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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. Yes! About Ryan...I was def thinking the same thing about Ryan!!!
  2. I didn’t watch last season and probably won’t continue to watch this season after the first episode...boring. I’m so tired of Padma, Tom, Gail and Richard Blaise (ugh). This show needs to freshen up and replace these people...and the format is tired and predictable. Too many other great shows to watch on Netflix, Apple TV and other streaming services. I’m out.
  3. I thought she was a pain in the ass...she complained about everything...so negative. I loved it too. The fireplace was to die for...very art deco. It was a cute little bungalow. Even the windows were works of art on the outside. Great place for a single person.
  4. Yeah...everything that tastes good winds up being bad for your health. It's not fair.
  5. That house is going to be a money pit. Being that it is an historical home, they will probably have to secure permits to do renovations. The City of New York probably has some stiff building codes that they will have to navigate and may cost $$ also. Once those ducks are in line, the renovations can begin and in NYC that will cost a bundle. The roof repairs and renovation to a "party deck" will be very costly let alone the kitchen renovations, closets, painting and other repairs that most certainly will be made to the plumbing, heating, etc...Those two looked, acted and spoke like trust fund kids...probably from Greenwich or Darien, CT. Private schools, Ivy League colleges and a tight knit circle of other trust fund friends. My kind of people...ha ha...NOT!
  6. I never heard of it...looks a little like SPAM? But looking at the label on the back, besides the high fat and high sodium content as well as having sodium nitrite and sodium nitrate in it...I would have to pass on it despite looking delicious on the grill.
  7. I agree with just about everyting you said except for Jennifer's drive in burger joint waitress on roller skates outfit...I was expecting Laverne and Shirley to pop out of a closet singing "Hassen Pfeffer Incorporated..." Teresa looked like an older member of a harem in that purple see through bikini/coverup thing she was wearing. Jackie's suit was falling off of her scary skinny body...this season has really taken its toll on her. And I coudn't agree more about Delores...don't quite see what she brings to the table either.
  8. I agree...unless they really needed the money it would be the best thing for her and her family to walk away. The fallout on social media and sites like this where she is kind of a target for trolls and haters is not for the faint of heart.
  9. What’s with these people and the throwing of food at each other? How infantile.
  10. Yes! It makes me crazy when Teresa goes on about being "old school" like she's some sort of Italian grandmother dressed in black with rosary beads in hand. When she says "old school" does that mean you let your husband disrespect you, call you vulgar names or insult your intelligence in front of your kids? Her "old school" former marriage was all of the things...not something she should be proud of. I guess "old school" means that there is no equal balance of power or decision making. The man makes the decisions and has the power of the purse and everything else. How archaic and sad...I hope that Teresa is finding her new relationship to be a more "modern" one and put the "old school" crap back where it belongs.. locked up in a trunk in the attic and the key for it thrown a deep river.
  11. My bad...I did not know that. She behaves like a girl that had zero interactions with other young adults. It just seems like she went from her daddy's house to her husband's house with no stops in between.
  12. It kind of highlights their marriage though. Joe was a verbally abusive husband. There are more snippets of him threatening to smack the kids and putting Teresa down and calling her stupid. Frankly, I think Teresa was in an abusive marriage with Joe. She became complacent and maybe the only way she was able to survive it was to ignore his abusive language and compartmentilize everything. It's almost a classic case of mental and verbal abuse. Even after she went to jail and he was deported she stood by him and rationalized his crimes. Even now, after the divorce, she's in business with him selling sex toys...it's just pathological at this point. She doesn't seem to have the strength to tell him to fuck off and go away...for all her bravado and tough girl language and combativeness, she just cannot get out of this rut with her ex.
  13. I noticed how thin Jackie is...it's really noticable this season. I think her eating disorder is back...the only thing I saw her eat last night was a yogurt. Marge does have a problem with Jen. Marge is a self made business woman. She did not have a large family or a father that provided for her. Jen is the opposite and went straight from her father's home to marriage with a wealthy plastic surgeon. She's never worked outside the home (and some would argue that she barely works there) and spends money up the wazoo on designer duds, jewelry and spoils her kids with toys, presents and over the top birthday bashes. I don't think Marge is jealous of Jen's marriage as I think Marge looks at Jen's marriage as a transactional one and Jen as a spoiled, entitled, privileged brat. To me, Jen seems very immature...she lacks the life experiences that most young women have under their belt before they get married and started shooting out kids. She never went to college,as far as I know... never let loose like so many of us did in college with parties, sporting events and other social activities where she would have had socialization with her peers. Her social drinking skills are bush league freshman year stuff. Not exactly good role modeling for her daughters.
  14. Yesd..Leah said she wanted Grandma Tonya there. Grandma Tonya is Amber's mohter. She did not say anything about inviting Gary's mother to the party.
  15. Grandma Tonya is Amber’s mom. I remember Gary’s mom babysitting Leah too. Ever since Gary found out his mother was sleeping around and couldn’t remember who was the sperm donor that created Gary, he seems to not be involved with her at all or very little.
  16. I didn't mean it in a bad way...only that Amber's relationship with Leah is not a mother/daughter one. Amber acts more like an aunt that lives in another state and comes to visit every now and then with no real connection to Leah. Her arrogance and defiant attitude that she has "been there" for Leah and has been good mom is beyond comprehension. She's clearly delusional.
  17. Des Moines, Iowa...this couple equally got on my nerves. In the end they chose a cookie cutter house that was in the suburbs. The renovated older home was lovely and unique but boyfriend wanted a house like the boring one he grew up in. He was very uncompromising and he seemed to snear at the houses she preferred. I predict she goes back to San Francisco after a couple of years of living with him.
  18. Does anyone listen to these girls? I get that it's an easy and cost effective thing to do but really, what the hell do they have to say that I would want to waste an hour listening to? Leah did not request her other grandma be there. Gary's mom doesn't seem to be a part of her life. She seems to have little to no relationship with Gary.
  19. Amber is more of an "auntie" to Amber...not a mother at all. She's not involved in Leah's life like a true parent. Could we add narcissitic personality disorder to her long list of mental illnesses? She has zero self awareness and never puts Leah in the top spot in her life. Leah has had enough...for a 12 year old she is quite mature in her judgements of people. Kristina has done all the hard work in raising Leah...Amber was just around when she wanted to be and took her for mani/pedi's or had her over to her house where she slept most of the time. If it weren't for Gary and Kristina Leah probably would have ended up in foster care where god knows what would have happened to her. So podcasts are the new thing for these Teen Moms to do? What happened to Cheyenne's party/event planning business? Somehow I think the MTV producers concocted this endeavor for Cheyenne...why not? It worked for Kailyn on Teen Mom 2. It just seemed very scripted...thery were able to get it up and running with all the equipment in record time. And why include Corey??? What's Zach...chopped liver? She's still in love with Corey...poor Zach. How many episdoes will be devoted to Maci's PTSD? Cate and Tyler...what a sad family history of substance abuse, neglect, poor parenting and dysfunction. Tyler is an angry guy...always yelling at the kids and talking over his mother and Cate. Something's off with Nova...anyone notice her on the trampoline after Tyler disciplined her? Wow...her facial expressions and anger was kind of scary. I'm sorry, but I think if Tyler and Cate had a plan for their lives that involved goals like going back to school and working towards some kind of career, this would be something that would be beneficial to their future and to the futures of their kids. It would be good for their morale and for their general well being. They can go for all the therapy in the world but that's not going to help them if they do nothing with it and move on from all their childhood issues and confront the issues they have as adults. At some point, this show will end...it probably should have ended two seasons ago...are they prepared for a loss of this income? Have they prepared to get jobs with only high school diplomas in a job market that is technology driven? They will now have three children to support. It's sad that Tyler cannot move on and do what he needs to do and just put Butch behind him. Mac and Josh...it's like watching paint dry.
  20. Or...people are opting not to go on his show anymore. Five years ago his show was hot and he was able to get just about anyone on it...hell, even Barbra Streisand came on it! Now...not so much. His magic has worn off and his repetitive rants along with recent move towards the right has probably had an impact too. His show has a worn out and dated format...honestly, I think we are all inundated with so much news and information and panels of talking heads all day long on cable news channels that watching his show on a Friday night just seems like more of the same. And now, he's spouting right wing talking points...ugh. His lack of prep for the show and not doing his homework on the subjects he will be covering is a sure sign of him checking out and phoning it in. Also...in the last few seasons he has insulted a number of guests with personal jabs or scoldings...I've noticed none of those people have ever returned...in short...Bill has become a curmudgeonly old guy now.
  21. It is amazing that someone with a show like this doesn't take the time during the week to do some research and actually read up on a topic he is going to cover on Friday. The problem on the border is complex and multi faceted...any moron can pick a reputable newspaper or even Google it and get a pretty comprehensive bullet point type analysis of what is going on. Climate change and several devastating hurricanes last fall decimated crops and crippled the agro economy in Central America. There is very serious issue of food insecurity there coupled with a weakened economy overall, poor governmental response and the hold the drug cartels and gangs have over average working class and poor people there. Bill has become incredibly lazy in prep for his shows.. I guess it's easier to let his writers take the reins so he can sit back and smoke doobies.
  22. Well, of course! My point was that making statements that someone is negligent and /or guilty of parental alienation without first hand knowledge of the situation IS just specualtion and conjecture. These kind of statements made by people on these forums while not having any bearing on any child custody cases, are still inflammatory. We can all speculate and make judgements but until there is proof positive from a reliable source that Maci is guilty of parental alienation and neglect, which is a serious charge, it would be, at least in Bentley's best interest, to at the very least, preface such comments with "I don't know for a fact but IMO...." And now I'm bowing out of this discussion...I've already spent too much time on it and I need to move on to a Real Housewives forum for some intellectual discourse...LOL!
  23. Again...unless you are privy to their personal family issues, not just what you see on an edited TV show, I think it is prudent to not make accusations that are serious and inflammatory. Claiming that one parent is grossly negligent or is guilty of parental alienation can be used in court in custody decisions. Decisions that can be devastating to the child in question and all parties involved. I am not defending any of the behaviors of the adults on this show...they all have said and done things that are indefensible but I am certainly not going to accuse Maci of parental alienation or negligence. That is absurd.
  24. Sorry...You know all this because?...even if it is true what you’re saying or alleging, then why didn’t Ryan go to court and get joint custody or designated shared custody? If I was in his situation and felt my kid was being held from me that is what I would do. Any loving and caring parent would do that instead of making heinous accusations on a TV show and whining about it. He left the visitation request up to his mommy to do...he never called Maci or Bentley and tried to make plans...in his usual lazy ass way, he sourced it out to his mommy. Please don’t try to paint Ryan as a concerned caring father to Bentley...Maci isn’t perfect and I have disagreed with some of the discussions that she has had on camera with Bentley, but she sure as hell is a better parent to him than Ryan. Making an accusation of parental alienation is serious...it might be wise to not make such a finite and sweeping accusation of this offense of someone you don’t know personally...unless you are Mac.
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