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Everything posted by MissLucas

  1. We know where Luke is - he's trying to build his own Jedi temple. He's either still training Grogu or has gone finding new students after Grogu left. It's clear that he has currently other priorities than the New Republic's policy or whatever Ahsoka is up to. And I don't see why she should consult with him - clearly she does not see him as space Jesus (and rightly so). Han and Leia are hopefully enjoying some quality family time with little Ben who depending which site you consult is about 4 or 5 years old now.
  2. Kanan also said something along these lines when he tried to train Sabine. And then he complained about her being so tightly wound up and Hera added something along the lines of 'You mean so Mandalorian'. Given that very few Mandalorians ever joined the Jedi Order (and Sabine is a descendant of the first one) there might be more those observations. It's also interesting that Ahsoka insists that Sabine does not have to become a Jedi - just 'herself' - i.e. a Mandalorian. Just spitballing here - I would really like to get a flashback to what happened to Sabine and Ahsoka before. I guess that's where most of the answers to all the questions about Sabine and the Force can be found.
  3. Eh, I liked it a lot. Ahsoka standing on a fighter isn't exactly new except she did it in space this time, gambling on Shin Hati's ego - something Clone Wars Ahsoka would have done too. Loved the Purgill scene and Ahsoka asking Sabin afterwards if she was alright. It hadn't occurred to me that this was the first time Sabine saw Purgill's after Ezra's disappearance. But my favorite moment was when Ahsoka took in Huyang's warning during the fight - she realized that he was right, they wouldn't survive like this so she switched the power dynamic by asking Sabine 'What do you need?' (Not worried about Sabine's Loth-Cat, we've seen them living on Lothal's steppe throughout Rebels. It's a cat - it knows what to do.)
  4. Plenty of wood in those lush quarters, Pike even has an open fireplace for barbecues and wooden countertops.
  5. Yep! I've read some of the Austen as detective books out there. But Austen as a diamond robber, brandy smuggler, and master spy in the hands of Gaiman would be on a whole different level!
  6. It was an improvement over last season especially in regards to cutting back the tik tok inspired dialogue. @tennisgurl has already listed a lot of good points so I'm just going to nod along with most of her post before adding some thoughts of my own. I think Viren had the best character arc this season or rather the only significant one. Which is certainly a choice considering that at the end of the season it looks as if he's going to commit spiritual suicide. Ezran remained an incredibly naive and occasionally even annoying kid. Despite being king and about to hit puberty. Who's running the show when is off adventuring? And why did he keep wearing his useless crown? Callum's conflict about dark magic became only a plot point in the last two (?) episodes. There should have been more focus on that. For much of the season his character (and others) were just going through the motions. Callum's exploration of dark magic (or rather his struggle with the temptation) should have been set up as a counterpoint to Claudia. Soren did have a good plot on the ship but I was annoyed how everybody just shrugged off the Dragon Queen not showing up - especially Soren. He knew she had been injured and he had been worried about her - well, until he wasn't. The sun elves were indeed caught up in a plot that felt like it was in a different show. At least 'Blood of Child' did not refer to Claudia - I was halfway convinced she had to sacrifice herself in order to save Verin. I mean she already did that to a degree but I expected the show to go literal there.
  7. I hope it's okay to post this here. While perusing Amazon today I came across this little gem: there will be a Good Omens Tarot deck, released by the end of November! It's created by Minerva Siegel who's also done the Nightmare Before Christmas Tarot and the Labyrinth Tarot (and others based on fantasy IPs).
  8. Chapel was established in season one as someone who does not have a lot of social graces. I remember her not having the best bedside manner for a nurse either because that's her way of coping with trauma or because she's wired that way - some folks appreciate the no-nonsense approach in health care so that does not have to be a bad thing. There was also a discussion with Ortegas about her reluctance to commit. Add to that she knows she and Spock have no future (thanks Boimler!) her breaking up in the manner of ripping off a band-aid makes perfect sense. No idea how all that ties in with TOS canon, but so far she's acted in character.
  9. Agreed! For a moment I thought they'd go completely bonkers and have the Klingons do opera (since that's the only Klingon music genre I can remember) but this was so much better. Especially combined with the Klingons' outrage about their 'dishonor'.
  10. Show's giving me emotional whiplash. And I agree, even if you hate musical episodes the Klingon number all alone is worth watching the whole episode. I wonder if they checked everyone's singing talents before writing and assigning numbers. That said nobody gave me Brosnan flashbacks. My favorite was La'an's version of not quite 'Let It Go'. Christina Chong has a great voice, I wish she had gotten another big number but this was Uhura/Celie Rose Gooding's episode. But at least we got a good resolution of the Kirk/La'an plot. I liked Kirk in that scene - so far I felt more or less neutral towards the character. But man, this Enterprise racks up quite a reputation. After last week's major diplomatic incident they now infected the whole fleet with -ahem- singing and nearly caused a renewal of hostilities with the Klingons.
  11. Was I the only one who got a big grin out of Crowley trying on the Fez? The Jane Austen bits and the whole Job plot were my favorites. A couple of weeks ago I talked to a friend about the fact that nobody ever bothered about Job's wife who just got caught up in the whole gambit and was treated as plot device who uttered some defeatist lines. Finally someone gave her voice!
  12. Well, it's dark and brutal with great dialogues - so it's right on the mark. Well, almost - I wish they had left the kid in Florida. I was really hoping the episode would not go where it went because the show rarely does predictable (except when it comes to random violence). I guess after the Loretta-Rylan combo the temptation was just too big to not explore the father-daughter relationship. It might have worked had the writing for Willa provided more surprises 🤷‍♂️ Vivian Olyphant has some massive shoes to fill, Kaitlyn Dever isn't an easy act to follow. And when the writing gives you nothing but generic teenager it's no getting any easier. I had not known that Willa was TO's RL daughter before reading it here. But in the close-up shot of her sitting in the hotel bedroom I thought 'Great casting, she has TOs bone structure' - well, doh.
  13. The hot tea kettle ceremony reminded me of 'Kung Fu' - they should have made a mash-up. Once you have the dragon burnt into your wrists you're worthy of facing the mother-in-law dragon.
  14. This episode is worth rewatching just for Pike's reaction faces. Anson Mount was having a blast. When Amanda asks Spock to remove the beanie because she senses something's wrong Pike suggests going to sickbay pointing and then skedaddling towards the door which closes the moment he tries to get the hell out of Dodge - and his whole body language is 'WTF?' - it's a wonderful bit of physical comedy in the background.
  15. Hey, I wanted to see actual charades! As someone who has always been annoyed by Spock's dismissal of his human heritage and the crap his mother had to deal with I'm perfectly okay with this episode. (It's possible that I'm unfair to Spock or at least TOS Spock - it's been a while.) I'm also regarding the show as some AU version. I could not do that with Picard but for some reason it works here 🤷‍♂️ I really enjoyed Spock trying to deal with his human nature and I could feel the OCD rage about Kirk and his snack LOL! I also loved Number One, Uhura, La'an and Ortega giving him lessons how to be Spock. T'Pril and science academy fratboy were prime examples of Vulcan jerks and the reason I prefer Romulans. They never pretend their attitude is anything but disdain and don't hide behind logic. (I guess that's where the Qowat Milat's absolute candor is coming from.) That said, T'Pring had every right to feel hurt. Spock should have confided in her and the fact that he didn't was a red flag. Not sure where thing will go with Chapel but I think they did a good job with establishing the attraction the two of them felt. And good for Chapel to give science academy fratboy the finger - so to speak. Aliens of the week were an amusing take on unhelpful helplines and the visual effects were great and certainly in line with TOS aesthetics (but rendered with today's means).
  16. The Mandalorian had several non-Force sensitive folks wielding the Darksaber (as did Sabine in Rebels) so I guess this is a thing now. I'm more intrigued by the implied conflict between Ahsoka and Sabine. At the end of Rebels it looked as if they were in a good place but apparently that scene was more ambiguous than it seemed.
  17. If Spock could not read the tablet with his info because he was dyslexic/it was not in his native language, what was everybody else's excuse? Was literacy on the list of things you lose in the forgetting?
  18. Maybe Zac was a history buff and had artistic talent? Not sure why people get worked up about the picture of Alexander the Great but not the gothic church standing in for a palace.
  19. Eh, I liked it - great premise with some plot holes if you start to think about it - pretty much most of TOS and even some TNG. Did we ever get an explanation for that sign La'an and M'Benga give each other with their fingers wiping below an eye? They did it for the first time in the pilot (and probably in other episodes that I forgot)? I keep enjoying those glimpses we get of the crew's quarters or rather the officers'. Uhura's little alcove looked cute but compared to Ortega's quarter not to mention Pike's - pfff. Anyhow this show got the best digs of all new tv Trek.
  20. I kinda liked it - but maybe that was because it felt as if everybody was having fun during these scenes 🤷‍♂️ Sure, it's not Ocean's Eleven or any of the many movies/shows that pulled off this stunt before but it was a nice change of pace.
  21. I'm just glad I'm not the only one who got confused by that last scene. I checked a recap to see if I had missed something. Nope, seems some stuff ended up on the cutting room floor. I've also spent quite some time rolling my eyes about Ciri's 'disguise' in previous episodes when simply dying her hair would have been way more efficient.
  22. Eh, timecops are jerks who care for nothing beyond keeping the timeline intact. That seems to be the one constant when it comes to time travelling plots.
  23. I like La'an but I think there could have been better ways to explore the toll of her heritage. I also wonder if her new-found clarity will survive the next episode. Also: sci-fi shows without a Tardis in the opening credits should give time-travel a rest for a decade or two. I loved the intro though I do hope the future is better at sound-proofing!
  24. Sorry, the show's not on my watchlist but I'm sure I'd agree with everything @BlackberryJam said if I had seen those marvelous creations 😁
  25. Maybe I had too much bloodwine but I liked it 🤷‍♂️ After everything that went down in this franchise's cinematic universe and in DISCO I really don't care for canon anymore and look at this as its own stand-alone show. From that POV it was quite intriguing to see that Mbenga and Chapel have a dark back story complete with some PTSD. And I find this version of Spock more interesting than classical Spock *shields up* because he seems more human. It's also possible that I simply liked it because Spock's 'Steal the Enterprise' gave me fond Leverage flashbacks.
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