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Everything posted by PrincessEnnui

  1. It's funny you say that XIII lacks direction because I felt herded through most of it. Its not a bad thing either. In XII, there was more latitude in exploring, but because of the randomized drops/loot system and numerous sidequests, it was easy to lose the narrative. It's kind of funny to note the pendulum swings in exploration between linear and freedom in X, XII, and XIII. XIII-2 and Lightning Returns is the opposite, there's more choice and more freedom in regard to exploring. I had no idea that Curtain Call was out. I badly want it, but I am in no way done with the first one. I think I only unlocked like two secret characters. The dark notes are much too fast for me.
  2. Levi and Mikasa prove why they are the strongest characters on the show. Levi utterly devastates the Female Titan and the three flee. Meanwhile, for the families and comrades left behind, there is only dashed hopes and grief... Poor Squad Levi. Death by titan and then crushed... And then Petra's father shows up to unintentionally knife twist. The scene where the regiment returned was well done. Forgot to mention, bad leadership alert. I think a more empathic response like the second one (where Levi gives the guy the wings of freedom) would not have led to the dumping. Armin is a smart one, no? I think we know who will be in military leadership in the future, assuming he lives long enough.
  3. That's true. Regardless though, I think all former designers add something before and after their turn on the show. I think contestants like Malan and Elise(?) and Terri, (IIRC) all of whom were pretty reputable before PR, got on the show in the first place to lend credibility to the show. I think their oustings was also a way of showing that the competition is just that tough. I don't think PR attracts designers like that anymore, if they do, they certainly aren't casting them.
  4. Not trying to knock anyone or any company, but back in the day there was like seven or eight different consoles available and companies made their games available for all of them... It didn't end well, come Christmas time. No one could remember who owned which console. I, too, am a Sony girl. I bought a used 250gb PS3 two years ago. It's a tank and sees plenty of use. I intend to buy a PS4 sooner or later. I find it best to just wait for a price drop and greatest hit prices. Meh, I can wait. XD
  5. I am the biggest fan of Final Fantasy. It is the reason I own a 3DS and a PSP. I got those specifically for Theatrhythm and Crisis Core respectively, though I love Square in general. :) Enjoy your playthrough of X. I think of all the FFs I've played, X is the most well rounded in regard to characterization, story, gameplay, and music. My personal favorite is XIII-2. I know XIII is divisive as a whole and XIII-2 even more so, but there's something beautiful and epic about it.
  6. Topanga, I am definitely judging that. >=) I always considered One Way Or Another a guilty pleasure... Then I found out it was by Blondie. Please excuse my ignorance. X)
  7. Didn't he say all that when he his hands were regenning though? I don't know if the Female Titan was healing up other wounds though, but I would have booked it as soon as I saw Eren transform. I guess she showed him though, so to speak. I do actually get Eva overtones. That said, I think the characters are far more savvy (and considerably less selfish) than Eva characters at large. Hearing that the manga creator based this series on an inability to communicate with another person, I am not surprised there's a bit of overlap here and there. I also would not be surprised if the battle between the Female Titan and the Rogue Titan was animated based in part on one of the battles from Eva. I really did half expect Eren to start eating her...
  8. You can't really blame the kid. He's 15, emotional enough as it is. Watching the people you're trying to have faith in die horrible deaths, knowing you have the power at the very least to act, is rough. Mikasa is the same way, so its not just him either.
  9. Erwin realizes it was a mistake to assume all titans have abilities like Eren. The mission was in vain. Meanwhile, the Female Titan is chasing Eren with all her might. Eren wants to transform and fight the titan, but the Team Levi urges him to flee. They will take on the titan themselves... Flitting from trust to doubt, Eren watches Team Levi fight...and fail... He transforms to fight the Female Titan, human grief and rage personified. Wow, that was intense. There was something intimate about the fight, maybe because of the generic-ness of the fighters. Eren got eaten again, Mikasa got pissed again.
  10. Indeed. I am wondering if they're doing the whole manga or just the first arc. I like the first arc, but its been done before to say the least. It was nice to see Sailor V though. I've got to say, that was the lamest fight I've ever seen. Seriously? Zoisite knocked out three senshi in one move, did serious damage to Tuxedo Mask in two, and choked out Sailor Moon. Most of which could have been avoided by doing a sidestep or jumping away or elbowing in Sailor Moon's case. Ugh, stupid. It bugs me in shoujo manga and anime were the most basic (primal even) self defense is not used. Sometimes all the craziness can be stopped with a little violence from your end heroines.
  11. I just got back from watching Annabelle. I walked out after this happened: I got so irate, that I whispered "Fuckin' movie." and left.
  12. I caught the beginning of Case 39 on TV this morning. Renee Zellweger stars as a social worker who adopts a young girl from her murderous parents. Turns out the girl's parents had a very good reason to cooktize (tm Deep Blue Sea) the girl... There's this scene near the middle where Renee is terrorized by a demon that looks like something out of Courage the Cowardly Dog. Renee's character is tormented so badly, she's forced to hide under her bed. The demon kicks in her door and enters her bedroom ominously. It stomps over to the bed and then... It turns on the charm! It gives her to the count of three, in it's most innocent, childlike voice, to come out and give in to it's demands. The whole time, the camera is focused on Renee's bloated, wrinkled face (she seriously looked awful in this movie, sorry). Her eyes are like saucers and she's shivering with fright. Courage the Cowardly Dog is the only thing I can compare it to. I laughed so hard at this in the theater. I laugh every time I watch it on TV.
  13. I wonder if we will ever find out what happened to the first group of people the vampire vampire killers saved. I have lost all interest in Eph and Nora and I screamed in joy when Nora's mother ended up as a vampire chow. I hope Eph and Nora meet the same fate. The show would be much more enjoyable with Abraham, Fet and Dutch, if the latter two can stop flirting with each other long enough to focus. Ugh, if only. Also, Eph is incompetent. He couldn't get to the crux of the issue? Their video and statement looked like a hoax. With all the looting and chaos going on, I don't even know if anyone would pay attention to it anyway. Even using the emergency broadcasting service.
  14. OK, thanks! That makes more sense. I am curious about the whole mission now. Was the military expecting the Female Titan or the other two? I don't think the restraints they used on the Female Titan would be enough to slow either the Colossal or Armored Titan.
  15. With the Female Titan caught, Erwin and Levi attempt to figure out who she really is. Unfortunately, the Female Titan knows quite a few tricks... Meanwhile, the others have finally have caught on to the plan. There are more people like Eren in the military... Damn. Things just got real! Levi and Erwin mentioned something about the trial. Has the military been searching for people like Eren since then?
  16. Levi finally gives an order in response to his frightened team, "Cover your ears." He fires off a noise shot and reminds the team to stay on mission, even if it means being in the dark and leaving others behind to the mercy of the Female Titan. In his panic, Eren tries to transform, only to be asked to trust Levi and the others. It makes Eren remember the time when there was no trust between any of them.
  17. The new episode is up, in case anyone's forgotten. Before I say anything about the current episode, let me first say the next episode looks a little bit off model. This episode was a little strange. Usagi (I keep calling her Serena in my head!) all but tells Tuxedo Mask that she's Sailor Moon and then says she can't transform in front of him revealing her identity. What? At least now she knows. And Mamoru is a little creepy, no? Also, we get a three second appearance of Venus! And it seems the abilities of the scouts are a lot more flexible this time. Look at Mercury go. XD Usagi of the manga is much better than her original anime incarnation, as is Rei. The difference is near night and day. I glad that this blow up is the worst it has gotten and it was more of a dramatic storming away.
  18. Am I the only who thinks Fet and Dutch being released meant being followed!? Its not like they're trying to hide, but still... Eph and Norah are judgmental assholes for two people having an affair. Chasing off people looking to help you out is dumb. Then again both have shown themselves to be very stupid. Hope they both die. Anyway, I glad the wife is out of the picture. How much longer do we have to put up with Eph's stupid family drama. I wanna see some action, I wanna see the real vampire vampire hunters. They managed to be more interesting in two minutes than everyone except Fet and the elderly gentleman (can't begin to spell his name).
  19. The Female Titan continues her deadly trek through the Scouts. Armin and the other recruits realize she's no mere abnormal titan. The scouts themselves are headed directly into a massive forest, causing everyone to question their superiors and orders. I think this is my favorite episode. Its intense. Jean totally would be executed or discharged in most other armies. He also looks very similar to the one guy with Levi. The Female Titan is the scariest titan. Her kills... *shudder* Having your main weapon (so to speak) turned against you? ...Brrr...
  20. Didn't Rupaul actually guest judge on one of the seasons of PR? I am thinking Season 5 on the Drag Queen challenge which gave us Chris March as an Operatic Valkyrie Fat Lady... XD
  21. I don't think it was tacky. Everyone was talking about how they placed and how much Alexander McQueen's name had been tossed around. She added she wanted to win and that she didn't think hers was comparable to any other designers which was why she should win. Maybe her remark wasn't tactful, but to me it wasn't tacky. Its not like she said anything the other designers couldn't figure out on their own. What's the point of being a designer if you're just following someone else. The show had an underlying bullying component a la season 8 of PR with one of the designers Nick Verroes mentored, Natasha. It was very reminiscent of Michael Costello and accusations he couldn't sew. Not helped by the fact that other designer mentors Mondo (season 8) and Anya (season 9? Chick that actually can't sew and still won) got in on it. Nick was also treated somewhat disdainfully as well. Tim Gunn got on and has done interviews condoning the treatment. going to replicate another famous designer? Santino from Season 2. Kara's jumpsuit or sweatpants were bursting at the seams. It poorly designed (IMO) and poorly constructed, but the judges ate it up... Edited because upon rereading, I couldn't understand what I wrote. How could anyone else? :)
  22. How dare Sandhya(sp?) want to be her own designer! How dare she want to leave her own thumbprint on the fashion world! [/sarcasm] Why is it that the second someone says they want to be their own man/woman, whatever, someone else objects to their expression of individuality. I liked Sandhya's design, but I am tired of jumpsuits. I still remember someone from a previous season being raked over the coals for doing one. Now it seems that is all the designers can do. :D I like Kini's, but I think a shade of red or blue mixed with the black would have served him well. *shrug* I am not fashionable though.
  23. I guess it was worth the wait. I can't believe we have to wait two weeks. Its seems like the show is hitting it's stride. :) I think the Jadite, Nephrite(sp?) et al are going to defect. They both looked into the eyes of the senshi and felt something. If what I read is true, they used to serve under Endymion(sp?) and conceptually were involved with the 4 inner scouts... I think they'll make it out of this alive.
  24. I don't think winners should come back regardless. You had your chance! *shoos winners away from All-Stars*
  25. I am no fan of JA, but cheating is my berserk button. The reason being as a child I used to watch Forensic Files and other true crimes shows and even then I noticed a lot of the conflicts which led to murder centered on affairs. Not only that but a good way to trigger a domestic incident is the mere accusation of it. It will always be unforgivable in my mind. Its not just famous people either, historical figures and fictional characters draw my ire as well. More than that I have always HATED Angelina Jolie, that she is a serial cheater and is constantly fawned upon in the media as Bennifer 2.0 with Pitt just inflames it. That horse faced Julia Roberts and that worthless hack Alicia Keys ain't gettin' a pass either. I am sorry, I just can't. Don't get me wrong either, I hate their husbands too.
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