it on YouTube??? đŸ‘ĩ Nominations list: https://ew.com/awards/sag-awards/2023-sag-awards-nominations-full-list/
  11. I was obsessed with the British version of this. As @Wee S mentioned, it was so campy. It was deliciously trashy and cheesy but I couldn't stop watching it. I'm hoping this version has the same "first time" charm because I can't imagine it will be as compelling in subsequent seasons when contestants have had the benefit of figuring out how to "play the game."
  12. From what I've been seeing online, it appears that the stars WILL be showing up for this. Which is really just gross and stupid. Are you that desperate for an Oscar nomination? 🤨
  13. I know there are only 2 episodes left but they really seem to be phasing out the "olds." We saw it last week with Shane's total absence aside from a phone call, and of course, B&T being gone for weeks.
  14. Yeah, he's a dick and their relationship was wildly inappropriate but Angie is 18. This was not a case of grooming. I hate that Tess fell off the wagon. And she was around all of those people at Dana's - did no one smell her? With the exception of Micah shoveling gummies in his mouth like they were gummy bears, this episode bored the crap out of me. Although it did make me crave stuffing and mashed potatoes so I guess there's that. 🤷‍♀ī¸
  15. I saw the touring production of Jagged Little Pill in Philly over the weekend and really enjoyed it. It skewed a bit too YA for my tastes but I appreciated that it wasn't just a standard jukebox musical (which I really can't stand.) I didn't follow any of the behind-the-scenes stuff when it debuted and Diablo Cody is REALLY hit or miss for me, but I love the music so I was willing to overlook some of the story limitations. MVPs were Heidi Blickenstaff (Mary Jane), Jade McLeod (Jo), and Allison Sheppard (Bella). Heidi in particular was just phenomenal.
  16. "I'm like a tall Simone Biles." DEAD.
  17. My little, nerdy, Book-it loving self CAN'T WAIT! 🤗
  18. I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'VE READ MORE COMPETENTLY WRITTEN FAN FICTION! At this point I'm hate-watching just to shit on it.
  19. At this point, I'm just holding on until the inevitable cancellation. They literally have NO IDEA what to do with these characters. I particularly liked them recycling the season 1, episode 1 storyline from the OG when Bette and Tina invited a random guy home hoping he would impregnate Tina. Sure, random stranger in a bar will immediately agree to be a donor after 10 minutes of conversation. Sure. 🙄 I have zero interest in Carrie or her love life. Sophie is a hot ass mess. I was actually embarassed for Alice throwing herself at Tom like that. You can't just break someone's heart and then be like, "Hey, wanna get back together even though we've had no contact whatsoever?" The kitten was cute AF though. Hendrix is an ASS. I'm at least glad that they didn't show him and Angie having sex because in my head I'm like, "You are still a baby in diapers! You shouldn't be having sex with anyone! Go to your room!" đŸ‘ĩ 3 episodes left. Please Showtime, put us out of our misery.
  20. Hoping nothing of consequence happens in this episode because I just can't stomach watching a musical. 🙄
  21. My eyes are so puffy, I look like I've been punched. 😭
  22. @ZuluQueenOfDwarves and @Night Cheese And in true Philly fashion, people are going to begin tailgating in the Target parking lot across the street from the station at 4 p.m. today. đŸ¤ŖđŸ¤Ŗ I love this city.
  23. I am fully prepared to cry like a baby at 6:30 tonight!
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