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Everything posted by PrincessEnnui

  1. This is some truly awful pacing on behalf of the animation studio. To quote Brian from Family Guy, "Nothing's happening.... Nothing's happening......Nothing's happening..." Do something! There should be a rule on action shows about not having any given fight go longer than 2-3 episodes max. I honestly don't know how long ago episode-wise the Sasori battle started, but its dull as hell. I wish Team Gai and the remainder of Team 7 would come back. Lathspel, you should know by now that nothing in this show makes sense. :) I know its a sound effects deal, but this is the (sequel) show that said a young boy should retrieve a puppy from the river, when neither could swim and with no help insight.
  2. Thanks. There's so many celebs hawking credit card(s) these days I must have confused them.
  3. The discussion in the "The World the Girl Saw..." thread inspired me to post this. So... This past episode mentioned that Mikasa was the last of the Asians. More specifically, that some Asian people fled (t)here... That implies there are other places they could have fled, right? Plus, what is with the scout regiment leaving the city as seen in the first episode? As the crowd noted, there was no reason to leave the safety of the city. They must be looking for something and I think its other people.
  4. I really hate the Tina Fey Chase credit card commercials. Its not cute or charming and she sure doesn't seem like a modern day every woman. Not only does she come off as seriously annoying, it really makes her look like she's just straight up bothering the people performing services for her. Its especially galling when she eats the damn potpourri! Really?
  5. Doesn't she (and the professor) make an effort not to read minds though? Covering the writers' asses--er, ethics and such. I have to agree about Michael Fassbender though. Every time he was on screen all I could think was "Wow," and smirk. I think the X-Men movies are really jacked up though. I liked this entry though. I don't know of a series this fragmented in writing that wasn't supposed to be completely separate entries. I just don't want to hear anything about Wolverine! FFS no more WOLVERINE! Also, I don't think Magneto is supposed to be Peter's father. It looked like more of a wink to the audience members who knew about the comics.
  6. I don't know, Attack on Titan at least gives you hope. In Deadman Wonderland, things look up for a second, then the writer yanks all that hope away. I've seen worse though, Bokurano for example. If I remember right, it seems the popular thing in stories (in Japan) is to make the characters suffer. By the by, I noticed there was no prologue this ep and I am certain there is one in this episode. I hope the dub keeps this up. I don't need to be reminded what the current arc is.
  7. Mikasa takes out the "Late for School" Titan and then the remembers her past with Eren. As creepy as I found that titan she takes out in the beginning, I laughed the entire time. Also note that same titan took someone out by running. XD I also can't believe that crowd of people didn't force their way through. The guys pushing the cart didn't seem armed or threatening in anyway besides social pecking order. I also can't believe that Eren was acting on his own when he took out the would be kidnappers. There's story there that hasn't been delved into. ETA: Cranberry, please be feel free to fold this into the Season 1 thread if you feel it necessary. I am not certain of how the forum(s) operate.
  8. Can the Charlie Brown sketch where all his friends are dancing in Hell with the Devil count? And what about Fumbles?
  9. I liked those songs to, but I really enjoyed the ost for the dub too. I think the one(s) that stood out the most was the one called "Sadness." But my favorite one was the television version of a "Memory Away." It was the song that played when Amy was going to leave for boarding school (or whatever it was).
  10. The parents from The Squid and the Whale. They divorce at the beginning of the movie and seem not to mind playing favorites and ignoring their children's need. For your consideration, the wife constantly cheats on the husband, occassionally with the father of her oldest son's best friend. The son and his best friend later find out. The father feeds his oldest son's misogyny. Neither of the parents pay attention to the youngest who consistently steals their beer and became a sexual deviant (masturbating in public places and smearing his semen on library books and lockers). It takes the oldest getting caught plagiarizing Pink Flloyd and the youngest getting caught smearing to wake the parents up.
  11. So, it looks like there won't be any new episodes until 2015. I feel mixed about this. I am glad the studio didn't go the filler route. Naruto had awful filler and the Bleach filler in the later seasons confused me, since I couldn't watch weekly. But I feel like the most studios don't use filler correctly, some of the better episodes of Paranoia Agent were filler after all. Also, the studio talks with the creator of the series (or maybe its the reverse) about important events in the story. If that's the case, I am curious if things that couldn't be implemented in the manga will make it in the series.
  12. I dunno, the 3D system doesn't seem any different than Batman's grappling hooks. I thought the whole thing was implemented pretty well in the story. I also think its a lot better than the bird and monkey runs in other series (Naruto). I sent you a pm to answer your other question.
  13. Ha! I knew Moe Titan would be on tumblr as soon as I saw it. Even though some are derpy, I still find some them terrifying. The ones that move quickly, like the one that snapped up the blonde kid? Brrr...
  14. I haven't read that one, I've heard its quite the tale though. In fact, I've had a difficult time trying to find translated versions of any epics other then the Greek epics and Beowulf. I buy mostly from brick and mortor stores though. I tried searching for them online, but sometimes all I end up with is essays and examinations and being unsure of what to get. Where did you find your copy? Have you read The Bamboo Cutter's Daughter? I really want a copy of it to read. (>_<) I am also curious if you noticed any overlap, like there was a story in Grimm's Fairy Tales that was straight from Arabian Nights. I need to look up it title, but it was clearly modeled from Ali Baba and the Fourty Thieves.
  15. Yay! Greetings all. I am a transplant from TWoP and I started watching the show on Toonami. I am glad such a phenomenal show made its way there and not a languishing and questionable fate elsewhere. Best action shows on Earth, indeed. Anyway, I have been an anime/manga fan since middle school. I also like video games. And I very pleased to meet all of you and look forward to reading through your reactions, theories, complaints and compliments on the show.
  16. Does anyone read books of this nature? I love 'em. I read Aesop's Fable, The Odyssey, Tales from the Arabian Night and Grimm's Fairy Tales over the Winter. Except for the Arabian Nights, they were all wonderful and inspiring, if dark. I thought Arabian Nights was pretty boring, so I am glad there were only 20 short stories in there. Sinbad and Alladin were big disappointments. The others were cool though. I ended up buying collections of Norse mythology, Hans Christian Anderson and Chinese mythology. When I checked out, the cashier asked if I was a teacher. Again. Heh. Does anyone have any good reccomendations? Or things to stay away from?
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