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Everything posted by proserpina65

  1. If I was going into a marriage with a large fortune or house or a lot of assets I'd earned myself, I'd probably want to protect that and insist on a pre-nup, and I'd respect someone asking me to do the same. But in Isaac's case, it's not like Nigel could spend the money without him agreeing because Sam would never do that. Prince died at his home in Minnesota, so obviously if he was a ghost, that's where he'd be. He seems like someone who had a lot of unfinished business when he died, so I'm betting he'd be a ghost by the Ghost Rules of the show. I'm hoping he wasn't making full cakes, just mini ones in various flavors. I'm with Isaac, carrot cake rules. It's not the most practical thing for a wedding cake, but then they're only going to be smelling it. That's why the flavor is so important. Carrot cake has a wonderful spicy scent. Honestly I barely noticed. I just accepted it. I'm glad they didn't get a younger actress. That was my favorite line, and this was an episode with included "fyorgy". They could be dessert selections if there are guests at the B&B. I've eaten there! (Edited to note that I just looked at the menu for Fraunces Tavern and they have the right idea: the desserts are listed first!) Since they can't eat the cake, it's the smell that's important, and carrot cake is more fragrant than a lot of other flavors. Definitely more than what usually gets used as wedding cake. Yep, now I want carrot cake.
  2. I definitely thought he was up to no good. Glad he wasn't, because that would've been a huge cliche. This episode was definitely better than the one they ran as the second episode. I have to admit, I have very little familiarity with the Mt. Shasta area so it looked fine to me, but I would appreciate Colter hunting down someone in a different terrain next time.
  3. You didn't notice his fist-pumping at the end of the game? How did you manage that? I don't mind some celebration but that went into OTT asshole territory, imo. Maybe if I'd won my game, I might've been like that but I'd like to think I wouldn't have. As it happened, I was just trying not to burst into tears when I lost. I didn't even notice the hair/mustache issue until posters here pointed it out.
  4. Well, that was a mostly unfunny show. Don't know who Sydney Sweeney is, and this didn't inspire me to make an effort to find out. And enough with the "Biden's so old" jokes; they were funny once but they lost their humor months ago. Kacey Musgraves was good, though. This was literally the only time I laughed during the entire show. I'd vote for that. Consistently bad, maybe. I do but only because I've been watching his current show, Tracker, because I liked the premise of it. Had no idea who he was before that. He is easy on the eyes. That is the perfect description of his acting. I think the police require warrants to do that. The dating apps at least. From what I've read about Air BnB disasters online, I'd never stay in one. Given that being "hot" seems to be all she has going for her, they should've leaned into it more.
  5. I haven't like Kasie from day one, and episodes like this one do not help that at all. To me, she makes her really annoying. Not that I was a big fan of Abby either, with her gazillion quirks. Can't they find some forensic scientists who aren't weird?
  6. I saw Richard Lewis onstage in Philly around the time that Anything But Love was on tv. His routine was very dark, but so, so damned funny.
  7. Last night, it was his entire "I'm smarter than everyone else" demeanor, which was also his attitude on his original shows. Plus, of course his shitting all over Jeopardy after his first appearances. No, he just has a lot of twitches and gestures and extraneous mouth movements which many of us found annoying. Although I suppose those could primarily be due to a medical condition. I wasn't rooting for him, but would've been thrilled had he won. It was Brian Henegar (who is on tomorrow) who had what some thought was a resemblance to Hitler, but it was his hairstyle more than the mustache, I think. I wondered if there was. I changed the channel as soon as Yogesh won so I didn't see. Doesn't surprise me at all. He definitely does, judging by his picture on the Jeopardy site.
  8. Yogesh can just fuck the hell right off. What an asshole.
  9. I always felt rather sorry for Medea, so a more complex version than usual sounds interesting. Might have to check it out.
  10. I enjoyed it, mostly the non-romance parts you mention, but I absolutely think that "romance" was dull as dirt and her character was much better off with the man she married.
  11. I always assume there's a physical reason for it when a contestant sways like that. Mostly because I probably did during my game and in my case, it was the need to shift my weight from one foot to the other in order to stand comfortably.
  12. I adore the Pre-Raphaelites, especially Waterhouse, so that FJ was an instaget. I'm so sad that Cris lost but Jared did what he absolutely had to do to win, so good for him. Really, any of those contestants would've been fine, but Cris is so cute. 😪 I think Jared finally managed to get faster on the buzzer in DJ and then he hit both DDs and bet big. I'm not familiar with that particular painting but the time period and the inclusion of the RAA's love of the artist screamed Raphael to me. But then again, art history is a great subject for me and I especially love the Pre-Raphaelites. (Side note: if you're ever in the vicinity of Wilmington, Delaware, and need something to fill a few hours, the Delaware Museum of Art has a collection of Pre-Raphaelite paintings.) Not sure about the Millais Ophelia, but Henry Wallis' Death of Chatterton was mentioned in one of the early Richard Jury mysteries by Martha Grimes. I got all of them except Boston. For some reason I thought the band member on the far left was Steve Perry and said Journey instead, despite the mention of Massachusetts in the clue. D'oh. I found Jake to be incredibly annoying, so I'm rooting for Nick, who I don't actually remember at all. But even Jake would be better than Yogesh. I usually do okay with military history clues but not this one. I said nuclear submarine. I knew the year had to be significant but I just couldn't make it work. This despite having watched Bridge of Spies, which involved the effort to get Francis Gary Powers back. I was rooting for Yungshang but David was an acceptable winner too. Didn't care for Hannah during her original run and still don't.
  13. Say what you will about the David Lynch film, but Kyle MacLachlan at least had presence. Although he was no Sting in a leather bikini.
  14. Exactly. I probably knew it from flight attendants' safety briefings as well - I always pay attention to those - but it's been more than a decade since I last was on a plane so I forgot.
  15. That storyline pretty much only existed so that Brad Pitt didn't have to play a gay man.
  16. I don't get the appeal of Timothee Chalamet at all. To be fair, I've never actually seen him in anything except two SNL episodes, so maybe he's a fantastic actor. But I look at him and see this insubstantial dweeb and wonder why he keeps getting cast in things.
  17. I learned that one should never inflate their emergency life vest before exited a plane which made a water landing/crash from an episode of Air Disasters. Hopefully I'll never need this information (other than as an answer on Common Knowledge) but it's good to know, I guess.
  18. Vegan cheese is an abomination, so I'm surprised that Switzerland allows it to be called "cheese".
  19. I was so excited to see Pop Culture Dragons as a category, and then I only got 2 correct. Pooey! When will there be an end, Michelangelo?!?!?!?!?
  20. All of them, according to cats.
  21. You are correct - the second movie must always Electric Boogaloo. Always. Even Oppenheimer II: Electric Boogaloo.
  22. While the courthouse employee part of me was going "That's not how jury selection works!", the rest of this episode was so entertaining that it ended up not bothering me one whit. I especially loved the puppets.
  23. Other than FJ I did pretty well. Ran 40 Years Ago (no, 1984 can't be that long ago!!!!), Advertising Slogans, From Page To Scream and How Many Times. Got all but one clue in World Capitals, Literary Subtitles, New Word, Brit Speak, Dance and Before WWI. The stumpers I got were Slaughterhouse 5 (if it's Vonnegut, it's almost always Slaughterhouse 5), John Belushi, Scott Hamilton, Cheez It, Henry James, liquor store, bounce the ball and Sultan. Somehow instead of Zagreb I came up with Ulan Bator; Mongols clearly made me think of Mongolia but not someplace they'd have attacked. The Brit Speak clue I missed was Constable. Between my admiration for his work and my having seen every episode of Midsomer Murders, I should've gotten that one but no, I said "bobby" instead. Oy. Also, I shouldn't have missed Cotswolds in the Dance category but I could not pull that out of my brain. 1984 was my very first election since I'd turned 18 the year before. So I never miss Walter Mondale clues because he is the first candidate for whom I ever voted.
  24. That was one wicked hard FJ. I think the only way to get it was either know enough Italian or know a lot about Monticello. Neither of those applied to me, so I was stuck trying to come up with towns near Florence and all I had was Siena and San Gimignano, both of which I knew were incorrect. I was sort of rooting for Jesse but would've been fine with any of the three winning, so yay, Deb!
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