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Everything posted by BrownBear2012

  1. Lizzie's hair always looks it was just blown out and coiffed...even in a shoot out. Never out of place and always shampooed...amazing. I walk outside and within ten minutes if there is slightest uptick in the humidity my hair goes from decent looking to a frizzy disaster but Lizzie gets shot at, is on the run and barely has time to shower, but her hair is perfection.
  2. Cooper and company are inept boobs. Megan Boone is a terrible actress. The writing sucks. Why do I keep watching this?
  3. Me too. A lot of actors were reticent about going back to work, especially those that are over 55 and have underlying conditions. Indigenous peoples have suffered greatly this past year...I can understand why they opted out for this season.
  4. I got your snark...using my words. We'll just have to agree to disagree.
  5. Jennifer is repulsive to me...the gaudy bourgeois jewelry she "earns" for having five kids, the lack of any kind of understanding of how her bad behavior including drunk girl falling down, vomiting and loudmouth drunken remarks affects her kids and then says they are "fine" with this? She says Margeret has a henpecked husband? Hers is about as lethargic and non confrontational as they get. Nice guy but totally unplugged. She needs to check herself.
  6. Luis obviously is there for the fame, the cameras, the obvious financial benefits he will reap. Teresa is so stupid...he's playing you girl...bigly.
  7. Exactly...only an entitled, privileged, mommy/daddy's girl would make a comment like that. Any woman who worked in the 50', 60's, 70's, 80's and beyond has had one or more experiences like those of Margeret and Jackie. I worked at a major university in NY in the 70's and one would think this stuff would never happen in an educational environment...wrong...saying something about it would have been career suicide. You just sucked it up and shoved it to the back of your mind and moved on. You forget...Jackie is a lawyer...she knows how to build a case and argue it. Teresa is a moron.
  8. I was thinking the same thing about Teresa...she probably never worked a day in her life at a job outside of her home. Maybe as a teenager she worked at some minimum wage summer type of job...maybe. For her to sit there and act like she would never have a problem with sexual harrassment in the workplace is too funny. And vice versa! Jennifer was backing up and fighting Teresa's fights the entire reunion.
  9. Any reputable personal trainer wouldn't be banging his clients...just sayin'.
  10. We'll just have to agree to disagree...I think it's not nearly as witty, creative and well, funny, as it was just two seasons ago. Granted being put in a white closet to do the show has been a challenge and his show was a mix of seated in studio banter and field taped material and in person interviews...both of which he has been unable to do for over a year. For me, all the pent up anger and over use of the F word just don't work.
  11. Leah: Trying too hard to be outrageous...her gross remark about a sexual act at the dinner table was an example of that. She's too thirsty and so combative about everything. It's exhausting. Very immature and needy. Sonja: Sloppy, angry drunk. No self awareness of her drinking problem and of her drunken, angry and very public outbursts...no ownership or apologies to anyone after these incidents. Ramona: Why are you apologizing to Sonja??? Why are you just brushing this off and acting like she didn't do anything? This is called enabling. Stop it. Be a true friend and stage an intervention...the sooner the better for Sonja. Luann: Quit humble bragging about having a boyfriend during COVID. Big fucking deal...you banged a "personal trainer" who then dumped you. You are a 50 something year old woman who still goes gaa gaa over any guy that even gives you a second look... and then you seem to get some perverse pleasure out of sticking it to the other women who are not presently engaged in a relationship with a man. You seem to only value yourself or think you have any worth at all unless you are with a man. And Lu...please stop saying the women are jealous of your caberet act...no one is jealous of your shitty show and bad singing...just stop.
  12. Garth looked like the kind of guy that bangs rich divorcees and uses "personal trainer" as a way to meet them and get what he can from them...sexually, financially, etc...in other words, he's a glorified gigolo.
  13. YES! To everything you said. Angry John isn't funny. Sunday night is kind of my time to relax and laugh a little especially after watching "Mare of Easttown"...From the start his take on the news of the week was witty and clever. Even tough, serious subjects were given a snarky touch that was thought provoking yet had a comedic bent that was still respectful of the seriousness of the topic being discussed. Now it's all anger, F bomb after F bomb...I don't need my blood pressure being raised after 11 PM on Sunday nights and John's show was a great way to end the weekend with great bits and droll humor. That's changed in the last year. I'm wondering if some of writers are no longer there and he's writing alot of his own material now. The Israel/Palestine piece was shoddily writen and factually inaccurate and poorly presented. Not up to his usual standards and a subject that deserves more in depth discussion and could have used more nuance. I, too, dread watching this show now and am now the only one in my home that still watches it...the other two members of my family that still live here quit watching it several episodes ago. I might be joining them.
  14. Hmmm…I heard different. I thought he said the Israeli response was disproportionate to what Hamas had done. Hamas started the bombing attacks and Israel responded appropriately in defense of their country. He did not mention that the goal of Hamas is to destroy Israel and is being supported with weapons and money by Iran…another country that supports terrorism and the destruction of Israel. It’s more what I did not hear from him about this conflict that was disturbing.
  15. This finale was trying too hard. They piled on so much it was ridiculous. They could have cut out the whole argument between Milo and Mandy about the taping over of Dynasty with a Pirates game and the silly wedding redo put together by three small children. Malek getting into three ivy leagues seemed a little over the top. Someone in his position as a teen father from a middle class family would probably apply to Penn which is a local ivy league or Princeton which isn't that faraway. Getting into five would be huge by any measure...it just seems like an over the top decision by the writers. Kevin/Madison storyline seemed inevitable...he'still pining for his first love Sophie. Randall is Rebecca's favorite and she just blurts it out? Wow...
  16. Jeremy strikes me as a classic maskhole...and I agree...Ali isn't his kid so he really isn't invested in her health. Ashley is weird...her body language and the way she talks...there's something off with her.
  17. Forgive me if I sound like an old fart...but if my daughter came home with a guy with tats on his face I would be pretty upset. Brianna seems to set the bar pretty low when it comes to boyfriends and she posted a pic of him with "future baby daddy" written on it...OMG! She'll be pregnant again and going through the same stuff with this guy who will be a no show.
  18. I agree...with everything you said. I used to really enjoy his show but I think this last season has not been very good. Too much whining and angry F bomb laden diatribes. The pandemic has kept him indoors and without his usual bits from other locales...and interviews with people that are always excellent. He really didn't do his homework on the Hamas situation in Gaza and was actually quite sloppy in his presentation. He needs to get out of his white, blank void and get back to the studio and produce some shows that are clever, well researched and funny as hell.
  19. He gave a very slanted view of the conflict...Hamas is a terrorist organization being funded financially and given weapons by Iran. The fact that they have a stronghold on the inhabitants of Gaza is always going to be a threat to the safety of Israel and Israel will always defend its borders and people...having said that, Netanyahu will continue to use this situation to win another election and delay his day in court. He's under indictment and uses the danger of weak security of Israel as a means to a political end...just as Hamas uses their attacks as a means to a political end. We can support Israel and its people but have criticism and disagreements with Netanyahu...just as we can support Palestinian people but criticize a terrorist organization that seems to have a control of their communities. I wish John had made this point.
  20. I know so many parents like Dan's father...living vicariously through their children and pushing them hard to be the "star" of whatever sport they play. And I've known quite a number of kids that never meet that expectation of the parents and take to drug or alcohol use. It was sad to see how much he had declined and how sick he was. I'm glad his son sought out Intervention and got his Dad the help in order to live...the son was beginning to repeat that pattern of behavior that his own father had with his father. He was resentful, angry, and had become the parent to his own father, role reversal. The son seemed to drink a bit himself...in fact before the intervention the whole family was sitting around the picnic table and all of them were drinking beer along with Dan. I found that odd and disconcerting.
  21. Caryn has put on some pounds...she's looking very zaftig. As for the other kids...Jeremy expressed interest a few years ago in running the farm but seems to have decided not to. I read that he and Audrey are looking to buy their own farm...Jacob has zero interest in it...probably too many bad memories there for him. Molly has her own career, husband and life in Washington state. No way is she interested in it. I guess Zach will use his TLC money because outside of the show they have no other income. Tori quit her teaching job when she got married and Zach only worked minimum wage jobs coaching soccer and working odd jobs at the soccer place. I think he might have some money from selling those step ladder things to hotels...Matt didn't want to do it anymore.
  22. I’m leaning towards John but I think there’s more to it and more people involved. In a lot of brother relationships the older brother has the upper hand and is the Alpha in the relationship. The younger brother can be weaker and more an Omega. I think that’s what’s going on here. There’s a lot of sketchy stuff going on in this town including the overdose death of Mare’s friend’s brother who mysteriously had a bag of discarded clothes that belonged to Erin or her father. They have a lot of loose ends to tie up in the finale on Sunday.
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