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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. Lourdes looks like a lovely girl...LOL. Now I know where Leah got this whole converting to Judiasm schtick from...Madonna follows the Kabbalah cult. It is not a recognized branch of organized Judiasm. It is a cult like group steeped in mysticism that a lot of celebrities have flocked to. Many years ago I ordered the red bracelet that is worn by members of this group...my daughter wanted one for her friend's birthday so I ordered it...what a mistake! They called me and launched into a 20 minute sales pitch on joining them and it was bordering on being harassment. Very cultish persuasionary tactics and they called me back the next week. I didn't answer and then I blocked their calls.
  2. An orthodox Rabbi would not even have a sit down with her...she has no idea what the hell she's talking about...she's an idiot. She was having black outs during the summer when she drank in the Hamptons and it "scared" her...also her daughter quit drinking...she also had an alcohol problem and got a DUI in the Hamptons a few years ago.
  3. I am Jewish and went through conversion to Conservative Judiasm 38 years ago. I am personally insulted by her blase attitude and obvious ignorance about Judiasm and Orthodox Judiasm in particular. It's almost comical, in an infuriating way, that she sits there in an outfit with her boobs hanging out talking about converting to Orthodox Judiasm...obviously she knows NOTHING about it and is just saying this shit to have some sort of story line this season...as you pointed out. She would not be welcomed in an Orthodox Synagogue and I'm pretty damn sure an Orthodox Rabbi would turn her away pretty fast and not even have a meeting with her. Maybe a Reform Rabbi wouldn't have a problem with her but even then she would have to take classes, learn some prayers and learn rituals, etc. I had to go to the mikvah on the day of my formal conversion but I'm not sure if they do that in Reform Judiasm. Leah's just a babbling asshat and frankly, I would be shocked too if she actually went through with this...most Rabbis are pretty good at sizing up someone who really wants to convert as opposed to someone who is just having a mid life crisis moment or thinks that it must be the cool thing to do since Madonna goes to temple sometimes.
  4. I will agree with you about Lu...she could care less about anybody who isn't rich and famous. She is possibly the most entitled, privileged white woman on this franchise.
  5. Speaking as a person who DID convert to Judiasm I can say with some knowledge, that converting to the Orthodox Judiasm will not happen for Leah. She obviously knows NOTHING about the different branches of Judiasm and what it would entail for her to go through a conversion to Orthodox Judiasm...if they would even do it! I converted to Conservative Judiasm which is not as strict in ritual or practice as Orthodox. It took six months plus I had to take four months of classes. I can't even imagine the rigourous road Leah would have to travel to Orthodox conversion...and she would have to dress TOTALLY different...TOTALLY! Outfits like the one she wore last night with her boobs hanging out??? NO NO NO!!! Most Orthodox women wear longer dresses and head coverings or wigs. Leah is just a bimbo idiot...
  6. Kail is a mess. Physically and emotionally. She can move or build new houses all she wants...it's not going to change her life. All it's doing is screwing with her kids. They have no roots. She keeps uprooting them to another neighborhood, another house for what? Now she's building again...what happened to the other new build she was invovled with a few years ago? On again, off again with Baby Daddy #3...now she's admitting to abuse (physical) in the relationship. I predict she has baby #5 with Chris in a couple of years. I think MTV needs to stop enabling these women...none of them do anything to better themselves or their children. Kail thinks a bigger house and yard every year is helping her kids...wrong. She needs to get to the gym and eat better...she looks like she's close to 300 lbs...sad. How does this guy earn a living?
  7. This bunch is so trashy they make the women of Teen Mom OG look refined and polished.
  8. Yeah...maybe she woud look more professional. She is a teacher... The second one in Soest.
  9. No worries...I can be snarky AND smarmy sometimes. I think 13 months of being quarantined with my husband and son is starting to get to me. I need more me time!
  10. I wasn;'t impressed with any of the hoises but the last one was dreadful. The curent owners didn't even bother to clean up the front of the house before putting it on the market. Old 50's type of brick ranch and small rooms...ecch. The cape was cute but they would outgrow it...the pool house had been renovated so stuff was new. The pool will prove to be a pain in the ass, especially with a small child. This couple was immature and couldn't agree on much. She was quite the little princess.
  11. Can we talk about Joe Gorga's caveman 1950's Don Draper attitude about working women? And his misogynistic comment about Delores being "broken"...this guy is really a relic. He should be grateful that Melissa has her own business and is doing something productive. In a few years all her kids will be grown and gone..now's the time to develop a business and grow it. The kids aren't babies anymore...he wants her to be like his mother? I think he feels she's abandoning him and won't need him if she continues to have her business...obviously a guy that is threatened by her being independant. And the comment to Delores was just insane. I view Delores as a strong woman who was crushed by Frank's infidelity and lies but survived it and raised two great kids and moved on with her life. She's not bitter or "broken" from what I see...she seems to have a good relationship with Frank, they have a bond and a friendship. He fucked up and she was hurt but they seem to be determined to patch it up and co parent the kids. Joe Gorga just can't seem to wrap his head around the idea of a woman being her own person.
  12. These women don't fit the demographic for this kind of situation...they seem older and more into "traditional" type of man/woman relationships. It's just odd that two of these mothers have had this "arrangement" for a long time. Delores's mother seems to be over her marriage and maybe it's a religious thing with her. I don't know...Jackie's mom must have her own little nest egg that she lives on...not sure how Jennifer's mother is getting along in terms of her financial situation.
  13. Mine did the old fashioned way...contentious divorce and fights over alimony and division of property...lots of fun.
  14. What's with these moms that are literally separated from their husbands and are living in separate homes? Are they just too lazy to get divorced? It's weird...
  15. I see red flags flying all over the place with this guy...assaulted another driver because he had a bout of road rage; former fiancee had to get a restraining order...all things point to a controlling guy with a bad temper. What a catch Teresa! I'm sure the other golfers at that club were thrilled to see this spectacle.
  16. I agree about Marge and her ample bosom...it's just vulgar at this point. It's an all ladies tea...dressing like that for an afternoon tea is just totally gross and inappropriate.
  17. Whatever...Tyler just seems so angry much of the time and ungrateful. Maybe if they had been less angry and reached out in a way to B&T that wasn't resentful and bitter, things would be different between them...or maybe B&T have watched these episodes where Tyler (and Cate) come off as angry about how this arrangement is going and B&T have backed off from reaching out to them. As parents of a child that was born into a family that has drug and alcohol issues, it must be scary for B&T to wonder if this kind of genetic marker is going to be something that Carly would inherit. Also the mental health issues (Cate)...I think there has been some kind of over stepping on Tyler and Cate's part at some point where they were critical of B&T's parenting and their decisions regarding Carly. Tyler's mother even had the audacity to write them a letter complaining about them keeping Carly from her...I don't blame them one bit for treading lightly and keeping their distance from this crazy family dynamic. Dawn is over her head with this...it wouldn't hurt her to check in with Tyler and Cate a couple of times a year to see if they are OK and how they are doing in relationship with Carly...perhaps even offeriing up good advisment and some insight into how to work with B&T.
  18. Ha ha! The microblading thing was probably just done for filming. Remember when Tyler talked about going to college to get a degree in counseling because he wanted to help young kids and teens who had similar family situations like him? These two haven’t done anything but procreate except for the failed children’s clothing line. Sad. And yes...it’s time to end this franchise and TM2. Enough already.
  19. Yeah...Tyler said that about B&T but it seemed a little passive aggressive to me. He could write a simple letter to Carly like “Hi Carly...how are you doing? How’s school? Are you doing any activities? We miss hearing about your life and hope to see you sometime in the near future. I’ve enclosed some photos of Nova and Vaeda. Hope you are well and happy. Love, Tyler What’s so difficult about that?
  20. I think the criticism about Dr.Drew and Celebrity Rehab was that he was exploiting these celebrities for ratings and for his own personal medical practice. The fact that most of these celebrities did not get follow up treatment and relapsed was and is a problem with any rehab but it was amplified by having such a high profile venue on TV with well known people. It is sad that some of these people succumbed to their addictions and/or addictive behavior...as a clinician, Dr. Drew could not boast of success with this show when he had failures. Drawing on the criticism from other media and people, MTV decided to end the show rather than continue it...probably for the best so families of the participants that died can grieve in private.
  21. I agree. If ever there was a reason not to have an open adoption, or whatever they call it, it's this situation. Tyler has a enormous sense of entitlement. Brandon and Teresa have been more than generous in allowing Cate and Tyler to be apart of Carly's life yet they whine and moan about not having more access. Tyler barely acknowledges that Brandon and Teresa are the LEGAL parents of Carly...he acts like they are just babysitters to HIS child. His resentful and belligerent attitude and refusal to have any ownership of how his behavior is having an affect on Brandon and Teresa's hesistancy to reunite THEIR daughter with her bio-parents is what is keeping him and Cate from seeing her. Someone on here remarked that Tyler's remarks last night show how not having a job has impacted his growth as an adult...I couldn't agree more. They are both immature and self absorbed. Maybe they should just concentrate on the two kids and the one on the way...make their lives better, read to them, play with them and shower them with affection. Carly will be 18 in six years and she can make a decision if she wants to have a relationship with her bio family...take care of the ones that live with you and let Brandon and Teresa take care of the child that is LEGALLY theirs.
  22. They probably should have had them on separately instead of in the same room. I think MTV should have some sort of written agreement that participants will be fined or final checks will be withheld if they storm off the set of reunion shows. Taylor lives in a better house than Ryan..Ryan's house is small, cramped and sad.
  23. RIGHT??? Why would Taylor be jealous of Ryan??? OMG! Jen is just the worst enabling mother I've ever seen... and the constant weeping and sobbing is just pathetic. No wonder Ryan is the way he is...weak mother and short tempered father... both of whom who refuse to see the mess they helped to create by enabling and codependency. Bye bye...waiting for the news when Mackenzie files for divorce in a few years. He's a drug addiction specialist...and even that is questionable when he's had so many high profile failures.
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