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Everything posted by MissLucas

  1. Poor Standish claiming MI5 does not kill its own. I wonder when that particular bomb is going off. (Well, she did add 'unless they're traitors' but I'm not sure that will make things better for her.) And Sophie Okonedo is now dealing with backstabbing female underlings in two different shows. But damn, does she rock that silver bob! Spider/Webb was such a cartoonish character that I'm glad we're rid of him. River is starting to get on my nerves. The first thing to do after Tierney called should have been to Lamb. When will he ever learn? But that awkward hug was golden. If Douglas gets killed next episode I'll cut a b*tch!
  2. Hmm, having a private beach in Hawaii without any tourists in sight would do wonders for my faith in God too. Seems any procedural must do a Rumspringa episode. The one Bones did was truly heartbreaking. Here, the writers decided to not touch upon the thorny subject of how it all would play out in the end. At least the magic hacking tablet made no appearance.
  3. They uploaded the extended versions of Hotel task on Youtube. The Sues version is of course wholesome AF. This one on the other hand comes across like the the mix of a horror movie and a psychothriller - made in the late 70s. It's genuinely unsettling.
  4. Yeah, this is going into my list of favorite seasons too. I wish the two Sues would get their own show. Their wholesomeness was a thing of beauty only topped by Greg's nauseous reactions. Julian Clary should write a book about the Art of Elegant Disdain. I'd buy it.
  5. I had always assumed 'stuff' must have happened between Mizu leaving Swordfather and the present time and that we would get some flashbacks to that time period. Did not expect a marriage story - I think furthered the characterization. This was the one time in her life that she let down her guard and laid bare all her secrets - and she was not just betrayed but also rejected as a woman. Her husband had accepted her half-blood nature but when he was faced with her wild, competitive side that did not conform to societal expectations he rejected her and called her a monster. Akemi's story required a bit more backstory. One moment she was a naive princess and the next she knew her way around brothels. But when she started to quote Ono no Komachi I just had to love her. Her refusing the fairy tale ending with Taigen was an interesting choice. I wonder how show will keep up with her in season two.
  6. So, did I - I hope Netflix axing some shows (among them one I liked) means we're getting a season 2. The creators have said in interviews that they have Mizu's story already outlined for future seasons.
  7. Dammit! It certainly had its issues but I was so looking forward to how they'd approach Six of Crows.
  8. No idea what's going on here - just happy the gods of youtube's algorithm threw this my way.
  9. I only have a Doylist (or rather Fellowsist) answer: she's this show's Dowager Countess.
  10. I'm also surprised Bertha did not have more trust in George. But in true style she weaponized his guilt for getting ahead of Turner with regards to the Duke of Buckingham. I also enjoyed McAllister squirming when he realized that Bertha forced him to choose a side. I predict he'll stay at home with the flu at opening night. I can't blame Larry - it's Laura Benanti! But it will not end well. Peggy should listen to her mother. There's always the spectre of Ida B. Wells looming over her character so I'm not particularly looking forward to how that trip to Alabama unfolds. Miss Beaton has a paid companion, was to Paris and seems rather forward for her age. If show's Oscar plays his cards right there might be a lavender wedding on the horizon. I know I'm supposed to like Ada and her sweetness but I can't help it -occasionally I find myself in deep understanding of Agnes. Loved the quiet understanding between butler and mistress during the chowder scene.
  11. Is it just me or is Higgins' magic tablet that allows hacking databases all around the globe getting even more ridiculous as before (if that's even possible). They're not even trying to hide the fact that it's just lazy writing. This show's charm is wearing thinner and thinner.
  12. Sure is quiet in here. I assume the show left everyone speechless?
  13. Oh, FFS!!! I'm getting the impression this show tries to pull off a Call the Midwife - and not just because of the Pregnancy (it deserves the capital p) - but its writers room lacks the necessary skills. Which is quite a feat considering that they have plenty of source material (like CTMW) to work with. Instead we get a Yorkshire spin-off of Full House. And why are they turning Carmody into Sheldon Cooper? The shtick of him taking everything literally - even well-known phrases - is getting old pretty fast. I'm starting to keep a veterinary tally: one blocked stomach and one unbalanced testicle. Both cases tied to the main characters and their drama.
  14. Geez, did I just see three vets wonder at a cat in distress purring? *headdesk* And yes, the James-Helen drama dragged on forever. I might have got a headache from all the subtle metaphors slamming into my brain as if Carmody had been driving their car. I know I've complained about the show not acknowledging the war but I was more thinking about rationing, black-market dealings, evacuated kids etc. Also: somewhere Tristan - who's in one of the branches of the armed forces with the highest mortality rate - might mumble something that suspiciously sounds like 'chopped liver'. And why can't Gerald's sister move in with him? Given the times that would have been the much more likely scenario. And it might still happen, because that would give the writers so many more options to torment Mrs H further - I'd bet good money said sister is a horrible character who does not want her brother to get happy. I watch this show for great landscape shots, curmudgeonly farmers and their salty wives and the occasional bit of personal drama for the main characters. But right now that ratio has been upturned. PS: I guess Scotland had only one famous poet?
  15. Pet-peeve alert: Man, I wish my laundry came out of the washing machine dried and ironed - so that I could just hang it on the washing line for cottage-core purposes. I also wish this show would have someone around consulting on simple household management issues - last season we had manure stained scrubs in the hall perfuming the whole house and now we have two women putting dry and probably brand new pieces of fabric on a washing line. As for the rest: I was also thinking someone should have talked to the farmer's wife. And maybe to the community at large - there were several women joining in the disinfecting work. It would also be helpful knowledge for the future even if the disease was rare. I liked Siegfried trying to tutor social skills - bit ironic but it did work in the end. I don't believe for one minute that Mrs Hall's divorce will proceed without a hitch.
  16. Is it bad that I had completely forgotten all about TC's girlfriend/ex?
  17. Watched the pilot and I'm not sold yet. Might give episode 2 a try. Not fond of the casting, Derfel does not carry the charisma his character needed to be such a focal point. Nimue isn't very convincing either. Too dark and drab, horrible lighting. Sluggish pacing. The costuming department seems to have repurposed items from Matrix Reloaded's infamous Zion rave scene. They had dyes for tattoos - why not for clothing? And WTF what was the bull doing there - this is Avalon not Crete. Oh so many clichés - I almost started to laugh at the wolf howls from the baddie in Derfel's last flashback scene.
  18. I have no idea where Higgins sudden obsession with Magnum's money was coming from. Or that he even had money. He has always been portrayed as someone living from paycheck to paycheck and mooching from his friends. All of a sudden he makes good money? Okay then, but why does it bother her? It's not exactly a good sign if the C plot is the most interesting one - and even if that one was pretty predictable. Katsumoto being a badass and enjoying some cooking time with a famous chef were the highlights of the episode.
  19. It was harsh - comes with the territory - but the arm crossing and sighing montages made me laugh. And we got a Pitch Meeting as well 😁
  20. Yeah, I wasn't feeling this one too. Utterly predictable from the moment Miss H entered the scene. I hate paperwork and anyone who'd take it out of my hands would get royal treatment from me. Not to mention that they are actually in dire need of administrative restructuring if they want to stay afloat. Instead of having characters act like adults and find some good middle ground they turned Miss H into an Umbridge light and Siegfried and Co into idiots. The writing was ridiculously over-the-top and ultimately nothing got resolved. I know these characters live in some sort of fantasy land where money is only an issue when it serves the plot and the war is far, far away but it's getting ridiculous. Also: What is Helen doing all day long? I thought she was responsible for paperwork? Yeah, she screwed up last week but maybe giving the person responsible for office-work an actual office instead of have them keep on top of things between dining room and kitchen would be a good idea? Even it's a suggestion by Miss H. Sheesh, I had a grumpy day and just wanted some comfort tv!
  21. IIRC that Higgins can speak Mandarin has been established before. But yeah, I forgot about that amazing high-res bird followed by 'zoom in' and Google picture search immediately coughing up the right artwork. They really packed all the bad clichés into one single scene LOL!
  22. I liked that we got to see TC's mum again. Her first appearance was a bit depressing and it was great to see that she's still doing good and managed to catch this second chance. Rick and Suzie are exhausting. The pairing initially worked for me because I'm tired of tv types like Rick dating much younger women. But I have no idea why we needed all that drama. Higgins had a fierce fight scene but otherwise the supposed A-plot was just boring. I did enjoy the last scene in front of Rick's aquarium, it had some of the silliness of the original.
  23. People who live in attics shouldn't get broody. As usual James meets a difficult situation, everybody tells him that yeah things have been tough for x but what can you do? And as soon as James tries to do something everybody tells him what he's doing wrong. And by everybody I mean Helen. And I'm sure the boy's great-grandmother is happy that she now has to live alone.
  24. Aes Sedai can't heal themselves. Back in season one Moraine needed Nynaeve's help to heal. Okay, this was all kinds of awesome. Except: did I see that right Nynaeve pushed the arrow through without first removing the fletching??? Eeek! Hello blood poisoning. Hopefully Moraine or Egwene will take care of that wound. And how much does it suck when you call for help and only the Whitecloaks show up? I mean they were pretty impressive but what the hell were the rest of the kings and queens thinking? So much to unravel: Moraine and Land being bonded again. Mat being a trickster and putting his staff fighting skills to good use (we'll ignore that last bit) and finding his true identity. Egwene keeping her word in the most gruesome way possible. But this and everything else she went through will haunt her for a good while. I thoroughly enjoyed Moraine's Battle of Blackwater moment. And I would not have thought that she has such a flair for dramatic effects. That dragon was awesome. I'm really impressed how much the show improved this season. Hopefully they can keep this up!
  25. There was a throw away line by Thrawn that he 'woke up' the Great Mothers. And we had more than one hint that some bad sh*t went down on Peridia. Bad enough for them to go into hibernation. And it seems whatever it was that caused all the destruction is still brewing and that's why they wanted to get the hell out of Dodge with Thrawn. Agreed that Filoni kept his cards way too close to the chest this season. With any other writer I would get annoyed and suspect that he himself has no idea where things are going (still bitter about 'and they have a plan') but Filoni has already given evidence that he plays a long game. I'm willing to trust him here and hope he delivers more next season YMMV.
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