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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. I don't feel sorry for her...there is no love there. She basically stalked him at his gym and "bumped" into him. She wanted fame and fortune and she got it. She just didn't realize she was going to be stuck with a sustance abuser who is an entitled, spoiled enabled mama's boy.
  2. I was wondering what the hell happened to Butch? Is he OK or is he strung out again...I think it's weird that someone who was an integral part of the story line for as long as the show has been on is no longer on or even mentioned.
  3. YES!!! I wanted scream at the inauthenticity of some of these scenes! The new mothers who looked like they did before they were pregnant after just giving birth, bringing a newborn from the hospital but stopping to go to a Dairy Queen with newborn in tow...after the birth of all three of my kids I just wanted to get home and curl up on the couch and I certainly wouldn't have taken a newborn out of the car to a picnic table at a DQ and finally, the biggest problem with this script...the "adoption". Where was a lawyer or an adoption counselor? Kate and Toby didn't have to sign off on papers? Only the birth mom? No one was involved in the legal aspect of this? It was just an agreement between birth mom and adoptive parents? This was laziness on the part of the writers to speed the episodes along. In real life it would have involved lawyers, counselors etc...to insure that the baby is going to a fit home. I'm sorry, this show has started to decline this season. These kind of slips are expected on most network TV shows but this one set a higher bar when it first debuted...now the writers and show runners seem to be content with unrealistic scenes and run of the mill scripts.
  4. This! What happened to Mac quitting the show? Remember when she announced that she was quitting? Hmmm...guess that MTV money won out. Well he might be too busy with his 9-5 job to watch...Oh...my bad...I forgot he doesn't work and never has except for that pizzeria job he had years ago for a hot second.
  5. She's awful...always harping on Maci for this and that or complaining about Bentley not showing up for this or that. They forget that he has a busy school/athletic life and also that spending time with his father who treats him like crap and a step mother that is aloof and cold doesn't make it a fun place to be.
  6. Oh so true on everything! OMG! Gary should do this, Gary should that...Christina needs to put her foot down and draw some boundary lines...this is just unhealthy and wrong. And under no circumstance should Gary go into business with her...why does she think she's this is business Wonder Woman? What the hell has she created that actually turned a profit and is still up and running? Honestly, this is a woman who never worked a day in her life and she's bossing Gary around and walking all over Christina while she's at it...what happened to her plus size clothing line? Or the house flipping? Gary doesn't owe her anything...he raised their daughter while she was bedding men, getting high and beating up on people.
  7. What I think what was worse was Ryan trashing Bentley's mother on camera as a spiteful bitch...that was really bad and damaging to Bentley. His faux concern for Bentley is just so transparent. If he cared about Bentley he would have some interaction with him and talk to him...but instead he just sits on his recliner fondling his dog and spewing vile. Mackenzie needs to shut her piehole and stop enabling his wretched behavior...and please...both of them need to stop saying that the two little toddlers are being let down by Bentley becasue he did not go to the party at their house or for not spending a holiday with them. Those two little kids and their "feelings" being hurt by Bentley is just disgusting. Ryan exhibits drug addict behavior and it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he's using again...even if he isn't, he's just the laziest lard ass ever. Bentley isn't being influenced by his mother in regards to his feelings about Ryan...he sees and feels his father's ambivalence to him and his resentlful attitude towards him. He knows his father has no love for him...if Ryan does love him, he never shows it or expresses it to him. All he does is complain about Maci, call her names and bash her and then gripes about Bentley not coming over...why would Bentley want to?? His Dad is a schumck.
  8. Tyler smokes too...great parenting there.
  9. Liz is not essential to the show and really this character is useless at this point. I hope she's gone for good.
  10. I'm not on anyone's team...they all suck. Agree...there seem to be no off switch with some of these women. Keep your kids, adult or under age out of this mess.
  11. I thought the guy was incredibly tolerant. She was a whiny, demanding, entitled diva. He seemed reasonable and weighed each property carefully citing their individual pros and cons. She was acting like a spoiled, petulant princess. It could get old after awhile for him...
  12. I agree. Gia has been an integral part of the show from day one. Teresa and Joe allowed her to be showcased when they were promoting her song and dance career and her other endeavors. They allowed her to voice her opinions on other cast members and even her estranged relatives. She was quite vocal about her father being expelled from the United States and even voiced her displeasure with the judicial system and vowed to go to the Supreme Court. Sorry, Teresa is complicit with putting her daughter out there and exploiting her when it was beneficial to her agenda.
  13. It was weird..it almost like these people were living in a different time/place! No masks, large groups mingling, hugging, kissing each other...WTF?
  14. Just putting this out there...but...this first episode and the storyline seemed very scripted to me. The whole Teresa/Jackie thing seemed fake and scripted. Maybe I'm just getting cynical about these Real Housewives show but this one this season, just doesn't seem authentic. Jackie seemed like she was acting sad and depressed and Teresa seemed to go overboard on her sociopathic foul mouthed temper tantrum. Maybe I'm just too cynical these days...I have watched this franchise since day one and the producers know what brings the audience and moreover, keeps the audience and that is Teresa blow ups and Teresa grudges and fights. At this point it wouldn't matter who is on the show...all that matters is that Teresa is there to argue and have girl fights. Question...I thought Gia was going to Rutgers. What happened with that and what school is she at out in California?
  15. I've known a few guys like Bentley who grew up with divorced parents and the dad was a substance abuser. They all have nothing but anger or depression about their dads and the lack of love and friendship they never received from them. Bentley is lucky that he has a great step Dad that genuinely loves him and has a good relationship with him. Often times that is not the case and their step dads can be abusers both physically and emotionally. I don't hate Maci...I think she stepped up in a big way to be a good parent to Bentley when she saw Ryan imploding and then leaving them...however, I think she misses the mark with exposing these private and very personal issues her young son is experiencing in a very public forum. All of these kids should opt out of the show after the age of nine. Film the parents all you want but leave these older kids to deal with their issues privately. Certainly they can be filmed playing in a ballgame or hanging out casually with family and friends but this personal stuff should be off limits. Maci could have that option if she wanted it. In this regard, she is using poor judgment.
  16. Agree with everything you said...Tyler and Cate are just clueless about how to use currency (monetary and otherwise) to encourage Nova to do "chores" in order to receive a reward. It would have been better to call it allowance and tell her that she gets a flat rate every week if completes her chores. If she refuses to do them or only does a couple things, she doesn't get her allowance that week. But a whole dollar for every chore? Wow...maybe an even better way to get Nova to understand work/money would be if she had role models that actually WORK! THEY DON'T WORK! At some point, when she's a tween, she will say "why should I do chores for $$$ when you guys don't work?" Another completely absurd storyline from these two nudniks is this "should we have a another baby?" OMG! Is this the only thing these two know how to do? And why? They clearly seem stressed with two let alone a third...and when this show ends, which it will at some point, what will they do? They have no post high school education, no skill sets, no work experience but they will have three kids to clothe, feed and support financially and provide healthcare for. This la de da attitude about procreating when they have no other source of income except from the show is just irresponsible and selfish. Cate thinks when she's in her 50's or 60's she will be lamenting that she didn't have a third child is ridiculous...By then, she'll have five or six grandkids. How absurd. I also have a ying yang thing about Maci. Frankly, I think that Maci, Ryan and Bentley should have family therapy. Maci and Ryan should definitely do therapy together so they can co-parent better. It would be the least Ryan could do to make the situation better for the son he clearly has no interest in. Ryan is a shitty Dad and loathsome human being...blames everyone else for his problems and has abandoned his son for a new family but blames his abandonment of Bentley on his ex...he still won't take ownership of his threat to Taylor's life. I can understand Maci's exasperation with Ryan and her anger with him but she needs to rein it in around Bentley. I also understand Taylor's frustration with Ryan...Ryan does nothing for or with his son...Taylor is in fact a father to Bentley in every way. Taylor has been there for Bentley when Ryan wasn't and didn't want to be. Amber/Gary/Kristina relationship mess is just weird and stupid. Cheyenne/Zach...he seems like he wanted to be back on the show more than wanting to be back with her...I don't trust his motives. What's with her sister? She had a baby but where's the baby daddy? Mac's Dad seems like a sweet person. I hope he is better now and is in better spirits. Rough year for this family.
  17. I think Britney wasn't well served by her family nor the people that were hired to manage her career. No one protected her from the paparazzi, no one managed her PR properly, no one seemed to be spokesman for her when she needed it the most. Her family was unsophisticated in the ways of show business and clearly, her father, was not interested in her career or even in her well being...he viewed Britney as his personal cash machine. No one stepped in to give interviewers perimeters for an interview with Britney...what was off limits to ask her and what would be OK to ask her...Diane Sawyer's interview was cringeworthy. She wasn't well served by the people being paid to look after career as well her personal well being. As for the conservatorship...it's appalling that her father is still a co-conservator. I've read up on him and his involvement with some evangelical minister's wife and the control she has also had on the conservatorship and her part in the take over. It's very shady stuff...Britney's Dad is shady as hell. Her mom didn't fight for her daughter as much as she should have...I think her involvement now is a good thing but her Dad is still the one calling the shots. Best tactic Britney employed was to strike...no more working until this is resolved. When the day comes and she is allowed to look at the books and see where all money went, I'm sure she will need a legal team to deal with it and I hope that they hold Jamie Spears accountable. This is a cautionary tale. These child entertainers often become victims of predatory people within the industry. People tasked with taking care of these young people who actually steal not only their money and financial futures but also, sometimes, their innocence and vitality. Sometimes these predators are family members...the people that children need the most to be their protector and provider of a safe place to fall. Some of these kids take to drugs and alcohol to self medicate and some become depressed and fade into oblivion...and some die from overdoses or suicide. After viewing this, I have to give Taylor Swift's family and her "people" kudos for handling her career up until her adulthood in a pretty admirable way. With exception of the Scooter Braun situation, she has been able to navigate the waters of celebrity and the music industry pretty well and now as an adult, seems to have a good handle on the business end of it. It's too bad it didn't happen this way for Britney.
  18. OMG!!! That was creepy as hell. Even little girl Britney knew it was gross. Ed McMahon was probably sloshed when he said that...he was always sloshed on Carson...still no excuse for his Jeffrey Epstein behavior...disgusting.
  19. Thouroughly enjoyed this episode even though it had it's ridiculous moments. As far as I'm concerned, this show would be so much better if they wrote Megan Boone out and just had Spader and his Blacklist as the main plot lines. His off the grid associates and assorted freaks and weirdos that work for him plus the Blacklist bad guys provide enough entertainment for a full hour and then some. She's just not essential to the the show anymore and her being this badass rogue FBI agent is comical. Just let Spader be the star and move on. RIP Clarke Middleton.
  20. I think Fox News and other right wing media outlets do enough critical commentary on BLM and any other left wing protesters to satisfy their base and anyone else so inclined. Bill lost all credibility and respect when he used the N word a few years ago in an offensive and tone deaf way. Maybe he's growing pot in there?
  21. Didn't watch (quit watching almost two years ago) but come on here to see what Bill's latest rants are about...anyway...did he actually say liberal media doesn't allow debate or dissent? Wait...what??? Has he watched Fox News, OAN or Newsmax in recent months? Has he listened to Rush Limbaugh or any of the other right wing radio people? OMG...is he just shit stirring or does he really believe the crap he's putting out there? And what does he have against solar panels? I thought he was an environmentalist...geez, the 2021 version of Bill Maher is a shadow of the 2008 version.
  22. Yes...she did. I'm still trying to figure out her plan for moving down to Florida with three kids...alone. She has no family or friends to help with babysitting and finding childcare or enrolling them in school might be difficult during the pandemic. Does she even have a plan?
  23. Exactly! She could buy a used certified car for herself and do all her own shopping, errands. etc. instead of imposing on Gary and Kristina for every little thing. Her mother or her cousin could help her. She can order stuff online and have it delivered or get an Uber.. It's absurd that she is so lazy and codependent that she cannot do everyday things without being a burden to her ex that she abused and treated poorly at one time. She is the epitome of entitlement. Gary is a tool. If he wanted to help her he could help her with purchasing a car so she could get off her ass and do her own shopping and drive herself to his house to see their daughter. But no...he's going to make it easier for her to do nothing by getting her a modular home to put on his property! Instead of investing his and Kristina's money in this why not find her a life coach to help get her life going...otherwise you're not helping her Gary. It's just more of the same sloth and codependency that Amber has engaged in all her adult life.
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